Chapter 70:

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~~No One's POV~~

Everyday for four days, Isa went and spent time with Dialen. Sidon found it cute that she was spending time with her to make her feel more comfortable. Everyday was different, from playing board games, to reading, and even drawing, the two had a blast. Sidon was glad to see Dialen smiling each day because of Isa.

Sadly, each day Dialen was getting worse and worse. By the fourth day, she could barely use her hands and hardly speak. Isa worried day after day as she noticed the deterioration. As the sun began to set on that fourth day, Isa was sulking as she headed to her room. Dialen was barely coherent as she left for the night.

As poor Isa walked theough the halls, Zelda rounded the corner seeing the poor childs tearing up eyes.

"Isa?" Zelda chimed.

Isa looked up, her tears flowing as she saw her," Auntie Zel."

"Come here honey." Zelda whispered kneeling down to the child.

Isa ran into her arms crying into her shoulder," I'm worried about her Auntie Zel."

Zelda hugged her, petting her head as she listened," Worried about who?"

"Miss Dialen... she isn't herself anymore and I don't want her to go." Isa cried.

Zelda's brow furrowed together," Take me to her honey."

Isa sniffled as she took Zelda's hand. Slowly the two walked back to Dialen's area, and as they rounded the corner Zelda's eyes went wide. Dialen was pale, her eyes dulled, and her body frail. She was slipping away every second.

Zelda walked over to her bed side with Isa. Isa crying silently as her tears flowed and dripped off her chin onto the ground. No words were said as Zelda slowly reached and placed her hand over Dialen's stilled one.

"Thank you..." Zelda whispered.

Dialen's ears perked at the whisper, a breath entering her lungs slowly as she blinked in recollection.

"I remember that voice..." She croaked.

Isa looked up with surprise as Zelda gained one. Both were in awe at the will of this demon.

"How are you fretting goddess blood?" Dialen croaked.

"I'm good ma'am. All thanks to you." Zelda whispered.

Dialen smiled, her eyes staring at the ceiling," That's good."

Isa looked at Zelda," Wait, what do you mean Auntie Zel?"

Zelda looked at Isa and placed her hand on her head," Dialen was the one to free me from my captures... I wouldn't be here today without her helping me."

Both looked at Dialen, her eyes still directed to the sky. Zelda worried for her savior, it bothered her to no ends to see her savior like this.

"Miss Dialen, is there anything I can do?" Zelda whispered.

Dialen chuckled only to hiss in pain," If you can make miracle heals, that would be splendid..."

Zelda grimmaced," I sadly can't do that... i can do prolonged heals, but... even that is fading."

Isa looked to Zelda, curiousity clouding the words she just heard. Healing, Sidon had healing, it was weak but he could. Isa went to say something, but noticed the pained expression Zelda had. Isa shut her mouth instantly and looked to Dialen.

"You were held for your blood, correct princess?" Dialen whispered.

A tear dripped off of Zelda's chin," I'm afraid so."

"This may sound weird, but may I have some?" Dialen whispered.

Zelda cocked her head as she stepped back," Why...?"

"It may seem savage, but demons don't need regular sources of food, our main consumption is blood. If i were to drink some of your goddess blood... I may heal and survive."

Zelda grimmaced, but released Isa's hand," I'm only doing this because you freed me."

Zelda found a scalple and sliced her hand open. Dialen smiled, tears forming at her eyes at the sweet scent her blood gave off. No words were spoken as zelda dripped blood into a cup. It was a small amount, but by the time she stopped bleeding Dialen had began to slip once more.

Zelda pressed the cup to Dialen's lips, watching the velvet red essence drain down the demons throat. Zelda though was feeling sick to her stomach at the thought of the past. The past where she was captive, when they drained her of her blood until they couldn't. She swallowed hard and as the last drop left the cup she took it, placed it in a bowl, and left the room.

Isa looked at Zelda and as she left Isa climbed up on the bed," Miss, would you like more water?"

Dialen smiled as the coloration came back in her eyes," Of course dear."

Isa smiled and summoned a beautiful water bubble as pure as she could and happily let her drink the blood away. Isa's eyes glowed softly, her eyes puffy and swollen from her cry.

She curled her toes as Dialen happily drank.

Hylia if your listening, Isa thought, Please let her live. Please, please, please let her live.

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