Chapter 30:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Good Morning!" Rohell yelled as he waved to Link.

Link smiled waving back, but didn't utter a word. Bags were under his eyes as his mind was dull. Sidon on the other hand was beaming with positive energy as he carried Isa. Currently Link was wearing his long sleeve turtle neck and his fuzzy winter pants and boots. He was freezing all last night because of a certain Zora. His cheeks began to burn as he took his neck. Ako had taken Isa for the night which allowed them to have the most hottest night they had yet.

He closed his eyes as he shuddered. He could still remember that look in Sidon's eyes as he littered his body with love marks. They didn't go all the way though. They want to save that until they day Sidon marked him as his own.

Link looked up as he felt Sidon's hand glide into his. They held hands as they walked, but Link's mind was slowly drifted toward his new friend.

"So what's your people's country like?" Link questioned curious.

"Well unlike here in hyrule there is only one true biome. It's a massive forest where the trees diameter range from 50 to 100 feet. And the taller the tree the bigger the house that's either inside or outside." Rohell explained." Granted we do get all types of seasons."

"Really? So is everyone pretty much like you?" Link questioned.

"Nope. So far I am the only one of my kind who cares about nature and what not. Everyone else only cares about war and making sure we have resources." Rohell muttered.

"That's awful." Sidon whispered.

"Yeah. You could say that." Rohell responded.

Link watched Rohell's lavender eyes narrow with resentment. Why does he have that look in his eyes? He wondered before reaching out and touching his new friends wrist.

Rohell looked to Link surprised seeing Link had the cutest frown he had ever seen.

"Loose the look. It doesn't suit you." Link muttered.

Rohell rubbed the back of his neck sighing before nodding. He was here to relax and enjoy the peace Hyrule had, not remember his poor excuse of a country.

He smiled gently and looked out the window that they passed by hearing the roaring waterfalls. He liked it here. Maybe he could settle down here once he was finished exploring Hyrule? That idea thrilled him.

Waking up comfortable, being able to see Link and everyone else, maybe even build himself a home of his own. Just the thought of peace was intoxicating. He began to smile and ran ahead.

Link smiled at his new friends smile, but then realized he was wearing the heirloom. The head band was so well hidden that the antlers looked like he was actually growing them.

Link smiled and chuckled shaking his head. Sidon was smiling at Link, but a small glint of nervousness could be seen in his eyes for but a moment. They seem to get along well. He thought before placing his hand on Link's shoulder.

Link looked up at Sidon and smiled lovingly up at him. Sidon smiled back then keeled down and gave him an Eskimo kiss. Link gave one back then gave Isa a kiss before they headed to the dinning hall.

The second they entered the room went quiet before everyone began shouting their 'welcome backs'. Link and Sidon smiled at them all as they made their way to their seats. All eyes were on Sidon though as he took Isa's bottle from Link.

He gently handed her the bottle, smiling as she held it on her own as she drank. Many of the female Zora were swooned at the sight, but many of the elders were curious about where the child came from. No one bothered to ask though as the two father's were given their meals.

Everyone ate, half of them chatted with Rohell who had mysteriously popped up out of no where. Many instead of screaming intruder and confusion were actually just accepting his presence. It was almost like they knew he wasn't a threat.

Link rose a brow confused, but decided to question his new friend later. Right now his stomach was practically howling. He began to shovel in his food when his mind began to ache. His vision began to blur in more ways than one. Not again. He desperately thought as he took his head. Why won't they stop?

He placed his fork down and groaned softly as his hearing became sensitive.

"Sharkbait?" Sidon's voice bounced in his ears." What's wrong?"

"M-MY head..." Link muttered as he felt Sidon's hand slowly rub his back.

"Take a deep breath. It'll pass, just breathe and relax." Sidon whispered.

Link nodded and closed his eyes as he focused on his breathing. Sidon watched his lover nervously, the black spot he had nearly forgotten about decided to show it's ugly face as it moved up to the back of Link's neck.he gently placed his hand over the patch and leaned over kissing Link's forehead.

Link smiled and looked at him once the feeling faded," Thanks love."

Sidon nodded before slowly handing Isa to him," I'm going to be in meetings all day. Why don't you show Rohell around the domain today?"

Link nodded smiling," I was actually planning to do that. Have fun today though."

Sidon nodded as he stood from the table, then happily pressed a kiss to Link's temple. Isa squealed up at her two father's affection and reached up to them. Both smiled and pressed a kiss to her cheeks at the same time making her gurgle with happiness.

Everyone awed at the sight as Sidon pulled away. He rolled his eyes at them before heading to go see his father. Link smiled and kissed Isa's forehead once more as he slowly stood from his seat.

"Rohell! Stop flirting with the women!" Link teased causing the new commer to blush as he looked his direction.

"Hey, I'm only trying to get at least one girls attention!" Rohell joked as he stood, obviously trying to hide his embarrassment.

Link smiled up at him as they began to walk out, but he decided to steal a glance back. All of the female zora eyes were on Rohell's lean figure, only they weren't out of admiration. Most of them were drooling, wondering if he tasted like a stag because of the antlers.

"Oh I think you have their attention." Link muttered as he closed the door to the dinning hall.

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