Chapter 87:

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~~No One's POV~~

Isa slid back a bit before she placed her hand on the ground to stop her sliding. Ghirahim frowned as she did and brought his sword to his side.

"Interesting predicament we are in. Aren't we?" Ghirahim stated as Rohell put his hand between Sidon and them.

"It seems so." Isa stated getting up." Move so I can prevent a disaster from happening."

"Like I'd fall for a trick like that." Ghirahim stated.

"This isn't a trick you mad man!" Isa roared, her shoulders tensing." He will kill us all if I don't do something!"

Ghirahim frowned then studied her more," Who are you?"

Isa spun the master sword in her hand and readied," I'm someone who shouldn't have existed, yet I am here because of both of my father's sacrifice!"

Sidon ground his teeth together, tears spilling down his face as he studied his daughter. He could see the struggles of training with a blade, the fear of failing day after day until she arrived here, and he couldn't bare to see her suffer anymore.

"Stop it Isa!" Sidon cried out.

Ghirahim tensed, the name sinking in. He remembered her finally and once his mouth ran dry he pointed his blade at her.

"How are you here...?" He hissed.

Isa pointed the master sword at him," If you move out of my way, then I'll tell you."

Isa glanced at Lyric, he was staring at the floor, his hair slowly turning red the longer the blood moon stayed.

"I will not move. Lyric is the most important thing to me." Ghirahim hissed.

Isa frowned and sighed before looking at the mural above her head. She was so close, yet so far away. As she stared at the ceiling she then realized what needed to happen. Her eyes hit the shining orb that glowed ever so brightly.

She bolted to it, her eyes focused until Ghirahim teleported in front of her. She smiled, her mind made up as she kept running at him. She clashed blades with him as he began to loose his temper and shift into his attack mode. She immediately knew what needed to happen.

"ROHELL, THE ORB." Isa cried.

Ghirahim tensed as he watched the zonai disappear with a flutter of rhombus'. Ghirahim looked behind him seeing Rohell reappear with the orb and placed the orb to the stilled body that now housed both of the souls.

"NO!" Ghirahim roared, but it was to late.

The golden glow disappeared from the crystal ball causing everyone to step back as Isa and Ghirahim struggled against one another. A small gasp filled the room and as both Link and Lyric were finally whole, the beast awakened.

The black hair grew red and longer, black malice pooling at his feet until it began to swallow the body, and before everyone's eyes the poor soul grew and grew until it was closer to the ceiling. Isa broke away from the stunned Ghirahim, dashing as quickly as she could with out hesitating. Water steps formed and Isa stepped up closer and closer and as she leaped into the air it roared. She readied the sword at the side of her face. Her mind sharp. Her body glowing with the light of the sun.

"Not today you satanic fuck!" Isa screamed before throwing the master sword like a spear. All of her heavenly light transfering to the sword leaving her, her regular self.

As the sword stabbed into the beasts forehead, it stopped almost like it was forced to. As Isa landed she panted with worry and confusion. Her instincts told her to do this. It was what needed to happen.

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