Chapter 59:

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~~No Ones POV~~

I'm sorry master, I've failed you...

Ghirahim frowned as a doll representing Maya fell apart, turning into small Rhombus'. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the doll he had made.

So she wasnt strong against that man after all...

Ghirahim stood from the throne in hyrule castle. It was a shame too, he had worked so hard to make her from clay like he did. He walked out onto the balcony, the wind blowing his hair out of his face as he watched the hyrule before him get swallowed by the changing. The grass had turned red, the sky was slowly turning purple, and the clouds were still as puffy as ever. He closed his eyes relishing the air as it went by.

To bad it was changing so soon. He turned to the throne room, his eyes falling upon the colors that were changing from white, purple and gold to grey, red, and black. Everything was going according to plan.

He looked to the sky, his eyes narrowing in on the purple sky as a large bird flew into view. It circled before gently gliding down toward him. Ghirahim smiled as he watched the massive black talons grasp onto the railing stopping the massive pitch black loftwing. It folded its wings and turned gently showing a child hanging on, wearing a gentle blue set of snowquill armor. Her light grey skin and golden eyes made Ghirahim sigh and relax.

"Lia, any news?" He asked.

She nodded, then slowly got off the black bird before looking at him," She got away."

Ghirahim took his chin in thought," How?"

"Shekiah teleportation." She whispered.

Ghirahim looked at her confused," How? I thought we destroyed everything from that era?"

She swallowed hard," I'm not sure."

He looked to the black haired demon as she stood next to him, only standing as tall as his hip. He placed his hand ontop of her head curious as he thought, he swore he had gotten rid of them all. He looked out at the changing world then sighed as he rubbed his neck.

Lia took his hand curious making him look at her," So now what?"

Ghirahim sighed and petted her head gently," We wait dear sister..."

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