Chapter 23:

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~~No One's POV~~

Sidon stared at Link bewildered as he held Isa to his chest. Link was currently in his Gerudo Vai outfit. Sidon of course was trying to not be flustered as he watched his boyfriend suddenly look more feminine than ever before. His jaw began to ache with a new found pain.

Link turned to Sidon smiling before he gave the two a kiss, one on the forehead and one on the lips. Sidon hummed before looking at Link worried.

"Are you sure I shouldn't come as well?" The Prince asked as Isa cooed out.

"No. Isa won't make it in the heat and it gets to cold at night once we get out past the Bazaar. I'll make sure Riju comes here instead." Link stated as he patted his lover's arm.

Sidon stared at his lover worried before sighing and nodding," I'll be waiting then."

Link smiled and stepped out into the sun as he left the inn. It was difficult as it was normally, but today was a scorcher. He pulled the Shekiah slate from his hip and teleported to the shrine out beside the city.

The second his foot touched the metal he was already uncomfortable in the heat. He was right about Isa not making it, but he also knew that Sidon wouldn't have either, but he would never tell his lover that. He stepped onto the sand and jogged to the Gerudo guards and nodded at them as he jogged in. They didn't even bat an eye lash to him.

Instantly he was surrounded by Gerudo women and sparkling everything. He rubbed his eyes clear before he jogged to the main building he would find Riju in. He began running up the steps two at a time when he heard the familiar gruff voice of Buliara.

"I'm sorry, but we cannot waist time any longer Riju." Buliara stated.

"I don't see why I have to so this." Riju stated.

Link walked into the room confused then smiled as he saw Riju with a small device in her hands. It looked like his shekiah slate, but smaller.

"I'm telling you Buliara, I don't understand the point of this game those scientists made." Riju stated as she placed the game down.

"Hi Riju." Link stated as he walked up to the two.

"Oh hi champion!" Riju exclaimed, but question soon filled her eyes." What brings you here?"

"It's a long stroy." Link stated.

"I've got the time." Riju stated smiling.

An hour later, Riju stood from her throne and patted her skirt to get the dust off," So Prince Sidon is at the Bazaar?"

Link nodded smiling sheepishly as Buliara glared at him. He hated it when she looked at him that way. It scared him honestly.

"Well let's go meet this Sidon. He came to see me after all, there is no point in turning him away." Riju stated as she tidied her outfit a bit.

Buliara huffed before calling out to her subordinant," Hey! Your in charge while we're gone!"

A guard blinked surprised as all three headed out of the building and began to head toward the Bazaar. The guard though looked at the throne her cheiften was just sitting in then smiled smugly before going over and sitting in it.

As that was happening, the trio stepped out of the town and began to head toward the hazy bazaar. Link stared ahead as he focused on the task. Sidon. Isa. I'm coming. He thought happily.

The trio made it to the Bazaar within an hour and were immediately greeted with smiles.

"Link!" Sidon hugged Link carefully with Isa in his other arm before giving a loving kiss to Link's forehead.

Link smiled and immediately took Isa as he removed his head cover. Riju smiled at Isa before waving to her. Isa who had locked eyes with the child cheiften waved back surprising the two Gerudo women.

"Link? How old is she?" Riju asked as she stepped closer.

"I'd say only 7 months." Link looked at Isa smiling." I don't really know though. We found her in the desert before we got here."

Riju lifted her hand watching Isa's eyes follow with curiousity. Buliara smiled at her molten gold eyes and relaxed a bit. Maybe this was a good idea.

"What's her name?" Riju asked curious.

"Isa." Sidon and Link simotaniously stated.

Riju smiled as the two nuzzled one another, but she cleared her throat and stood tall - Well, as tall as she could- before extending her hand to Sidon.

"I am Makeela Riju, cheiften of the Gerudo's and the daughter of Urbosa." Riju stated.

Sidon took her hand smiling," Prince Sidon of the Zora's."

Link smiled as the three walked off to go to the inn to talk, but his attention turned to Isa as she began to chew on her fist. The father smiled and nuzzled her head gently before walking off toward the oasis.

He grabbed her blanket and bottle and began to feed her as he sat in the shade of a palm. His blonde locks blew gently in the wind as Isa stared up at him while she drank from her bottle.

"When you get older, I'll teach you how to defend yourself. That way you can be a strong independent woman who won't need a man to save her." Link whispered smiling.

His eyes held a gentleness to them as he watched Isa. She seemed so happy now. He smiled and nuzzled her cheek once she finished her bottle, but what truly made him happy was the excited go happy attitude she gained. She squealed with joy before nuzzling Link's cheek in return. She truly is a remarkable little girl.

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