Chapter 55:

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~~No One's POV~~

Sky blue eyes slowly opened with confusion. The soft silk Zelda felt over her aching body was a blessing. She turned her head to the closest window seeing the roaring waterfalls of the Zora domain. Tears flowed down her cheeks onto the pillow under her head.

I made it, she thought happily.

She balled her heavily bruised fist, feeling pain spike through it every second until she released it. Everything hurt for her in every way shape and form.

I have to warn them, before it's to late.

She stared up at the ceiling, her mind numb as the roars of the waterfalls began to bring back her time in enemy hands. She shivered as her skin began go burn with a fake pain. Her vision fading into the dark room she was once held in. Tears brimmed her eyes as a scream ruptured through the air, her eyes closing as she heard the crunch of bones being forcefully broken.

Y̧̭̝͎̦̊̈̽̄̂̂̈ǫ̷̢̮̦͖̓̈̑͑̈́͟ͅu̵̝̠̘͓̹̥͔͓͌͑͋̀̈́̕͜͠ͅ'̨̹̩̭̱̞͈̬̍̈͊̎͊́͘ͅl̷̡̢̺̪̼̼̰͋͗̽̀͒̈̾̏͜͠͝l̷̝͈͓̫̻͐̔̒͒͆͗̊̄ n̢͖͚̜͙͛̑̔̏̓̍̊̕ē̴̱̮̰̺͔̮̆͆̑̿̍͆͋̾v͎̮̙̫͚͆̓́́͂̿͌͛̆͐ͅè̸̮͖̘̺̐̏͊́̇͘̚͜ŕ̶͚̮͕̫̗̩̀̎̔̋͢͞͝ ȩ̸̳̫̠͓̞̖̬͚͋̊̉̓̓̾̍̀̚ͅs̷̢͙͉̿̑̊̐̄̓͐͟͢͜͡c̴̢̡̣̰̯̆̈́̓̃͊̃̑̓̑͟͝ả̢͇͔̫̠͔̖̽̒̏̍͒̇̏͞ͅp̞̲͓͉̦̘̠̓̉̏͐͋́͘̚ȩ̘̖̜̱̓̊̃̉̈̈́͘͜ ư̧̯͉͓̤̯̞̫̯̰͑͛́̂́͘ș̷͍̺̤̭͓͚̞͐͛͒̔̀̚͘͞͡

She turned seeing monsters unlike the ones she experienced before. Massive and strong beasts with features identical to a Lynel, only far more ranged. From lizards, birds, even strange hylian looking ones, these monsters weren't to be taken lightly.

A blue hylian leaned down to her, snowflakes falling from her hair in the process.

G͓̱̜̝̰̻̒̊̊̑̽͘͡͞ì̧͉̫̫̬̜̀͂͗͝͝v̛͇̭͚̮̺̭̪͈̮͉͌͂́̓ḙ̶̡̙͚̮̺̹͍̆̇͆̾̑̍̾́͐͜͠ i̴̢̲̯̺̲͈̞͗͑̽͞͡n̡̲͓̹̟̊̊̐̔̍̈͒̚,̻̣͚̖̈̐̌̃̄̽̿͜ P̴̣̹̺͇̙̬̅̐̅̏̋͜r̲͙͚͉̫͆̓̑̆̒̒i̸̡̨̧͖͍̳͓͙͖̥͌͗̍̃̊͂͆ǹ̶̨̦̩̞̖̰͕̥̈̐͒̋͜͟c̴̢̛̘͖̙͕̐͊̒͊̏͐͢ę̶̝͙̘̦̥̺̰͖͖̔̈́̀̇̏s͎̳̼͔̜͇͖͈̑̉̽͋͜͡͞͡s̷̢͙͚̪̗̼͈̭͖̱̓̾̾̑͞

"Never!" Zelda croaked out.

The frost kissed hylian sighed before standing, her eyes glowing purple as she snapped.

