Chapter 79:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Riju!" Zelda exclaimed as both her and Sidon ran toward her and Yunobo.

The two females hugged with glee to see each other again, but they cut it short.

"I got your message, what happened? Why has the fighting stopped?" Zelda whispered." And where's Rohell?"

Riju look at Zelda before pointing to the throne room," There's no time to explain, our time window is almost up and I dont want to anger them." Riju stated as Teba flew into the room landing with ease.

Sidon smiled," Teba!"

The rito relaxed," Sidon. It's good to see you again."

With nearly everyone ready, Zelda looked to the doors swallowing hard," Alright. Let's do this."

The five went to the large main doors and pushed them open seeing that the dark room had been lit more and the dark haired figure stood by a window.

The doors closed behind them selves and Zelda gasped at the sight of Rohell," Rohell!"

Lyric snapped, the amber cracking before Rohell was freed. Sidon caught the Zonai before looking at the figure.

"Who are you?" Zelda asked.

"I am the reason your still alive." Lyric turned toward the group of six making everyone swallow hard." If my stubborn, hard headed love had his way, then everything I do now would be for naught."

Zelda stared at the familiar face," Link..?"

Sidon swallowed hard as his confusion settled, it looked like him, but it wasnt him.

Lyric smiled sadly," Not quite, I'm afraid."

Lyric walked to the throne the golden orb sitting in the seat where he once was," I will make this brief. The only reason we demons are here is because our world is crumbling. Hylia's presence has faded from there completely and the only way to save our selves is why we are here."

Zelda tensed," What do you mean?"

"Hylia has abandoned the demons shs swore to protect." Lyric stated putting his hands behind his back" I know the way to restore it, just just requires some cooperation from you princess."

A silence fell about the room before Zelda looked at Lyric," I dont understand."

Lyric nodded and motioned to the mural above their heads," The triforce has been seperated for to long, Hylia's power weakens with every day and because of that, the demon realm is finally collapsing.

"With your help princess, I can finally get my stubborn love to listen to reason and go back to our world." Lyric stated.

Zelda realized finally what he was trying to state," You want to replace Hylia?"

Lyric sighed," If that's what must be done, then yes."

Rohell scowled," That sounds ridiculous, how can we replace an all knowing entity?"

Lyric laughed," All knowing is a stretch. She has no power without the triforce she left behind on this plane."

"Wait so your saying that Hylia is not even a goddess anymore?" Zelda stated." Then who have we been praying to?"

Lyric smiled," The dragons of power, wisdom, and courage don't have forms like they used to, but I wouldn't doubt it if they came together to be a single entity to speak to you."

It began to make sense to everyone slowly but surely," So what do you want to do?"

Lyric smiled," Princess, i want you to become the next.."

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