Chapter 6:

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~~no ones pov~~

A week and a half went by after that heavenly morning. Link and Sidon were always seen going to the reservoir and wouldn't get back till nightfall each time. Sidon's teachers were becoming infuriated with their prince's absences, but Sidon didn't care about his studies, he only cared about his sharkbait.

"Hey Link, wanna sleep in my room tonight? You won't get billed for it unlike that inn." Sidon asked curious as he remembered trying to fall asleep in Link's room one night. It didn't work all that well.

Link only blushed, that meant one thing; sharing a bed together. Was he ready for such a big step when their hidden relationship only began? Link bit his bottom lip then shrugged. Sidon smiled and stopped them on their walk before kneeling down and taking the smaller ones shoulders." It's ok if you don't. I don't mind. I was just think of you and your rupees. You must not have a lot after this week."

Link deadpanned considering that, that was indeed true. His pockets and pouches were almost emptied dry and Link didn't want to admit it. Sidon could see through the tough guy act though and nuzzled his Hylian's chubby cheek," You don't need to be embarrassed Link."

Link blew his cheeks up then pointed at the shark like zora," You better not do anything too crazy." Sidon nodded and placed one hand over his heart while his tail wagged back and forth in glee.

"Of course not Link! I wouldn't dare unless I have your permission." Sidon stated as he lowered himself into the resevoir.

The two began to float. Link smiled as he settled against his giant. Sidon's cold scales mixed with the warm sun were warm and inviting against Link's skin.

In fact he loved days like this, where him and Sidon would just float and enjoy each others presence with a occasional kiss or two. Link so far was about to go for his second kiss when felt a chill go up his spine. He pushed himself up and looked around before feeling Sidon's hand press against his lower back.

"What's wrong sharkbait?" Sidon questioned concerned as Link's cold and alerted eyes showed for the first time in forever. He hadn't seen those eyes ever since his joined attack with the hero on Vah Ruta. Honestly he didn't like that look on his little one.

Sidon rubbed his back softly before trailing a claw of his down Link's soft back. A jolt went up his spine and he looked at Sidon blushing once he snapped from his search.

"You okay?" Sidon re-asked.

Link then looked around once more before laying back down on Sidon's broad chest," I just felt really strange.... that's all." He mumbled while staring at the water. Sidon only sighed and ruffled his lover's golden locks. His little one was such a bad liar. Sidon pulled him up to his face and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Link smiled slightly before wrapping his arms around Sidon's neck.

"Sidon, never leave me." He whispered.

Sidon tightened his hold on Link as his cheeks grew red," I don't plan on it Sharkbait."

He cupped the back of Link's head and pressed his lips against the others. Link groaned in delight as the zora brushed his tongue against Link's lips lightly. Link barely even pried his lips apart when the foreign object darted in and caressed everything it could. Link moaned as their tongues began to clash for dominance, their once relaxed shoulders tensed as they focused on the task at hand.

Eventually Link's face became red and he broke gasping for air, but after a few pants Sidon took his mouth again with full control. Link blushed cupping Sidon's face as he felt the new invader cress his teeth and jaw. He shut his eyes at the bliss he felt before sliding his hands into the chilly water to stroke Sidon's tail. By just a brush of his finger tips the bigger of the two gasped and shuddered as he took his tongue back.

The blood rushed to both of their cheeks before Link buried his face into Sidon's chest. What did I just do!? He mentally yelled at him self.

Hylia, I have to make sure he never touches my tail again for the time being. Sidon thought as he submerged his face under water. He wasn't sure if he gasped or moaned. It felt like a little of both. Link pushed himself up and drummed his fingers against Sidon's chest. Slowly and surely the prince lifted his face out of the water and cleared his throat.

"Please don't do that again while we're in the open...." He whispered.

Link nodded understanding before he felt that sensation again. It felt like multiple sets of eyes were on him. He sat up and looked around before feeling something pierce his side. He gasped out and began to fall with the blow, but Sidon caught him just in time. He was confused at first till he saw the end of a arrow protruding from his back side.

"Link!" Sidon grabbed the shaft of the arrow, but Link stopped him panting hard.

"D-Don't pull it out..... I'll b-bleed out if y-you do...." Link panted out through the searing pain.

Sidon nodded then looked at the angle of the arrow before making a rough estimate of where the blasted thing came from, but when Link groaned the Zora scooped him into his arms careful of the wound. He rushed as carefully as he could before getting the knight out of the water. He picked his clothes up before watching the healing pills the doctor prescribed fall from a pocket. Sidon picked them up before handing one to Link.

"Take this while I get you to the medical wing. It should ease the pain at least." Sidon whispered. Link nodded and popped it into his mouth before Sidon took off down the steps. Once the prince arrived in town many gasped and moved out of the way as their prince sped past with the almost naked, and injured Hylian. Many parents shielded their children's eyes at the sight. 

Sidon made it to the healing pools and doctors just in time. Oh what adrenaline can do! With a quick yank and steady yells throughout the medical wing, Link was saved with just a thread of life in him. The prince gritted his teeth as he sat to the side of the sleeping hylian, watching the color slowly come back to each individual piece of flesh.

All of the castle guards that were available went searching the reservoir and mountains, but all except one came back empty handed. The last one came back with a strange metal bow that had different contraptions attached to it and an empty quiver. Sidon couldn't stand the thought of the attacker being on the loose when his secretary came up to him.

"Sire, the king wishes to speak with you." She whispered with her light grey eyes looking at Link with a empty gaze. Sidon nodded once before standing and making his way toward the throne room to tell his father everything.

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