Chapter 64:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was a bright sunny day upon Hyrule when everything began. Ghirahim was cleaning a pitch black sword when he saw the small frame under his sheets stir. His ears perked slightly with hope before placing the strange sword down. He hurried over to the bed side and gently took his demons hand.

"Oh darling~. Wakie wakie~." Ghirahim chimed with his eyes closed.

The sleeping demon pried his ruby eyes open and slowly turned his attention to the voice. He swallowed confused as the morning rays were gone. He balled up the blanket underneath his fingers. Something felt off..almost like he was missing something. He slowly sat up and looked at Ghirahim.

"Ghiri... what's going on..?" The demon whispered.

Ghirahim smiled at his old nickname," Dont worry, I'll tell you in due time, my little Lyric."

The demon smiled at the old nickname as he looked to his lord, his black hair hiding the other side of his face perfectly.

"You finally remembered my nickname?" Lyric whispered.

"Of course my dark little prince." Ghirahim whispered.

Lyric smiled, it was gonna be three times easier to go by Lyric again. After all, he wasnt this worlds Link. He went to stand but hissed as his body ached. Ghirahim placed a hand on Lyric's shoulder and rubbed him gently.

"Dont worry. Give it time."

Lyric smiled, but looked at his lap before balling up his hands. He was still feeling incomplete, like part of him was missing...

His eyes went wide before he glanced at the weapon in the corner, that used to be his weapon. He kept it all this time, cleaning and sharpening it until it could be left alone for a while. He glanced at his lover though, seeing no hint of evil in his face.

He wouldn't... he couldn't have...

Lyric forced himself up slowly, even though his body screamed for him to stop, he continued. He stared at Ghirahim for a moment since he wasnt paying attention before reaching out to his neck.

"Ghiri... What did you do...?" Lyric whispered, his pupil pointing like a cat's as he formed a red orb in his hand.

"Lyric..." Ghirahim turned to his significant other, seeing the distressed state of him." I wont lie. I removed the original soul of your new body... it was killing you from the inside."

Lyric froze, everything began to make sense. He wasnt feeling warm like he used to because this wasnt his body. He gritted his teeth before dispersing his attack into sparkling red dust. Ghirahim gently reached out and cupped his pale lovers cheek.

"You feel incomplete... dont you?" Ghirahim asked.

Lyric looked at him before biting his bottom lip slightly," Yeah."

Ghirahim's eyes softened before he sighed and took his lovers hand," Do you remember how we used to teleport together way back when?"

Lyric smiled," Of course."

Ghirahim smiled and twirled Lyric into his arms before the two rubbed their noses together slowly. With a slow turn the rhombus' slowly formed in a wave before they both transported to the same room Lyric first woke up in.

Ghirahim slowly turned his lover to a shelf and the two stared at a crystal ball on a white and gold trimmed pillow, glowing with a heavenly aura. Lyric slipped away from him and as he neared closer and closer, he realized how much warmth this aura radiated. His eyes softened as he reached to its surface, but stopped as Ghirahim took his shoulder.

"I know you feel incomplete, but it's for your own protection."

Lyric stared at the crystal ball only an inch away from his finger tip. He sighed pulling his fingers away and biting his bottom lip. He missed the warmth, but he didnt want to disappear from Ghirahim. He touched the pillow but smiled and turned to him.

"Would it be okay if I carried it around on the pillow?" Lyric asked.

Ghirahim blinked surprised at him before sighing," S-Sure. Why not?"

Lyric smiled gently before slipping his hands under the pillow and pulling it toward his chest. The warmth was nice and that's how he was gonna stay, holding the warmth.

Ghirahim though balled his fists tightly, he knew he should have tried another way to destroy that crystal, but because of the stupid things purity, he found that the thing made three different barriers around itself whenever it was attacked. It sickened him, but he was gonna have to live with it until he found a way to break it. But for now, it would make an excellent barrier for his love.

Lyric turned to him, the color in his skin already returning just from being near the heavenly crystal. Ghirahim patted his head guiding his lover away from the room.

Yet as the two walked through the desolate halls, a set of glowing purple eyes opened behind them observing the scene before closing and disappearing from sight.

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