A͔͉͇͍͔̝̖̳̟̋͆̐̕͡͝ͅl̘͉̬̭̣͎̒͑̔̂̿͑͜͟l̵͙̫͕̪͇̾̿̔̈́̓͆̎͘͟͟͟ ỹ̶̧̛̠̘̠͖̱̦̦͉͎̾̀͂̋̅̈o̲͔̠̝̞̞̣̪̽̊̊̽́̋̃͑͐͞u̸̢̼̭̜̗͉͙͆̿̉͐̒̉͟͡ h̴̢͇̘̻́̀̈͊́̊͘͜͢ả̡̙͇̘̬̫̯̽̉̄͠d̴̛̦̟̙͖̖͕̂̔̊͂̋̈́͠͝ t̷̡̜̖̯̟͎̫͆̓̀͂͊͑̓͞o̢̹̠͈͔͒̓͆͌̓͡͠ ḑ̴̡͍̝͇̟͒̊̿̓͊̊͞ở̶̺̰͈͇̺̓̑̃̓̏̈́͘͜͟ ẁ̴̝̬͇̹̤͇̣͆̂̀͋͗̈́̍̕͢͡ͅȁ̶͈̲͉̥̠̞̉̃̇̓͗̉͗̀̚s̮̟͖̖̺̳͑̆͑̒͂͋́͌͢ g̨̞̭͍̰̺̖̗͎̻̽̾̀͛͆̾i̧͍̝͉̼̱͉͕̟͚͗́̓̓̀̅͂v̡̩̠̜̹͂͆̏̆̾̏͘̚͟͜e̸̹͉͙̞̼̪̣͔͛͗͋͝͞͞ i̟̥̜̙̬͚̲̥̊͆́̒̀̊͋͝͠ǹ̦̲̗̰̘̣̲͑̌̓̐͛̄̿͜ͅ

All the monsters grabbed a part of Zelda harshly, causing her to jolt awake from the memory of the torture she recieved daily. Her eyes scanned the area about her, until her eyes fell upon the giant Zora prince she recognized. Every bone in her body ached, and to make it all worse, her bandaged throat made the inevitable worse.

She couldn't speak as well anymore. Her sweet voice damaged in the fight with Maya.


She looked to the door with fear, only to see the guards standing perfectly in the window to block seeing in and seeing out. Her tense body screamed for relaxation, but she could still remember those eyes and monstrous appearance when she transformed.

She laid her head back, turning her attention to the window in the room, it was just big enough to where a breeze flowed through the room, but her attention was focused on the waterfall that flowed just past it to hide her view from the world.

She watched the water flow intently until she heard the door handle click. She cast her gaze to the door seeing a gentle hylian doctor coming in with the Zora's head doctor. She relaxed a little more before putting her gaze back to the waterfall.

"Welcome back to the world of the living your highness." The hylian doctor whispered." We have a few questions, but we know you might not be able to speak often, so nod once for yes, shake once for no."

Zelda looked to them, taking a painful deep breath in.

"Your highness, do you remember what happened?"

As clear as day, she thought. A single nod followed.

"If we brought you pictures on a shekiah slate of possible people would you be able to point them out?"

Another nod.

"Your highness, are you in pain?"

Another nod, her eyes growing tired.

"I think that will be all the questioning for today." The Zora doctor stated, noticing the princesses tired eyes." Let her rest some more before we continue."

The hylian doctor nodded," Perfectly fine with me."

The hylian doctor left the room, but the Zora doctor stayed. In a brisk walk she poured Zelda some water and held it out to her lips for her to drink.

"Take a drink before you rest your highness." The Zora doctor whispered.

Zelda slowly parted her lips, her dry mouth thankful as the cold liquid flowed into her mouth only to disappear in seconds.

The Zora smiled, watching the wounded princess gulp the water down like no tomorrow. Three cups of water later, Zelda was out like a light, sleeping soundly. The Zora doctor smiled before turning to the sleeping prince.

Ever since the incident with Mipha's statue, he hasn't slept until now. Poor guy, he just can't get a break. The doctor thought as she took a needle filled with antibiotics for Zelda. She gently placed it over the princesses arm before gently pushing in. With a quick push on the plunger like mechanism attached to the needle the antibiotic soared into the princesses arm.

She happily removed the needle then covered the princesses puncture with a bandaid. She placed the used needle into a bag before putting it in her jacket pocket. Now we just need to wait.

She placed one hand over the other gently before smiling with a ease on her mind. She just needed time to pause around the world but keep moving here in order for everything to go smoothly. Yet she knew in the bottom of her heart that something was gonna happen.

She could feel it in the bottom of her heart. Fear crashed upon her as she felt an angry gaze fall onto her. Her mind freezing as she felt the piercing red of anger and hatred. Someone was watching them, but that didnt matter. What did matter was that the princess was safe.

She lifted her head against her fear and turned her head slightly to the door to see the guards blocking the window more than usual. Someone was out there, she didnt know who, but what she did know was that no one was gonna get in without a fight.

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