Chapter 74:

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~~No One's POV~~

The weight of the situation sat heavy on Zelda's consciousness. Everyone was at high risk and the journey between each desination was several days from here to the first destination, but from there it would take weeks...

She rubbed her forehead before looking at the sky, her eyes trained at the clouds above her head. She knew what she had to do, but it was worth the risk. She closed her eyes as her lip quivered, it would be alright.

"Auntie Zel!"

Zelda looked down surprised to see Isa hugging her leg, her bright molten gold eyes staring up at her.

"Isa?" Zelda stated, her entire thought process flying out the window." What are you doing up so early?"

Isa gripped her pant leg before blowing her cheeks up slightly tear stains on her cheeks," I had a nightmare... When I couldn't find anyone this morning i kept walking around till i found you..."

Zelda knelt to her and hugged her tightly," It was just a bad dream sweet heart. Lets go back to your room."

Isa shook her head," No! He'll try to come after me again!"

Zelda looked at her and patted her head before running her fingers through her silver/white hair," Whose gonna sweets?"

Isa sniffled as she looked at her," A gross bad man. He was tall and mean and-" She hiccuped gently," And weird."

"Calm down honey, take a deep breath." Zelda whispered.

Isa hiccuped again as tears began to flow down her tan cheeks, her attempt to even her breathing an nerves failed miserably at first. Over time though, she calmed down enough to stop hiccuping.

Zelda combed her fingers through the soft curly hair," Know, tell me about what you remember."

"He... he had eyes like mine..." Isa whispered, making the princess pause for a second.

"Eyes like yours?" She whispered.

Isa nodded," And hair as red as blood."

Zelda watched her lip quiver before holding her close," Dont worry sweetie, it was just a bad dream. Now lets go back to your room and read a quick book."

Isa looked up at Zelda before nodding. With hand in hand the two traversed down the halls back to Isa's room. There was slight unease in Zelda's consciousness, it was rare as it was for normal individuals to have gold eyes, but molten gold like hers had never been seen before.

Zelda glanced at Isa curious as they walked. She seemed to be lost in thought as they walked, her eyes had this glazed over look which made Zelda wonder. Who was the individual that was in her dream?

Zelda looked ahead curious as she began to get lost in thought herself. It was strange, but she knew what she had to do finally. Her mind was made up.

As they neared Isa's bedroom, Isa gripped Zelda's hand tighter. Zelda's thumb rubbing the childs hand before they walked in to the mess the child had created. Books were everywhere and nearly all paper was thrown about the room. Zelda looked at Isa confused as the child hid behind her slightly before peeking in.

Zelda patted her head," Its ok. We'll clean it up."

Isa nodded and the two started gathering up the mess into two piles, books and papers. Isa was gathering the books and Zelda the papers, but as Zelda moved a set of papers her heart dropped. A black boney foot print was casted onto one of the papers. Zelda folded it instantly then looked at Isa. She was still piling her books up with no clue.

Zelda looked at the paper in her hands then shoved it in her pocket. This was gonna change a few things.

"Auntie Zel?"

Zelda looked at Isa curious, seeing that she had finished her clean up.

"Do you want some help?" Isa whispered.

"Oh" Zelda started then looked at her mess more." No, thats alright sweetie. I got it, you get ready for bed."

Isa nodded and shuffled over to her hammock as Zelda cleaned up the rest of the papers. She felt unease as she listened to Isa hum a small tune, but then stopped and looked at Isa. She was humming an old tune Link used to hum back before the first encounter with Calamity Ganon.

Zelda turned ahead as she tried to remember the name, but shook her head as she gathered the papers and threw them in a trash can. She wasnt gonna focus to much on it.

She happily tucked Isa in, before kissing her forehead. The child smiled relieved before Zelda blew out all but one of the candles lit in the room.

"Thank you Auntie Zel..." Isa whispered before yawning.

Zelda smiled," You're welcome."

Zelda happily walked out of her room as Isa finally closed her tired eyes. Once Zelda was far enough from her room though she sprinted for the master sword. Her bright blond hair flowing behind her in a wave of gold. The fear in her eyes grew more the closer she got to the blade.

Almost instantly the horrid presence she felt grew stronger. She scrambled, passing Rohell in the process.

"Zelda?" He muttered before feeling it pass by. His eyes began to glow slightly more with anger and rage.

Zelda scrambled toward the master sword, the holy area feeling stronger as she neared. She reached for the hilt, the triforce symbol glowing on her hand in reaction.

"Zelda stop!" She heard before being tackled into the ground.

Sidon had her pinned to the ground as her wild eyes began to focus. She looked from where she came seeing Rohell rangling a strange beast made of shadows. Its almost resembled a shadowed ram with his face as his skull and glowing beady red eyes. Feathers lined the beasts back in a strange ensemble of blacks and reds. Its hoofs though were replaced by bone feet. Zelda froze and unfolded the paper in her pocket and holding it up to see the shape.

They matched...

"Kill that thing! Now!" Zelda screeched with with horror.

Rohell froze seeing the fear in Zelda's face, without a second thought though he drew a blade from his hip and sliced it straight threw the chest cavity. Sidon stared horrified as the demonic looking beast screeched with pain.

Minutes went by as Rohell struggled with the dying beast. Slowly, but surely the life died from this monsterous nightmare.

Zelda watched though as the foot print on the paper disappeared without a trace, almost as if it never existed.

"What was that thing?" Sidon whispered.

"I dont know." Zelda whispered relieved." What I do know, is that that thing attacked Isa, and she some how was able to thwart that thing long enough to run away."

Sidon and Rohell looked at the thing with horror as it disolved away into a puddle of malice, making Zelda worry as she looked at the master sword.

I have a bad feeling about this... She thought as she looked back at the malice puddle that eventually dried up and turned into ash.

Something was brewing, and she didnt like it.

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