Chapter 81:

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~~No One's POV~~

Isa lifted her head, something inside her stirred as lightening flashed across the sky. She stood from what she was doing with the other village children. Something in her soul told her go.

She balled her fists with determination as she felt the malice in the world conjoining. She had to act even if she didnt want to. She immediately ran to the elders house. She scrambled up the steps and pushed into the main room.

"Miss Paya!" Isa called.

Paya, looked up from her papers, she had aged incredibly well for being only 180 years old. Unlike Impa though, she hadn't gained any signs of old age.

"Isa? What's wrong?" Paya asked.

"Something's wrong! I can feel it in my funny bone!" Isa begged out.

Her white hair had a red tint to it from the sky, and the blood moon made her blood run cold. Something was happening.

Paya stood from her seat, her ancient styled elders dress flowing around her as she walked to the child. Her hair was pulled back tightly, but she took Isa's chin with a smile.

"My child, patience is a virtue. Be patient and I'm sure everything will come laid out for you perfectly." She stated as she took her hand back.

She put her long sleeves together hiding her hands, but that didn't ease Isa's distressed state. In fact it only made her feel worse as she looked out the windows to see the purple and pink clouds roll by.

"Paya... I miss daddy..." Isa stated.

Paya smiled sadly and patted her head," I know sweetie. I know."

Paya hummed as she looked out into the world before gaining an idea," Isa, come with me real quick."

Isa looked at her as she walked to the portrait Link had used to gain his final memory. As Isa stood before the painting, she felt a sense of dread. She swallowed hard as she looked at Paya.

"Miss Paya. What does it take to fully learn the way of a swordsman...?"

Paya looked at her before smiling sadly," With the assistance of a properly trained teacher? Only maybe 7 to 10 years to get the full grasp of everything."

Isa swallowed hard as she looked at her child hands, why must i be cursed with this body...?

She balled her hands and looked outside seeing the clouds begin to swirl in a vengeful pattern. She had a bad feeling in her stomach.

Days went by and nothing had changed, the sky remained red and the blood moon came out one night after the other. Isa's mood became more cursed. Her eyes losing the shine they had to them almost every day.

It had been days at this point and Isa wouldn't leave her room. Paya tried everything she could think of, but nothing worked. All Isa would do is stay curled up in bed under the blankets. It hurt Paya's heart to say the least as she would check on Isa from time to time.

"Oh Link, what would you do...?" Paya adked herself as she looked out the window.

Then it hit her, and it was brilliant.

She smiled as she walked up the familiar steps to the room that was once hers to see that Isa was still under those blankets.

"Isa, do you plan to come out of those sheets today?" Paya asked.

"No.... I don't want to." Isa stated from under her fortress of solitude.

Paya clicked her tongue," Well that's to bad, I was gonna show you a area you father visited frequently if you came out, but aw well."

Isa lifted her head slightly and peeked from the sheets seeing Paya turning around slowly.

"Wait, dad had a favorite spot here...?" Isa muttered.

Paya turned seeing those curious eyes gain that sparkle they lost," Why yes. In fact whenever he came to this village originally, it was the first area he found."

Isa pushed the blankets from her side and sat up," So if I get up, you'll show me?"

Paya nodded happily before Isa slowly got out of bed. The poor girl was famished so the two ate a hearty meal before walking to the main doors of the elders house. Isa happily pushed the heavy doors open for Paya and the two made their way down the riquetty steps.

Both stopped half way down though as the head guard shoved demon generals Yuki and Iblis onto their knees. Isa's eyes went wide along with Paya's as the two demons stared at the ground.

"Elder Paya, they claim to want safety here." The guard stated." What should we do?"

Isa looked to Paya, the surprise disappearing from Paya's eyes as she became serious.

"May I ask your names?" Paya asked.

General Yuki looked up her eyes locking with Paya's," Princess Yuki of the ice demon clan, general to Lord Ghirahim."

Iblis looked up as well, her eyes drifting until she looked at Isa," Iblis of the fire demon clan, I am a general as well."

Paya hummed then stepped in front of Isa before glaring," Why should I let you into my home?"

Yuki stared at the woman, their eyes staring until Yuki turned her head down," We have no where else to go. That monster... its hunting everything down until it's last breath."

"Monster? What monster?" Paya asked.

Yuki looked to Iblis before they both looked to the elder," The star's incarnent has risen once again."

Paya's eye brows furrowed together until she looked at the sky," So that must be why the air has a bad feeling to it."

Yuki and Iblis watched with curiousity as Paya looked back at them. This woman wasnt like the others.

"Isa, I'm afraid I have to ask this of you." Paya turned to Isa seeing that Isa's face grew serious." It's time to wake up."

Isa looked at Paya, before nodding, her eyes glowing gently until she looked at Yuki and Iblis." Please tell me what you know."

Iblis growled," What do you mean? Like a child like you will-"

Isa flashed before Iblis, her eyes narrowed and her prescence more overbearing," I said tell me what you know."

Iblis held her tongue with shock and surprise, she didn't know what just happened.

"All we know is that the princess is holding back the monster as much as she can right now. We barely got away when we found out the monster had slaughtered everything in a two mile radius. It has the most power during the blood moon." Yuki stated.

Isa looked at her then looked at Paya," I'll need that map papa left afterall."

Paya smiled and removed her hands from her sleeves handing a rolled up map to her," I know you only have a small grip on your powers, but please take the weapon as well."

Isa stared at her before nodding and heading straight to the shrine gates. Paya put her hands back and smiled proudly. Yuki and Iblis stood confused before looking at Paya.

"Who is that child?" Yuki whispered as she disappeared around the bend.

"You would never believe me even if I told you." Paya whispered as a glossed looked grew in her eyes." She is the key to everyone's salvation."

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