Chapter 78:

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Oh god it has been a minute since i have updated and I am super sorry guys! But hey I will own up to it and say I'm so sorry. All i ask is to not kill me lol. I will happily let everyone know that between college, work, and staying out of large crowds because of all the nonsense going on has been real tough on me. But hopefully after my small vacation from work I can get back into the swing of squeezing writing in too.

I hope you guys like this chapter the the next one after too!

~~No One's POV~~

The halls of the palace were semi quiet as the three made their way toward the throne room. It was strange that the only guard they entered was back at the first hall, but they were not gonna complain.

As they neared closer to the throne room, the echoes from the battle outside could be heard. The lightening strikes and battle cries were so clear that Zelda could only imagine the sound of it all in person.

She shuddered as she pressed against a wall of a corner. Sidon peeked his head around before nodding and pressing forward. She followed suit with Rohell behind her.

It was going a little too smoothly...

"Hey, did you hear about what they did to that traitor they finally caught?"

The three pressed against the wall as they neared another corner. Zelda listening keenly to the new conversation.

"Oh? You mean the petrification rumor?" Another voice stated.

The three paled as they listened, Zelda being more horrified than the other two.

"Its not a rumor though! I saw where they are storing her! Somewhere in those dungeons."

Zelda looked at her friends," What do we do..?"

"We stick to the plan..." Rohell whispered.

The two looked at him with understanding eyes. They only had one shot at this. They had to continue on even if they didnt want to.

Rohell dashed the corner taking the two gossiping guards by surprise. The scuffle only lasted a minute and Rohell was victorious between them. Sidon nudged the princess and the two walked together.

Hall after hall, they were cleaning up what was left over before finally making it to the throne rooms main hall. The deafening cries of battle made Zelda shake slightly. It almost sounded like the day Calamity Ganon rose. She clenched her eyes shut for a second before glaring down at the large main doors of the throne room.

Rohell headed to the doors sniffing the air before scowling," Yup, he's in here."

Rohell looked at the two before seeing determination," There's no turning back."

They all placed their hands to the door. With a push all three opened the doors into the dimmly lit throne room. Almost instantly feeling a chilly roll up their backs as they entered. The two large doors slowly closing behind them.

Sidon stood behind the princess, while Rohell took the front. He didnt like the look of this.

"Well, well, well, it seems like i didn't have to hunt after you three after all." They heard from behind them.

They looked only to see nothing.

"You know, hiding in the lost forest was smart." Ghirahim stated from the throne as he sat.

Rohell looked and frowned," You must be Demon Lord Ghirahim."

Ghirahim's eyes narrowed with disgust and anger," I wasn't talking to you."

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