Chapter 46:

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~~Sidon's POV~~

I stared out at the waterfalls. Something is.... off. Link's emotions are overloading my own. Confusion, relief, happiness, more confusion, awe, and worst of all a slight jolt of fear. The fact that it's only been a few days since I marked him, making our souls slightly join as one, and I can feel him even when hes so far from me.

Where is he? What is he doing to make all of these emotions? I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed out. I send him off to the doctor and he never comes back.

Maybe it's ok, I have been hovering him ever since he woke up. Maybe he deserves alone time. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Hylia, please let it just be paranoia. I thought desperately as I watched the sky for any signs of my loved one. It doesn't help that my adrenaline is now racing.

I bit my lip slightly wondering what I'm to do as a red object flew into the air. I looked then sighed relieved seeing Link's glider in the setting sun's rays.

I smiled happy to see his small form. It was just my paranoia, I thought before waving to him. As he neared I readied for my usual catch, but blinked surprised as he simply floated down into my arms.

I held him confused as he hugged me gently. This..... This is weird. I looked at him and gently played with his hair.

"Sharkbait. You alright?" I questioned aloud.

"Y-Yeah. I just missed you." He whispered.

I began to walk back to our room when I looked to the top of the stairs and froze. At the top was a hylain official. Dressed in the finest silks and as strong and hot headed looking like most of the others I've encountered already.

Dark royal blue, red and gold lined the white outfit, but that didn't stop him from anything it seemed. He stomped down the stairs and pointed a finger at my face, but stopped as I stood only inches away from him.

He strained his neck up to see me when he sighed and noticed my now sleeping lover who rested his head on my shoulder. The offical cleared his throat softly and gained a worried look as he looked back at me.

"Your highness. I need to speak with you. Both of you." He motioned to Link at the last part and took his white buree off.

I stared at him for a moment, a shiver clawed at my lower back. I don't like him already." Come. He will more than likely wake once I get to our room."

The official nodded before I walked past him. The officials small foot steps clicked behind me as they followed, but that didn't stop me as I walked to my room. Guards that were along the way glared at the official. Hoping for some type of action more than likely.

I pushed my room door open and walked in, but heard the officials foot steps come to an end. I looked back over my shoulder seeing them stopped at the door way. Their bangs covered their eyes slightly before they stepped in. The door closing behind them as they launched. I froze completely confused at the blade they held pointed to my right eye.

Shit. My grip on Link tightened before his body shifted against me. He leapt forward blocking the weapon with his own crashing against the assailant. I stumbled back onto my bed confused till I saw the glazed eyes and pulsing black spot on the side of my lovers face.

The official panted as he laid on the floor screaming as he went to attack once more, but with a simple twist blood sprayed onto Link's face and shirt with ease. My world was crumbling, yet Link stopped it before it would happen. Even if he is unconscious.

Soft gasps for air were drowned out by the soft crackling of the fire place and the roars of the waterfalls. Along with my awe, deep down all I could feel was an distraught numbness, even if it was a small amount.

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