Chapter 65:

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~~No One's POV~~

Sidon stared at the master sword, his eyes tracing the look of it more and more as time passed. It pained him every day to see this sword, but his eyes needed it. The thought of Link still made him feel numb. The thought of him gone just felt wrong. He closed his eyes and stood from his spot. He wasnt getting anywhere like this. He scratched at his neck, relieving some pressure as a few dead scales fell off, he hated shedding.

He looked up at the sun in the sky and smiled, it was gonna be a good day today. He turned to the lake that the great Deku tree had made and headed over to his people, so far the survivors who made it here had started doing an old way of housing. Simple under water homes and a vast swimming area made everything feel right.

He began to enter the lake when he heard Isa off in the distance. He smiled and shook his head knowing that she was pestering Rohell about what his home was like. The girl was so curious about the world, it was cute. He sighed as he remembered when he first found Isa... with Link. Tears brimmed his eyes at the thought of his golden hair and ocean eyes, the thought sickened him as he clenched his eyes shut.

No, not here.

He sucked in a deep breath before he sunk under the water, his gills opening as his body adjusted to his new surroundings. It hurt to say, but he had to stop thinking of Link for the time being. He would mourn later, right now wasnt the time for it. He swam down toward his den and sighed as his scales began to glow. All the Zora learned how to do it at a young age, but many never had to use it sense they grew to like the open air. As he neared his den though a small hand took his shoulder and he looked, but froze. Mipha floated in front of him, small and angelic like she used to be.


She patted his arm smiling with her green spiritual glow," I came to warn you baby brother."

"Warn me of what?"

Her eyes softened as she took her hand away," The blood moon will rise once again, and once that happens it will all end. Find Link before it's to late."

"B-But Mipha, Link is... he isnt with us anymore." The prince whispered.

Mipha looked at him and smiled," I find that hard to believe."

The prince looked at her confused at her words before she disappeared from the dark waters. Sidon bit his lip but looked to the surface smiling as his tears merged with the water. He couldn't be alive after all this time right? He began to think then gasped and took his head. The legends, there was a legend of the first hero who saved the woman with goddess blood. She was sealed in amber.

His eyes flew open as he held his chin with thought, there was that slim chance. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, if Mipha was right then that meant Link is or was trapped in amber, which would explain why he couldn't feel their bond.

He smiled at the mere slight hope, it could be possible. He spun around smiling like a school girl would if she found out her crush actually liked her. His heart swelled, but as he stopped spinning he sighed and rubbed his neck. He had to stop being happy though. The chances were slim and if he was still in amber... he could die any day trapped in a peaceful slumber. He balled his fist and looked up to the surface through his areas door.

Link, if you're out there... wait for me.

~~Meanwhile at Hyrule Castle~~

Lyric sneezed as he read his book, his nose red from irritation, and a tissue box close by as he snuggled deep into his plush pillow under a warm blanket. The heavenly orb was settled happily in his lap on its white and gold pillow as he read a recent book he had found. It was about a little mouce who wanted to be a knight.

He smiled though as he felt the crystal grow warmer. He placed his hand on it slightly feeling his pulse quicken slightly as he felt the old power he felt begin to flow into his veins.

"Don't worry, I wont let anything happen to you." Lyric whispered before taking his bare hand off its warm surface.

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