Chapter 11:

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Look at them! They're so cute together! I screamed to myself as Link and Sidon rolled down the lush green hills to see who could get down faster, Sidon did. No surprise there, but it's adorable really. Their laughter was contagious and enjoyable to everyone who went by them.

It makes me happy to see them so happy. My cousin and his boyfriend, the thought warmed my heart. The two seemed to be enjoying their picnic in peace. I stood and made my way down the hill with the basket in my hands.

I only sighed as I thought about how funny the scene might look to a watcher. The more child like zora was doing the chores while the two adults were acting like children. I chuckled at the thought then found a spot under a large tree.

I began to set everything up when I felt like there was something watching me. I sat up a little then looked around before dodging a rolling Link who was laughing uncontrollably. I sighed then sat on the picnic blanket before yawning. For some odd reason, I couldn't sleep well at all last night.

I rub my neck irritated before looking up at the sky. The rest of hyrule was so dry and well....beautiful. I want to ask Link everything he knows about, but even I know that somethings are best left unspoken.

I pull my legs to my chest and lay my head atop my knees as I watched butterflies float through the breeze. Today was gonna be a boring one. I huffed out and stretched before looking up to the sky once more, but my heart stopped. The moon was right besides the sun and moving to be in front of it. The once white moon turned blood red before my very eyes. I gasped and looked around for the two as the corrupted air of Ganon began to manifest and pulse.

"Sidon! Link! Where are you?!" I cried out in fear.

I turned around as monsters began to reappear. I dove to the side as a boboklin swung its hands at me. I rolled to the forest and ran as fast as I possibly could. My breath seemed to leave me as a arrow struck a tree besides me. I screamed out in fear before feeling big arms scoop me up and carry me. I looked seeing Sidon and he held me close as he ducked behind a large tree. I looked for Link, but he was no where to be seen.

"Where's Link?" I asked breathless.

"Fighting." He looked off in the distance, so I did as well.

My eyes went wide with awe and fear. Link slammed into a boboklin sword in hand, the blade never missing it's target. My eyes went wide as purple blood sprayed onto his face, but he seemed unfazed by the fact. In fact he only yanked the heavy metal blade out of the monster and went at the next one with unforgiving eyes. I hid my face into Sidon's shoulder and shook with fear.

"I wanna head back to the house." I admitted aloud as Sidon held me tightly.

"I understand Ako. Trust me I really do." I heard him whisper.


Shit. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! I thought as I hid Ako in my chest. I could hear monster's dying left and right, which I don't mind so don't misunderstand me. I just hate the fact that Link reverted back to his old self in such a quick amount of time that it hurt in more ways than one. I took a deep breath in and hugged Ako protectively even more. The roars of ganons minions echoed around us, but I couldn't even comprehend the fact. Ganon was dead, yet all of his minions were showing up around us.

What the hell is going on?! I screamed internally. I couldn't think straight, confusion held tight on my heart and mind. I looked around the tree and watched Link slay minions left and right. A smile was plastered to his face as he summoned a glowing blue bomb. He chucked it away then pressed something on his tablet making it explode. He truly is a beautiful and terrifying creature.

A arrow pierced his side causing him to stumble back coughing up blood." LINK!" I screamed out, but when he looked he pulled out his bow. A arrow whizzed past my head and thumped into something behind me. I looked seeing a lizafaldo collapse to the ground besides me. I stared horrified. He almost hit me. I stepped back then ran as fast as I could to the village.

"Sidon, wait!" I heard Link call out to me, but I ignored it. Why should I wait? You nearly hit me after all. I ran as fast as I could as I made my way into the village. Mother's were yelling for their children while fathers were grabbing weapons. I only wanted to get away from it all.

I ran across the wooden bridge and swung the house door open. I went to close it, but stopped as I saw the Bolson company hiding very poorly behind the pot. I sighed and shook my head before looking back at them," Hey! Get inside!"

They ran to me and ducked inside without even hesitating. I only sighed before shutting the door. Dread was clawing away at my stomach as the horrid noises outside never seemed to end. Ako hugged my neck terrified while the bolson company headed to the living room for something. I took Ako to the stairs and placed her down at the top of them. She was slightly reluctant about it.

"Don't worry. I won't turn any lights out for the rest of the day. Just go lay down and get some rest." I whispered. She nodded once then curled up on the small bed. I immediately took a seat at the table and just stared as the minutes turned to hours. The monstrous sounds began to disappear though, one by one as the red tint in the light disappeared. I swallowed hard and watched the clock on Link's wall. The hour hand went around once before the front door creaked open.

I stood with shock and horror. Link was covered in bandages from head to toe as he closed the door behind himself. I balled my fists up and bared my teeth at him," Room. NOW."

Link flinched at my tone and limped to our shared room. I on the other hand peeked my head in to the living room to see the two from the Bolson company fast asleep on the couch. I sighed and slid the door shut before following after my hylian.

I shut the door behind me quietly, but my eyes softened as Link struggled to remove his shirt. He grunted once, but I took the bottom and hoisted it over his head. He looked at me surprised till I glared at him. His eyes darted to the bed sheets as he swallowed hard.

I took a deep breath then braced myself," What do you have to say for yourself? And spare me the 'it's my job' excuse."

The blonde in front of me inhaled sharply before shaking," I.....I didn't want anyone to get hurt..... I didn't want anyone to loose their lives because of me."

My eyes softened as I kneeled in front of him," Love, I could have died because of you."

His surprised look hurt me in more ways than one," You shot an arrow at a lizafaldo that was behind me and nearly hit me instead."

He looked distraught with himself as he backed away slightly, he doesn't remember at all. I stopped him and pulled him close to me," Don't worry. I didn't get scratched."

Tears welled up in his eyes and began to flow without a second to delay. I sighed then sat on the bed in front of him. I pulled him into a hug weary of the wounds, but then looked at them. Who did them? The material looked foreign, yet it felt familiar.

"Link, who bandaged you up?" I asked.

"H-Huh? O-Oh", he swallowed hard," I have no clue. I passed out after a fight and when I came to I was all bandaged up."

I peeled one off of Link's cheek seeing a nearly healed scar. My eyes went wide as I looked at the bandage in between my fingers. I then felt my eyes narrowed at the smallest fine print I ever did see, reading:

Property of The Queen of the Seven Seas

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