Chapter 38:

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~~No One's POV ~~

Link paced back and forth as Sidon watched him from their shared bed. They have been engaged for at least two months now and the entire Zora domain had mixed feelings over the matter. Half of Sidon's fan group immediately supported the newly engaged couple while the other half hated the fact that both were gay and happened to find one another first.

King Dorephan and Ako easily supported them with no hesitation and were willing to help raise Isa when it was needed. It was the fact that the older generation of Zora were against it, fearful for the royal blood lineage. The prince wasn't worried about it, but that didn't mean Link didn't worry about it.

"What if I screw it all up Sidon? What if it is all ruined?" Link asked.

Sidon only smiled before taking the back of Link's shirt to make his cute, yet slightly irritating fíance stop. His gold eyes gleamed at the ocean ones before him," Love. Calm down. Everything will be alright."

Link stared at him before sighing and sitting in his lovers lap. Sidon happily wrapped him up in his arms and purred gently as he laid his head atop of the hylain's.

Link's eyes grew heavy before he snuggled into the warmth Sidon was providing. Both had a ghost of a smile as they enjoyed each other's company. Nothing could possibly ruin this.


Both jolted awake as Isa wailed out and looked to the door as the source of the sound. Both waited a minute before the banging started up again. Sidon huffed and stood while Link tended to Isa. The prince took the door handle and swung the door open glaring down to see the one person he absolutely didn't want to see.

"Muzu. What is it?" Sidon asked annoyed.

The old Zora glared up at him then to hylain behind him before sighing and looking at Link," The king wishes to see you. Alone."

Link blinked then nodded and looked to Sidon who growled slightly before taking Isa who was squirming happily. Link could only smile before he kissed Sidon's crest. Both blushed slightly before Link made his way through the whinding hallways.

His mind started to wander until he found himself at the bottom of the stairs that went into the throne room. He swallowed hard then rubbed his neck. What is he gonna talk about...? He closed his eyes at the thought and could only imagine the different outcomes.

He took one deep breath in and started up the stairs finally determined. Remember Link, he is gonna be the father you don't remember. He walked in seeing the massive zora King Dorephan sitting with his eyes closed in complete silence. Link relaxed a little as he walked through the water to the main pedestal before the king.

Once he was in place he cleared his throat making the kings very own golden eyes open. He looked then smiled and put his large hand to the hylain before him.

"Let me get a closer look at you my boy." Dorephan whispered.

Link looked at the kings hand before stepping onto it carefully. He then sat down and was lifted up into the air before the Kings face. Both stared at each other before the King smiled. Eventually though that smile faded and he sighed as he looked away.

"Link..... There is something you should know....." He began then looked at the knight." I sent a guard of mine to go and inform Zelda of the news, but...."

Both swallowed hard and Link felt the butterflies in his stomach die one by one as dread clawed at his insides.

"But, what Dorephan...?" Link asked.

Dorephan swallowed hard before closing his eyes and relaxing," It's Zelda. She's missing."

His whole world stopped and black dots danced in front of his eyes. He swayed before falling back unconscious. Dorephan sweat dropped completely surprised, but froze as the black spot moved to his neck pulsing looking like Ganon's malice did.

"GUARDS. GET SIDON RIGHT NOW." He roared as he lifted Link closer to get a better look. This wasn't good, the fact that the blood moon only recently happened were bad signs and now this?

Sidon ran into the room several minutes later panting and frantic," What is it father?"

Dorephan narrowed his eyes at him before lowering his unconscious future son-in-law to the future king. Gold eyes clashed with gold before Sidon looked at Link. He paled at the sight of the spot, it had grown another inch in diameter.

"Tell me, did you know of this issue?" The king asked.

Sidon bit his lip then nodded as he swept hair out of his lovers face," Yes, but it wasn't this big before."

Both remained silent before Dorephan lifted Link up to the light making the spot retreat. He hummed in thought," I want you to keep a close eye on this. Does he know?"

Sidon shook his head," No. He doesn't."

"If it grows again I want you to tell him. I will have someone take a look at it. I want someone to start some type of research at least."

Sidon nodded agreeing. He honestly wasn't sure who to call in for this sort of thing, but he trusted his father's judgement. Dorephan brought Link down and passed him to his son.

"Oh, and I also told him some...... news..... when he wakes up he might be a bit..... brash." He stated with sorrow filled eyes.

Sidon nodded and held his lover in his arms as his father had someone go track down a few people. He already knew that these next few days were gonna be troublesome.

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