Chapter 37:

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~~No Ones POV~~

Sidon leaned on a pillar staring at the blue marble under his feet. His walk with Rohell took up two hours of his night, but in the end he felt awful. He could still see the anger flared behind those unnatural amethyst eyes, the furry that he held for only a moment toward the prince was unnerving. Not to mention that during the conversation he felt off. He closed his eyes and growled at himself.

"What in the world were you thinking Sidon?" Rohell asked flabbergasted.

"What do you mean?" Sidon responded confused.

Rohell rubbed his forehead as both stopped at the bridge heading to the reservoir. He turned to the ptince," I mean why did you go and tell your father before talking with Link?"

Both stared at one another before Sidon looked at the floor," I didn't mean to tell my father, it just happened."

Rohell narrowed his eyes in anger," What do you mean it just happened? Nothing just happens on it's own these days."

Sidon opened to respond, but stopped and closed his mouth unsure. He was right, the foreigner was right. Nothing happens by coincidence anymore. Sidon looked at the floor staring at the marble confused till he looked back up at Rohell seeing his serious demeanor.

Sidon opened his eyes staring at the marble before him. He had to make this situation better. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed out as he relaxed.

He began to head toward his shared room when an idea sprouted into his mind. His fins flapped with joy and he smiled as he began to head to Link.

I got it! He thought as he slid to a stop in front of his door. He quietly peeked in seeing Link sleeping away in their shared bed. Sidon smiled and entered without a sound before going over and slipping under the covers. Instantly Link snuggled up against his cool scales making Sidons smile grow.

He placed his hand across Link's in a gentle motion seeing the knight relax and fall deeper into his slumber. Sidon smiled as he laid his head back relaxing himself.

Birds were singing as soft light poured into the royal chambers. Isa was fast asleep and Link was beginning to stir as he felt the body beside him slip away. A whimper escaped his lips before the familiar large hand combed gently through his hair brushing behind his ears ever so softly.

Link sighed out happily, before nuzzling the pillow under his head. His brain though focused as his pillow rose and fell in even tones. He pried his eye open lazily seeing the massive chest under his head. A smile graced Link's features before he remembered their fight. He frowned tearing himself from his lovers warm embrace. He curled around a massive pillow he often used, but felt Sidons strong arms slowly wrap around him.

Tears brimmed his eyes making him bury his face into the pillow. Even in his sleep Sidon wanted his love, it hurt Link down to his core. Why was he so lucky?

A whimper bounced into Link's ears making him look to Isa's crib. She squirmed ever so slightly before her hair floated up. Link's eyes went wide as he watched the infant reach out unconsciously to him as she floated up into the air. He pried himself from Sidon's sleeping from and hurried over catching Isa just as she began to fall toward the floor.

Link sighed with relief then looked at Isa with concern till his eyes grew wide with awe. In the center of her forehead glowed the symbol of power. Link closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against hers.

"It's ok Isa. It'll all be ok." Link whispered.

Isa's whimpered subsided along with the symbol on her forehead. Link smiled turning back toward his shared bed. As he looked up though he saw Sidon staring with confusion.

"What just happened?" Sidon asked out loud.

Link stared with surprise before lowering his eyes to their sleeping infant. He sighed before looking back up at Sidon. Explaining this was gonna be a little difficult. Link took a deep breath in before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"It might sound a little crazy....." Link began.

Sidon scooted closer to the knight and child then smiled," Anything with you is crazy love. You defeated calamity Gannon afterall."

Link smiled knowing the prince was right. Yet he honestly knew this would be hard to explain. He slowly moved over to be beside Sidon cradling the small child in his arms.

"When I was a boy. My father told me that each person chosen by Hylia was always picked by fate. No matter what it's always the same. The fated child gains the mark of their respective goddess in their forehead before it disappears. From there they either pass it on or take place in the next fated battle."

Link traced Isa's cheek with his finger letting the news sink into his lover's mind. It was a deafening silence that Link never wanted to hear. It would make many go mad from suspense, yet he sat there soaking in Isa's gentle features.

Her cute soft cheeks, her silky white hair with the small blue stripe, her even tanned skin, and the smallest point to her ears he ever did see. A perfect portrait worthy moment...... to bad he didn't have time to paint.

"Wait so you're telling me that she will pass on the triforce of power?" Sidon asked.

"Yes." Link whispered.

Sidon rubbed his neck trying to make sense of it all, but shook his head and nuzzled Link tenderly. He could care less about that, but what he did know was that Isa was their daughter and that wouldn't change.

"Well I guess when the time comes we will tell her." Sidon whispered.

Link looked at Sidon with surprise before smiling and cupping his jaw gently," You mean that?"

"Of course, Sharkbait." Sidon whispered.

Link smiled and leaned up kissing Sidon tenderly. Sidon happily kissed back without delay, making sure that the other felt every inch of the love he felt to him.

From now on I'll consult with Link, and then once everything is settled maybe we can grow our family even more. Sidon thought smiling as he pulled away from Link. The hylian was a blushing mess from head to toe and Sidon loved it that way.

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