Chapter 9:

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~~no ones pov~~

The party of three took only a few days to reach Hateno Village. Even without monsters terrorizing the night, traveling without the sun to greet them was risky. Link was still being hunted by the Yiga Clan and it didn't help that Ako was trying to see Link in action.

So, when the three finally began crossing the bridge in the early morning they all sighed, one disappointed and two relieved. Bolson woke up to the soft click of hooves and smiled waving to his best client.

Link waved back ever so slightly before guiding his horse around to the stalls. Sidon easily followed suit with the horse he was given. Link dismounted before feeling the soft wind snatch at his hair. He shivered with a huff before helping Ako down from his giant horse.

Sidon dismounted with ease though, smiling at how cute Link's house was. It suited the knight well. Ako happily ran to the edge of the ledge and peered down into the pond below. She could see the armored porgies far below her which it made her pout a little. When Sidon took a peek he smiled amused by his cousin.

"Alright Ako. Time to head inside for the night." Sidon said taking her shoulder. The child sized adult sighed then walked with Sidon back to the front of the house where Link was talking to a very flamboyant man who was just head over heels about Sidon.

"Link! Just look at him! He's big!" He whispered before wiggling his eye brows." I didn't picture you with a hunk of a man at all. You be careful alright?"

Link blushed embarrassed before pushing his constructor away to the cooking pot by his house. Sidon came up smiling and Link opened his door to the two. When the three entered, Link almost didn't recognize his own home.

It was three times bigger than before, and there were two new rooms. Link smiled and showed Ako to his old bed that was up the steps. When she laid down she sighed out in joy, so link went back down the stairs to Sidon who happily scooped him up and carried him to one of the new rooms. Link immediately blushed at the big bed and glanced up at Sidon. Their room.

The prince had a gleam in his eyes as he observed the room built specifically for them. One window that overlooked the field and ledge, thick walls and a lot of storage for clothes, food, and drinks. Link swallowed hard as Sidon closed the door slowly. It wasn't his home, but he was perfectly happy with what was provided, especially the bed. He threw Link to it before plopping down on top of him. Link gasped out and reached to a pillow, but couldn't quite reach it.

"S-Sidon! Your heavy! G-Get off!" Link half begged, but his lover only groaned.

"But I'm comfortable like this." He looked at Link before smirking and ruffling the blonde locks of hair.

Link only growled before Sidon petted his worries away. Link almost immediately silenced and plopped his head down onto the bed in defeat. He wouldn't get anywhere like this.

"Wow, you quieted down almost like a tamed wolf." Sidon chuckled.

"I dreamt that I could turn into a wolf. It was weird..." Link stated as he put his head in his hand.

"Tell me more~." Sidon purred at the thought of Link as a wolf then snickered.

"Well, I think I was around the age of twenty and lived in a village hidden by the forest", Link started." One thing leads to another and my friend and the village children get kidnapped. In the attempts to chase after them I run deep into the forest before getting stopped by a wall of shadows." He closed his eyes and then reopened them." Before I knew it a giant black hand grabbed me then pulled me through. Once I was on the other side though I turned into a wolf." He looked at Sidon." It was more like a nightmare than a dream." He whispered.

Sidon sat up slightly before bringing his lover onto his chest. He petted him gently before tracing his small ears," Don't worry sharkbait. Even if you did turn into a wolf. I would still love you."

Link blushed then smiled and kissed his cheek. Sidon smiled then began to remove his armor and decorations. Link began to do the same, but as he slipped his shirt off Sidon accidentally looked and blushed. All of his bandages were coming off showing his multiple scars he gained from his fight with Ganon and these past two weeks. Sidon placed his hand on one gently which made Link stiffen and blush. He went to move, but was stopped by Sidon's other hand that was pressing against his chest.

"Link, relax okay?" Sidon huskily whispered, his eyes glassy with a new desire.

"F-Fine." He shuddered slightly as Sidon's hand traveled up to his jaw, holding it sternly.

Sidon leaned down and kissed a scar as lightly as he possibly could which made Link gasp softly with surprise, a thick dust of blush made the normal calm cheeks rosy. Sidon felt his whole body warm at that soft sound before he nibbled at the small of his back. Each scar had it's own story and Sidon wanted to hear them all.

"Tell me love, which scar was your first?" He peered at the hylian before his heart stopped.

"My first scar? Im not very proud of it, but when I was learning to be a knight as a kid, I might have sliced my hands and bottom lip." Link mumbled.

Sidon sat up with determination in his eyes. He took Link's hands then pressed a kiss to each one. Link's cheeks grew red over time and found himself crawling onto the zora's lap. Sidon only chuckled before holding his hands in one of his hands while his other found Link's lower back.

"Link. I welcome you back home~." Sidon whispered then pressed his lips to Link's in hopes to taste every inch of him. Link only nodded then wrapped his legs around Sidon's waist. The hylian didn't want to admit it, but neither were ready for each other in such a way yet. Sidon smirked and broke their kiss before nibbling on his bottom lip. Link blushed before wrapping his arms around Sidon's neck. Both were tempted, but when Sidon remembered the time he pried Link's legs away then laid him down only to take his shoes off.

"As much as I love doing these things, we have to rest. I want a tour of this village tomorrow." Sidon whispered as he tried to focus on getting some sleep. Link pouted though with blush still in his cheeks.

"Sidon~. Why do you do this?" Link asked.

Sidon blinked confused before blushing. Link had a bulge near his loins and was blushing far worse than ever before. Sidon chuckled and kissed Link's cheek then neck all over," Because Link, I love every inch of you, but I can't have you quiet yet." He whispered against his neck before pressing his hand against the hylain's lower abdomin." Now take a deep breath and relax. You have to calm down."

Sidon smiled as Link panted over and over, but eventually he was nestled perfectly in Sidon's arms. The thick blanket covered them both perfectly and when Sidon pried his eye open to see his sleeping warrior, peaceful and happy. To think, this all happened, because I finally admitted it. He thought then laid his forehead on the knights. It's almost like a dream. Sidon sighed out then nuzzled Link's cheek before settling his head on top of Link's and drifting away to his oblivion to the natural scent of a cedar forest.

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