Chapter 12:

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~~No ones pov~~

Link watched all of the color fade away into nothing as his eyes widened. When Link took his hands to ask, Sidon suddenly grabbed the bandages attached to his torso and ripped them away showing the fresh scar tissue that wasn't there before.

Sidon's eyes went even wider before tracing the tissue with his claws. He was in awe, shock, and horror all at the same time. Link began to feel self conscious before feeling the blood rush to his cheeks. Sidon graced Link with waves of kisses all along his torso, but mostly to his scars. Link shivered then leaned into his lover hoping for more of the sweet waves of love.

Sidon sadly stopped which made the smaller of the two whimper. The zora prince scooped the hylian up ignoring the whimper then laid him down on the soft bed.

Link went to roll onto his side, but Sidon grabbed the heroes shoes and pulled them off gently. Link sighed thankful till he felt Sidon take the hem of his trousers. Link grabbed his waist line blushing madly, Sidon merely chuckled.

"Don't worry, I won't loose control." Sidon whispered. Link's blush only grew as he released his waistband swallowing nervously. Sidon only smiled and gently pulled his pants off to see even more bandages covering his legs. Sidon sighed and began to peel them away which made Link look away. Within 5 minutes all of the bandages were removed. Sidon even traced each one before looking up at Link to see his rosy cheeks and tightly shut eyes. It was adorable.

Sidon threw the clothes to where his shirt was and wrapped his big arms around his lovers small body. He laid down besides him then curled up in a protective ball before hearing Link's soft snores.

Sidon hugged him protectively as he pulled the blanket over them both. He snuggled against the hero and closed his eyes gently falling asleep as well. Three hours later, Ako pushed the door open and shuffled to the sleeping duo. She climbed up besides Link then snuggled against him smiling along with the two.

Throughout the night though neither Link or Sidon moved, but Ako squirmed so much that she was never in the same position twice. Eventually Sidon pushed her off the bed, but she only came back up to the bed sleepily. The sleepy giant simply gave up before laying his head down and sleeping with the two for the rest of the night.

With a mighty yawn and a series of stretches, Sidon awoke to a beautiful and quiet morning. Sidon sat up hugging his pillow tightly mumbling nonsense as his mind pulled itself from the vast corners of his dreams. Link was still fast asleep, and Ako was snoring away at the foot of the bed. He grumbled. She was acting like a child considering her age, but then again she was the size of one.

Sidon looked at Link and wrapped his arms around the smaller one before gracing his shoulder with gentle kisses. Link shuddered once his thoughts were collected together and dragged from the deepest parts of his oblivion. Sidon smiled then kissed his cheek.

"Morning darling."

Link groaned in delight before wrapping his legs around one of Sidon's and his arms went around his bare chest that was open to the world. Sidon chuckled amused.

"Five more minutes~." Link moaned out half asleep. Sidon ran his hand up the back of the blondes head then held it as Link began to sleep again. The zora merely sighed before looking at Ako's sleeping figure. Her snoring had quieted down a lot in the past minute.

It worried him greatly honestly till she suddenly snored very loudly. He sighed relieved then slowly looked at Link. He blushed smiling before hearing soft voices. He strained to hear then huffed. He slowly pried the hylian off of him before getting out of bed. He snuck to the large door. He pressed his ear to the door as much as possible and closed his eyes as he focused.

"I can assure you that no one is here right now. The owner of this house is out hunting right now. He takes at least a few days till he runs out of supplies." He heard Bolson say. He strained to listen, but heard a muffle.

"Yes, I will notify him once he returns home." Bolson whispered then the front door clicked shut.

"Who was that boss?" Sidon heard.

"That was Zelda, apparently the queen from a neighboring nation has heard of Link and has demanded to meet him or else all of Hyrule will feel her wrath." Bolson whispered.

Sidon paled slightly and looked at Link. She was gonna wage war in order to meet him. He gritted his teeth then bowed his head in defeat. Was war worth hiding him from this mysterious woman?

Sidon took the crest of his head and sat against the door. He sat there as he thought about his choices then stood slowly and went to the bed where Link slept soundly.

Sidon placed his hand against his forehead gently before sweeping his bangs back and kissing his forehead. Link smiled before taking a deep breath and exhaling out. Sidon blushed smiling then climbed back into bed and snuggled into his pillow while Link snuggled into him. His arms instinctively wrapped around the smaller one before he laid there trying to stop stressing about the conversation. He swallowed hard before glancing at the hylian. Then he got an idea. He smiled. It was genius.

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