Chapter 21:

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~~No One's POV~~

Three days went by and the two were currently standing by the Gerudo Canyon Stables in the only way that lead into the desert. Both were staring out at the harsh climate, the sun was beginning to set thankfully.

"Are you sure about this, Sharkbait?" Sidon wondered aloud before looking to the hylain.

"It's the safest way to get to Guerdo Town." Link stated as he pulled his hair into a pony tail.

Sidon swallowed nervously as he stared out into the vast desert. He had a bad feeling about this, a very bad feeling about this.

"Okay Sid. Only drink these if you feel cold or hot." Link stated as he placed a chilly elixir and a warming elixir in his hands.

Sidon grasped them tightly before watching Link jump down onto the warm sand. Sidon followed suit, his breath leaving him as the warm air kissed him. Link smiled and held a water container to the other.

"Here. Stay hydrated. We can't stop if we're gonna make it by sun rise." Link stated.

Sidon took the container and immediately took a drink before they began to walk side by side. The foot prints they left behind slowly fell away as the gentle wind blew across the sandy dunes.

Neither tried to stop as the air began to get cooler the further they walked away from the stables and headed toward the Bazaar.

It was quiet the entire way, neither were willing to speak for the moment, but both kept close to each other to make sure the other was safe. No one was going to get hurt.

Link's knuckles brushed Sidon's before they entwined their fingers slowly. Link smiled softly as they walked along, hand in hand. It was quiet, scarily quiet. So quiet that neither could find the right words to even start a new conversation.

The wind that was blowing suddenly stopped as Link stepped onto a certain spot in the sand. Just under his foot, a few inches away sat a trigger so small that it could have been mistaken for a bug. A small red dot flashed once before Link's ears perked slightly.

It was instant, almost over whelming, and definitely heart wrenching. It was a cry and not just any cry, it was a baby's cry. Link bolted off the path toward the source. His mind went numb as he reached the peek of a dune.

His heart stopped, blood was everywhere along with five to six lizalfos. A mother and father laid face first in the sand and a baby sat protected from the harsh desert climate in a small bundle of purple cloth.

Link ran to the crying child being mindful of the passed parents. He fell to his knees and slowly scooped up the small bundle in his arms. Tears picking his eyes at the scene, he turned toward Sidon who stood on the top of the dune horrified. Link cradled the child to his chest tears flowing down his cheeks.

Sidon slid down the dune and kneeled scooping the two up and holding them protectively. Sidon stood carefully and faced the direction of the Bazaar. The baby was silenced as Link shared his warmth to the babe. His mind went numb, but only one thought kept him going. Protect them.

Link nuzzled the child as the cries finally died away to small confused coos and babbles. Link's smile finally formed through the tears as the child extended her hand and took Link's finger. Her bright gold eyes didn't seem to match her pale complexion.

"Don't worry sweet heart. I've got you." Link whispered in hopes to keep the child quiet.

At first her big eyes were clouded with uncertainty till she yawned. She didn't care anymore, in fact she snuggled into the knights chest for his warmth and comfort as her small hands gripped onto his shirt tightly.

Link opened his bag and pulled his cloak out to lay it across her for an extra layer of warmth. Link looked up at Sidon and leaned into his chest.

"What do you plan to do with her?" Sidon asked quietly as he stole a glance at the two. The sight was one to truly behold.

"I don't know honestly. If i can't find her a loving home, then I guess I'll take her in." Link whispered rubbing the small back that was on his chest.

"If you can't find her a home, what will you name her?" Sidon asked curious.

"I don't know." Link whispered as he ran his finger down the child's back.

It was quiet again as Sidon walked across the sands. He looked at the distant building and sighed before he picked up his pace. He was determined to at least get to the safety of the Bazaar before anything else could happen or at least before the cold could catch him.

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