Chapter 19:

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~~No One's POV~~

"Sharkbait what in the world are you doing?" Sidon asked confused as he watched the knight struggle.

"I will get this!" Link screamed as he tried to braid his hair.

Sidon could only chuckle as he watched his lover fail miserably at doing so. He was missing a good portion of his hair, it was messy, and it was slightly crooked. Sidon shook his head and stopped the hylain.

"You're doing it all wrong sweetheart." Sidon stated as he sat down undoing the hylain's terrible attempt.

Link pouted blushing hard," I just wanted to at least try."

Sidon smiled," Try you did. Failed terribly you did."

Link huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. His pride was a little hurt, but he knew that he was terrible when it came to his hair. Hence why it was in a pony tail most of the time.

Sidon smoothed the golden waves out smiling at how soft the knights hair was. He happily divided it into three parts and began crossing one over the other when he noticed the spot on Link's neck. It was bigger. Way bigger than before. It had to have grown to be an inch in diameter. Sidon chewed on his bottom lip nervous.

He took a deep breath in then began to finish his loose braid he was doing. Ignore it for now. He told himself before pressing a sweet tender kiss to Link's neck. The Knight chuckled before looking at his lover. His eyes held pure joy and happiness in them.

"What was that for?" Link asked.

"I just wanted to let you know I love you." Sidon whispered.

The knights cheeks flushed a little before he gave him a kiss in return. Sidon's tail wagged lightly before Link broke the kiss and offered a hand to the prince.

"Come on big guy." Link stated.

Sidon smiled and took his hand gently before standing up. Their fingers entwined gently making everything seem to slow down as they enjoyed their moment together in the blissful quiet the Rito Village gave off.

"So what all did you talk about with the elder?" Link asked curious.

"Oh you mean the meeting I had while you went of to kill a frost talus?" Sidon asked sarcasticly.

Link scratched at his cheek embarrassed," Yeah."

"It was just simple politics." Sidon stated eyeing the knight.

It was quiet for a few minutes until Sidon huffed a little annoyed," Yeah? That all you have to say?"

Link blinked before turning his eyes to the ground," I-I'm sorry for not telling you."

Sidon sighed before kneeling down and pressing a kiss to the knights forehead," I'm just glad you're here in one piece."

Link blushed then smiled deciding to keep his adventure to himself. Let's just say it almost didn't end well. He cupped Sidon's cheek smiling at the love that was directed toward him.

"Sidon. I love you." Link whispered.

"I love you too, Link." Sidon whispered back smiling.

As Sidon stood, Link pulled his shiekah slate out and began to plan their course for the following day. The Prince smiled and began to head toward the general store when he felt a chill run up his back. He looked back at Link seeing a gentle smile with his eyes directed toward the slates screen.

Sidon smiled then turned back and headed toward the general store. Link looked up once the prince was gone though and smiled as he looked at the slate. The fastest way there would be dangerous. In fact any way there would be dangerous.

Link sighed and ran his hand through his bangs slightly before clicking his tongue. This next part would be tricky. From what he knew the electric keese would be a problem, along with all the Bokoblins and others. His shoulders dropped slightly from stress.

It would be a miracle to get there without encountering something. Link sat down on a stool as he looked at the map once more. He was going to have to be extra cautious this time.

"Sharkbait! Sharkbait!" Sidon yelled rounding the corner with a big smile." Could we have a salmon dish tonight? And the night after? And that night after that?"

Link's sweat fell slightly as his curious eyes met with his lovers slightly curious eyes that were hiding something. Link rose an eye brow," I don't see why not. But just curious, why?"

Sidon sighed relieved then walked into the door way," Well, I may or may not have compulsed bought."

Link rose an eye brow confused then paled. Sidon held 5 fairly large salmon's by their tails. Link opened his mouth to say something then closed it deciding against his comment once he noticed Sidon's guilty eyes.

"Well I do know a few multiple salmon dishes I haven't had for a while." Link stated aloud.

A bright big smile formed on Sidon's face making the guilt disappear before he wrapped Link up into his arms. The hylain blushed slightly smiling before he wrapped his arms around Sidon's torso in return.

"Sharkbait, promise me you will smile more often." Sidon whispered.

"I promise." Link whispered.

Both nuzzled each other lovingly before they slowly backed onto their shared hammock. Link blushed as they shared a quick kiss, but when they went to kiss again a throat was cleared causing both to blush and look.

Links smile broke out across his face as his eyes met with his white feathered friends," Teba!"

"Link!" Teba cheered.

Link slipped from Sidon's hold and ran tackling his friend into a hug. Teba happily gave a hug back when he looked at the Zora.

Sidon had a curious look in his eyes along with... jealousy? He was eyeing Teba almost like an enemy. Link turned to him smiling which made him look at Link with only curiousity.

"Sidon, this is Teba. He helped me claim Vah Medoh back." Link explained.

"Oh. Well it's nice to meet you Teba." Sidon stated as he offered a hand." I'm Sidon."

Teba took the new hand and shook it once, before looking to his hylain friend," Link, Saki and Tulin can't wait to see you. I hope you will stop by for dinner."

"Of course! Saki's cooking is the best I've had after all!" Link stated.

Teba smiled and ruffled Link's hair slightly before stepping out of the area," See you tonight then?"

Link nodded happily before Teba took off toward the archery range. Sidon crossed his arms over his chest and leaned on a pole as he watched Link. He was waving happily before he turned and saw Sison's slightly annoyed expression.

"So who is Saki and Tulin?" He asked skeptical.

Link smirked crossing his arms over his chest leaning in the door way," His wife and son."

Sidon's face gave away his shocked realization causing Link to doubleover in complete and true laughter. Sidon's whole face had turned to the color of his scales.

"Don't laugh!" Sidon whined embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, but you being jealous and nervous was just too cute!" Link laughed doubling over as he held his stomach, tears coming to the edges of his eyes.

Sidon blushed and placed his hands over his eyes before he peeked at Link relieved. I love you, Link. He thought before walking over and hugging Link tightly. Link smiled and hugged back gently.

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