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Zelda slammed the doors to her chambers open, her hair in a mess with wild eyes. She dug through as much of her research asl possible before smiling with relief.

"Found you!" She pulled a elegant wedding invitation out, her eyes skimming the beautiful card.

She sighed with relief at the date, she could make it in time after all!

"Lia! We can make it in time after all! Could you notify Lyric for me?" Zelda cheered.

Lia shook her head with amusement," Yes I can notify him. Should I notify the servants to ready you a carriage?"

"Could you?" Zelda asked.

Lia smiled, the diamond under her eye glowing before she disappeared with a teleport. Zelda smiled and giggled with excitement as she looked out her window. She was happy for the first time in ages, even of it meant her best knight was retiring to take a better position in the end.

As Zelda began to pack her belongings, a crash from the hall way caught her ears making her look to the door.

"No! No! Bad demon dog thing!" She heard before her door was crashed open.

Her sweat had dropped as General Iblis pinned a massive purple and black lizzard/dog hybrid to the ground.

"Why hello General. Nice to see you up so early in the morning!" Zelda chripped.

"It's more like I havent slept yet, princess." Iblis stated as she looked up at her.

Zelda stood, her royal blue dress dragging on the floor before she knelt before the two. Her hand gently stretching out before a heavenly aura enveloped the savage beast Iblis was struggling to contain. Not long after the dog calmed before the black faded to a mostly purple lizard with a goregeous set of green eyes.

"There much better." Zelda stated before the demon dog slowly sat up giving a slobbery lick to the princesses check.

Zelda chuckled before looking to Iblis," Will you be coming to Prince Sidon and Link's wedding Iblis?"

Iblis scoffed," Wedding's are not my thing I'm afraid."

Zelda smirked before looking away," Well that's to bad. I heard Yuki was going to be dancing for the performance."

Iblis tensed, her hair flicking with interest," Yuki's going?"

Zelda looked at her," Why yes! Didn't you hear?"

Iblis blushed slightly before blowing up her cheeks embarrassed," I'm afraid I didn't. I might go then..."

Zelda smiled," Well I suggest you pack a formal set of clothes if you might come."


The zora domain had changed in a unique and beautiful way over time. Most of the way into the zora domain had been cleared by Link with the help by both hylians and demons alike from the monsters that had invaded. With so many bodies, transporting Sison's heavily wounded father was a breeze for the Zora's.

Even as they made it back to the domain though all was not over. Link had to take care of a lynel infestation on the upper cliffs of the domain as the group began to repair the beautiful city below. With gatherers and hunters alike the Zora domain had been repaired back to its natural glory with added platforms and sectors for hylian residents who wanted to move there.

With King Dorephan needing to heal though, Sidon took the initiative for the well being of everyone in the domain. With the help of Bolson Construction and the skilled workers the zora domain had, construction of Domain City was nearing completion with the winter season coming closer.

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