Chapter 2:

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~~No ones pov~~

The zora prince paced back and forth in his room holding his head completely flabbergasted.

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN! He screamed internally before plopping down onto his bed. He pulled at his face in utter disbelief. To think, they want THAT. He release a heavy sigh then laid the rest of his massive body against his water bed. But, I don't want what they want. I want.... I don't know what I want, he admitted to him self before his mind wandered to Link. My hero. Blood rushed to his cheeks at just the thought of the quiet, selfless knight of Hyrule. He pressed the palm of his hands to his eyes and sighed. How would I tell him? He thought before sitting up.

Bang, bang, bang!

"Sire! There's a hylian cladded in blue coming across the bridge!" A palace guard yelled through the door.

The prince jumped up surprised at the sudden arrival. He only sent his letter a mere three days ago. He then bolted out his room through the castle to the stairs. He grabbed the railing of the balcony before his eyes went wide with shock and horror. There he was. Blood stained almost every inch of him as the knight limped across the blue marble bridge making a trail.

"LINK!" He jumped down from the balcony and ran across the square. Mipha's statue seemed to glow in the evening light as Link came close, but no one seemed to notice for they were more concerned with the half dead hero. Sidon reached for the Hylian as he reach him, worry filled Sidon's eyes as the knights knees gave out. His eyes rolled up as he collapsed into the giant's arms. He was pale, very pale. Sidon swallowed hard as he looked over the gashes from blades and holes of removed arrows. The lizalfos were mean, but Sidon knew that Link would never have been overwhelmed by them. Right? Sidon bit his bottom lip slightly at the thought before picking the small hylian up with care and rushing him to the infirmary.

The prince sat besides the unconscious hero worrying slightly. He was separated from every other patient at the request of both Sidon and King Dorephan, which Sidon was grateful for. Link had gone into shock three times after his emergency healing session which caused lots of stand by healer's to be at the ready. Sidon thought it was excessive, but then again it was Link, the savior of all of hyrule.

Sidon laid his head down on the bed and sighed before watching the hylian's face sleepily. It was just beginning to turn night when Link took in a deep breath and exhaled normally. Sidon smiled and closed his eyes happily falling asleep at his hero's side.

That's when Link pried his eyes open for the first time. Everything was blurry, especially the large red shark like Zora which nearly gave Link a heart attack. He reached to Sidon's sleeping face before brushing the crest atop of his head. It gleamed as the beams of night were invaded by the moon. Link smiled and looked at his heavily bandaged arm then looked to the prince. He sighed laying back on the soft bed before staring at the heavily painted ceiling. It was beautiful.

"Mmmm... n-no Mipha I don't want the fish...... n-no I don't h-hate it." Sidon mumbled in his sleep which made the smaller of the two smile.

He reached to Sidon once more before petting his soft scales. It was cute to see him dreaming of Mipha. His smile slightly faded as he remembered the attack. He shivered as he rubbed one bandaged wound on his shoulder. He could still remember being shot with a shock arrow.

He shuddered then sighed as Sidon groaned. The prince sat up then pried one eye open to see what was the source of the sudden shakes, but his other eyes opened as he smiled.

"Link! You're awake!" He cheered as he stood up.

Link smiled and nodded once before the large zora carefully put his arms around the injured one to give a hug. Link hugged back as the blood rushed to his cheeks, but the hero didn't mind. Sidon smiled down at the smaller of the two then released his hug and petted the hero till he released his own hug.

"I will come by in the morning to see how your doing. You get some rest and heal up." Sidon said softly. Link nodded once before plopping back against his cot.

Sidon smiled before leaving the medical wing to sleep the last of his worries away. His hero was finally back in his domain. Once he was out of Link's sight he did a small happy dance before heading to his room for the night.

Link on the other hand just couldn't sleep. Every time he closed his eyes the attack came back at him in full force causing him a great amount of discomfort. The hero sighed as he opened his eyes once more. The silvery disk in the sky glowed at it's highest peek allowing Link to know the time. He laid back against his pillow. The doctors would be in to change his bandages soon. His eyes were half lidded as he heard the main doors creak open.

"Yes is Link in here?" He heard a familiar female voice ask.

His heart fell immediately and he pulled at his face with a soft groan. He wanted to close his eyes and fake being unconscious as he saw the bright blonde hair walk in his direction obviously following the nurse on duty. He closed his eyes and relaxed as much as possible to try and fake being asleep.

"Here he is princess. Please keep quiet at this time." The nurse whispered before her pitter patter signaled her departure to care for other patients.

"Oh Link...." She whispered as she took the seat beside him.

He exhaled softly and waited till she took his hand. He tensed slightly before prying his eyes open. His eyes instantly landed on her hand before he looked to see her teary eyed face all puffy and red.

"L-Link!" She whispered before squeezing his hand," What happened to you? I got a notice from King Dorephan that you were severely injured."

Link iconicly said nothing to her. Once his thirteenth memory came back to him, everything from before came back too, including his harsh training days. He looked at Zelda confused then sighed, he didn't want to strain his voice because of her so he did the next best thing. Sleepy sign language. She only signed at the confusing signals then took his hands to stop him.

"Link, your tired. Sleep." She whispered with a sad smile.

He groaned internally, if she only knew. When she didn't leave he began to wish that Sidon was with him. He was good at making the room blissfully quiet. So quiet that even the restless bugs would suddenly disappear. Eventually he passed out, without the aid of blissful quiet, from the lack of sleep, so the princess left to her quarters for the rest of the night.

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