Chapter 83:

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~~No One's POV~~

"IBLIS, TAKE HER AND GO. I'LL BUY YOU TIME!" Yuki cried as the beast launched at them.

"Yuki, No!" Isa cried out as Yuki launched at the monster that was currently possessing her father.

As Iblis pulled Isa with her other worldly strength, all Isa could do was watch with horror as the two began battle. Before Yuki could even attack the beast slashed with incredible speed up, causing purple blood to spray up into the air.

Isa's eyes misted at the sight, her heart felt like it was being torn as the demon before her roared with pain. Father... dont worry, I'll make everything right!

As Iblis finally got her to run, the battle cry of Yuki rung in both of their ears.

Tears flew into the air like snowflakes as the two escaped the blood bath. The smell of demon blood becoming stronger as the two ran. When they rounded the hall corner though, did they realize it was to late.

The large demonic hand grabbed the cloak Isa wore yanking her back slightly. She yelped, her heart lodging in her throat with each second as she felt impending doom. Her eyes narrowed though as she pushed her hands out to the monster.

"ICE SPEAR!" Isa cried, causing a spear of ice to form and shoot out severing the beasts hand clean from the owner.

Iblis threw a fireball nailing the beast hard in the chest causing it to stumble backwards. Isa panted as she stared at the monster. This... This was the only way.

"Oh nature, grant me thy power." Isa stated balling her hands together under her chin, water forming at her feet in gentle waves." Slip through thy fingers and ravage what should never exist!"

The puddle lurched forward and with a mighty push a massive wave formed crashing down onto the beast sweeping it away. Isa's golden eyes glowed blue with determination as she summoned thick walls of ice to block all the windows in the area. As her powers kept up the tsnami of a storm. The quicker the beast was left to drown. She lifted her palm though knowing it wouldn't drown so easily.

A spear head formed in her palm before it shot out into the water straight into the beasts heart. With one flick of her wrist an ice wall blocked off the only way left for the beast sealing it completely underwater.

Iblis stared with awe and horror at the beautiful clear ice, she was amazing...

Isa turned to Iblis, eyes still glowing before she walked ahead to the end of the hall. Her mind was swimming, but that didn't stop her as she turned back to the hall. Her mind was set, she had to fix everything right here and now.

Water formed at her finger tips before she began to draw swirls on the air. The water leaving her finger and staying in the air as she drew until the spiral took up the corridor space. With a single flick the spiral expanded out forming a thick wall of water.

She pulled her hands together, her eyes scanning the wall before closing them.

"By the heavens, Farosh, Naydra, and Dinraal, head thy call to action and lend me thy strength." Isa whispered, her eyes beginning to glow with her plea. Her hair flowed up and around golden bubbles before popping and forming a single time portal.

Her eyes softened, her mind sharp, she pulled one thing that would make everything go slightly according to her plan. The item had lost its touch, but the bright blue color to it made her smile. She began to walk forward before feeling Iblis' hand.

"This is goodbye... isnt it kid?"

Isa smiled sadly before looking to the ex demon general," I'm afraid so my friend."

Iblis sighed before hugging her tightly," Knock them dead."

Isa chuckled before pulling away, her hair reflecting the golden light beautifully in a way that made Iblis watch with saddness as the girl stepped through the portal and watching it close not long after.


Isa's eyes absorbed the intricate walls before her, her heart beat rose as she heard the roars of battle outside Hyrule Castle's walls. Isa's heart rate inscreased as she ran forward to the closed doors of the throne room. Her heart raced as she pressed her palm to the massive doors. As she pushed though, her mind stopped. Her hand fazed through with ease and before she knew it she stepped through seeing an empty room... with a man encased in amber.

She looked at her hands, the slight transparent look made her nauseous. For one to begin noticing that her body wasnt totally there was a little nerve racking to say the least. She took a deep breath in before looking up at the ceiling.

She froze though and stared. The mural had changed... a loan figure stood before a beast with one hand outstretched and the other weilding the master sword. She looked at the backside of her hand, the symbol of power beginning to glow slightly.

Her eyes caught the poor man though and horror struck her. It was Rohell, suspended in place with a look of confusion. She ran to him hovering her hands in front of herself with worry. Her mind racing at how handsome he was still. Her cheeks flushed before she looked away.

She looked at her hands once more before she lowered her hand as Lyric appeared in the room. The sound of battle had abrupgly halted to the point that it terrified her.

Her eyes bore into his causing both of their skins to crawl. Isa ran her hands on her arms and looked away to let her mind think. 

As she thought Lyric took a seat in the throne with a sigh. His mind was numb until General Yuki's  giggle bounced around the room.

Yuki placed the golden glowing orb into Lyric's lap with the pillow.

"I haven't seen you this worked up ever since the war back in the demon realm." Yuki stated as she floated toward the suspended Rohell curious about the mortal being." I'm guessing Lord Ghirahim's excuses didn't help that though.."

Lyric rubbed his face in frustration," Not at all."

Yuki giggled as she floated back over to Lyric," So what now?"

Lyric sighed and looked at Yuki," I have to figure that out still. Now leave me so i can think before the rebelling leaders get here."

Yuki nodded as she floated to the door," As you wish my Lord."

So this is what happened to dad? She looked at the mural again before it finally clicked. She had to get one thing and quickly if she was going to change the future...

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