Chapter 72:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was a crisp morning in Hyrule, the birds were singing, butterflies danced on the wind, Death Mountain erupting like usual. It was all perfect.

The snow was melting at a much quicker rate and everyone appreciated the change in temperature. Sure it was still 45 degrees, but the anticipated warm weather was a blessing.

Even as the demon lord made new laws for his subjects, everything seemed to be evolving around poor Lyric. He was as oblivious as always to everything. Most of the time he was found reading books from this time period in the library by himself. No one ever really went into the library, so it was his safe haven.

He found it pleasant to say the least, a comfort to be surrounded by fantasy, ancient wisdom, and history. He closed his current book smiling at the intricate design of the book. Nothing mattered at the moment but him, this book, and the crystsl orb that pulsed with life.

Lyric looked at the orb in his lap as it hummed to life," Are you awake?"

It flashed in brightness making Lyric smile," Good. Can I ask you something?"

Lyric listened to the hum soften slightly before it stopped," Ok. Flash once for yes, two for no. Did you have a lover?"

The orb flashed once making Lryic's ears drop slightly," I see... don't worry. I'll make sure you see them again."

Lyric smiled as he placed his hand on the orb, the warmth flooding his viens at the smiliar sensation he felt before. He sadly took his hand away before he heard footsteps coming his way. He reopened his finished book on a random page watching the doorway out of the corner of his eyes.

Commissioner Ran walked in, looking around before spotting him, she hurried over her cheeks puffing up as she came closer.

"My lord please! You can't indulge in these books! You know what Lord Ghirahim as said." Ran whispered.

Lyric closed his book," So what? Are you going to lose your head if he finds out?"

Ran blinked surprised at his snap before leaning forward and pointing a finger at his face as hers turned a new shade of red," Yes infact. He said your not to read anymore or it's my head!"

Lyric flinched at her returned snap, his ears tilting down with guilt. He hadn't known the true extent of his lovers seriousness. He merely wanted to pass the time along. He placed his book down and curled up.

"I'm sorry..." Lyric whispered." I wont do it anymore, I promise..."

Ran blinked with shock has he stuff his face into his knees, the orb tightly pressed between his stomach and legs. She paled as she heard a sniffle come from him.

"Oh Master Lyric, please don't cry!" She whispered.

"But I don't want anyone to die because of me..." He whined.

Ran sighed as she knelt down to him," Hey... It's ok... You don't need to cry cause of that."

Lyric looked at her unimpressed, tears and snot running down his face. Ran sighed an pulled a hankerchief, wiping his tears away along with the snot.

"I know it not much coming from me, but not once have I seen you harm a innocent soul since you began roaming the halls. So please, tell me how could you be so upset over this?" Ran whispered.

Lyric's eyes softened," I am a past life... one life after the other, I've watched in a dorment state reminising my life time. Monster after monster, demon after demon, i grew tired of it. Yet when i finally slew my foe... i knew something was missing..."

Ran watched with curious eyes as Lyric pushed an ancient tome to her. His fingers flipping the massive book open perfectly to an ancient adapted drawing of his Zelda.

"I saved her... but in the end I realized I shouldn't have..." Lyric whispered.

Ran touched the page curious," Why's that?"

Lyric pulled his hand back with disgust," We were childhood friends... She always looked out for me. But after everything I went through... I couldn't bare even a single touch from anyone. I was so paranoid and desperate to be left alone that I eventually secluded myself in the forest..."

"After a few years of seclusion though, my memories began to fade. After awhile the only thing I could remember was the name Lyric and Demise."

He shuddered softly but turned the pages again landing on a page filled with ancient scribbles," Eventually though I stumbled upon a pitch black sword that was in multiple pieces. At that point I had grown to use the name Lyric and had picked up smithing so I fixed the sword. Ironically it was Ghirahim and when he turned back to normal, you can only imagine my confusion."

Ran smiled upon learning this info," So that's how you two met?"

Lyric snickered," I wish. Before my memory wipe, we had been mortal enemies."

Ran paled, but kept her amused smile," Oh. I see."

Lyric looked at the book and frowned," From there though I ended up helping him in his reconquest of the demon realm.

"For years we went through region, after region until everyone was united. During that time we had grown close. Not quite lovers, but we both knew something was between us.

"Yet, as everything was coming to an end... well i nearly lost my life. Ghirahim was so distraught that I would die went on a frenzy attack like no other. The fight was over in minutes, but I had lost too much blood. In the end Ghirahim gave me some of his blood and turned me into a half demon."

Ran watched his fingers trace each ancient scribble with his finger.

"Apparently, when I first turned, I was a monster. Nearly half of the allies we both had lost their lives to try and stop me from killing Ghirahim. Once I came to, it was only me and him. My own claws inches away from his throat, and in that moment my memory returned. I was conflicted, i felt joy in killing, but it pained me because they were my friends..."

Ran took his shoulders before hugging him," You may not be my worlds Link, but you are him all the same. He is that way too, he kills to protect, but other times he has killed on accident."

Ran looked him in the eyes," Lyric, be yourself. Read to your hearts content."

Lyric smiled and shook his head," Your to kind Commissioner Ran."

Ran smiled, her eyes watering slightly as she looked at the ancient book on the floor before her," I know."

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