Chapter 89:

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~~No One's POV~~

Zelda sighed as she watched both Hylian and demon workers repaired her families delicate floor. As much as she hated how things turned out, from what Lyric told them Isa's sacrifice was not in vain. Dieing from a wound was better than fading from existence in a year.

Zelda shuddered as she thought, I don't ever think I could ever prepare myself mentally for death.

"Oi! Princess!"

Zelda turned, her blue dress sleeves fluttering as general Yuki floated to her," The sculpture says he is finished and ready to unveil the statue to the public!"

Zelda smiled and nodded before telling the repair men that they could take the rest of the day off. Cheers filled her ears as she walked out the room with Yuki not far behind.

"May I ask you a question Yuki?" Zelda asked as the two headed toward the main staircase into the castle.

"Of course princess." Yuki responded.

"What was your home like?" Zelda asked.

Yuki hummed with fondness as she began to remember," Well, imagine snow and ice that never melts. The freezing temperatures here are a cake walk for us ice demons. Its was so cold back home that regular weapons from here will break in one hit if its there for too long. Special weapons and tools were made just to use in my homes conditions."

Zelda looked at her impressed," Are all areas like that?"

Yuki nodded with amusement," Yes. The only area that would be livable for Hylians would be the forest and plains where Dialen is from."

Zelda processed her words, intrigued by the fact that she was so honest. As she looked ahead to see the winding road ahead to the main gates before the castle. With a heavy sigh, Zelda straightened her back and lifted her face high to fix her posture. This was going to be interesting.

As she neared the closed gates, she spotted Ghirahim and Lyric bickering at one another while Link and Sidon were snuggled together to the side. Zelda gained a soft smile. She was glad both sides could have their lovers, granted she wasn't sure how still, but that wasnt going to deture her from enjoying her knights presence at all.

As the two neared, General Iblis groaned out," Finally! Took you two long enough!"

"Awwww! Did ja miss me that much honey bunches!?" Yuki sarcastically cheered.

Iblis blushed at the nickname before blowing her cheeks up and kicking a stone off the path," Hell no!"

Ghirahim rolled his eyes clearly not buying it," Cut it out you two. Today is important after all."

Link smiled," It's quite fine Lord Ghirahim. I'd rather today be a joyous and fun one than a somber one. Even if she was a futuristic version, Isa is still Isa. She'd rather see people having fun than people being sad."

"Plus, as much as I hate to say it, that version of Isa... she is in a better place." Sidon whispered, tearing his gaze upward to the blue sky.

"Well I will happily let you all know that Impa gave word that our Isa is being escorted by Paya and two of the best guards in the town. They should arrive in time for the dinner party."

Lyric smiled," I can't wait to meet her formally. She must be so big now."

Sidon smiled," She is, and a trouble maker to be exact."

Link rubbed his forehead," I still can't believe that its been over another 150 and some odd years.... WAIT HOW IS IMPA ALIVE STILL??"

Zelda chuckled as she took Link's shoulder," Honestly I have no idea. I'm surprised she hasn't dropped dead yet."

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