Chapter 18:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Skychild, please be careful! I don't want you to fall over the edge!" Link heard.

"I know! I know already!" A younger males voice chimed.

A world of reds, oranges, blues, and purples, surrounded the knight as he stood in a field of red grass. He looked up at the trees seeing blue leaves. The sky though was a beautiful purple that had white clouds everywhere. He turned to the voices seeing a olive toned man that had white hair, his face was blurred, but the smaller one beside him made Link's heart stop.

He was sure that it was him, or at least that what it looked like. A dirty blonde cloaked in green stood beside the olive skinned man standing a whole head shorter than the other.

"So, what do you wish to do today skychild?" The blurred man asked.

"How about we start back where we were so rudely interuppted." The blonde whispered before squeaking in surprise as he was lifted up high into the air with ease.

Link blushed and turned away from the scene observing the area. A dark castle loomed before him casting a unsightly shadow over him as he stared at the stars that were starting to appear. Where am I? Link thought confused.

"I love you skychild." The blurred man stated as Link balled his hands.

" I love you too, my handsome dark lord." The blonde stated.


Link gasped awake and sat up suddenly at the loud noise. His eyes flew about his surroundings no longer seeing the strange world he was just apart of. His held breath was finally released and he panted lightly as he looked around confused till he felt Sidon's arm tighten around his waist. He looked at the prince confused till he finally saw what made the loud noise that drew him from his strange dream.

Sidon, being as large as he is, accidently knocked over the nightstand with his foot. A blue vase that held a pretty yellow Lily had shattered as it made contact with the floor.

Link sighed and looked at Sidon as he curled back up against his chest. He couldn't sleep now. That strange dream seemed to vivid to have been just a dream. He watched Sidon's chest rise and fall slowly as the night stretched on. He placed his hand gently on his chest feeling the Zora's heart beating slowly against his palm.

Link could only smile as he felt Sidon's arms tighten around him. It made him happy to feel this much love and care. He nuzzled Sidon's chest a little making the big guy purr and smile.

"You know if you wanted some midnight loving you could have just asked." Sidon stated half asleep as he tightened his hold on Link.

"If I had asked how would you know when you're asleep?" Link stated smirking.

Sidon hummed and pried an eye open before looking at the small one beside him," touché."

Link chuckled before stretching up and pressing a kiss to Sidon's cheek. The Zora purred and opened his other eye slightly before he rolled on top of the hylain pinning him in against the hammock the were using. Both smiled before pressing their lips together hungry for one another.

Closer. Link slipped his arms around Sidon's neck as his lovers tongue slipped into his mouth. Closer. Link cupped Sidon's face as his cheeks flushed darkly feeling the wet muscle caress his teeth and gums. Closer! Link tightened his arms around Sidon's neck making the Zora smirk.

He broke away with a little blush of his own before staring into Link's lust filled eyes. He smirked and took the hylain's chin growling softly.

"Sharkbait, you have to calm down. If you don't stop, I won't stop either." Sidon whispered into Link' ear.

Link swallowed hard before he panted softly. He was right. They had to stop before things escalated even further. But Hylia that was a very tempting thought.

He swallowed hard once more before gripping Sidon's broad shoulders. The ocean eyes sealed themselves shut as the owner focused on his breathing. 

Sidon smiled and rolled, dragging Link a top of his chest. Sleep pulled at the Zora's mind once more as he wrapped Link up in his arms. Link focused on his breathing though hoping to keep himself level headed.

He had to admit, he had really bad timing to get turned on. He snuggled against his prince sighing softly as he finally cooled off. His body finally relaxed, but his mind wasn't ready to sleep. He wanted answers, and only knew that the one person who could give them to him wouldn't respond.

"Sharkbait go to sleep." Sidon muttered as he ran his clawed fingers through the blonde locks he adored.

Link wanted to, but if he were to be honest he was scared to fall back asleep. What would he dream next? He swallowed hard before closing his eyes gently letting the darkness engulf his alert mind. His mind was instantly being clawed at by the warmth his partner provided.

He snuggled his face against his lovers scales, smiling ever so slightly as sleep finally dragged him down into his own dreamless oblivion.

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