Chapter 44:

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~~no one's pov~~

Sidon watched worriedly as scientists from all over hyrule observed the spot on Link's back. Everytime they went to poke it with gloved hands, it would suddenly move to another spot. He watched feeling completely guilty. He could still remember mixing a heavy sleeping mixture into Link's drink so that the scientists could do this. It's been a few hours now. The feeling in his abdomen never left him, he just knew that his lover would start to come out of unconsciousness soon.

He bit his lip watching the scientists poke and prod the small one. His nerves were beginning to short circuit his own thoughts. He knew Link wouldn't fall for that same trick twice, he also knew that the drug wouldn't work this long if it did ever happen again.

His sweat dropped as he could already hear and see the on coming argument later. It would start out heated then end with them cuddling, naked, kissing, joking. He blushed and pinched the bridge of his nose trying to get the other night out of his mind. Hylia it was blissful torture.

The Zora looked to the doors that lead into the hallway seeing guards blocking the way into this part of the castle, but what intrigued him was the strange hylain outside the doors talking to them, waving a royal letter in front of their faces in irritation. He could already hear the muffled racket from here.

Sidon walked to the doors and opened them making the guards glance at him before shoving the darkly tanned male away.

"Oh for the Lord of all things holy! I just need to deliever this letter to the hyrule champion! Its from the council!" He yelled placing his hands on his hips pouting, his dark black hair shined from a fresh wash, and his clothes practically screamed flamboyant. Only one set of words could describe his clothes, skin tight.

Sidon narrowed his eyes at him before offering his hand for the letter," I will take it to him."

The strange man with deep brown eyes looked up at the owner of the hand through his bangs that hid one eye, mezmorized at the sheer size of him. There were rumors that the royals could grow to be massive, but dear Lord Sidon was a big boy for his age. The messenger blushed passing the letter onto Sidon who eagerly took it.

"Now leave." Sidon growled with a fire in his eyes.

The messenger scurried away in a heart beat leaving the Zora and guards to the peaceful silence. All three released a held breath.

One guard looked at the other," Man I thought he would never leave! He was so annoying!"

The other nodded agreeing then mouthed a thanks to the prince who could only smile. He closed the doors and began to head back when he looked at the letter. His eyes narrowed at the extravagant hand writing that was Link's name.

He carefully opened it and froze at the words that made his heart stop. No. No, no, no, no!


As of today, you are to return to Hyrule castle and begin the search for Princess Zelda. Effective immediately.

Commissioner Ran

Commissioner Ran? He questioned, but refolded the paper as fear made his blood ice cold. His eyes went wide as he heard his love scream out along with many of the scientists. He was in the room within seconds seeing the scientists dodging the fear filled warrior.

Needles were at the warriors disposal along with plenty of other tools causing fear to rise in the potential victims. Sidon paled seeing that the love of his life, his world, cowering in a corner. His eyes unfocused and zipping about the room.

"Everyone out!" Sidon ordered and within seconds all of the scientists left the room. It was only the two love birds. Sidon slowly placed the letter on a table and slowly lifted his hands up.

"Sharkbait? Sharkbait can you hear me?" Sidon whispered. Tears formed in his lovers eyes making everything that was already blurry, even more blurry. He closed them hard and reopened them seeing the large red mass that was Sidon.

"S-Sidon...." He whispered softly as he began dropping the utensils.

The Zora opened his arms," I'm right here."

Link stumbled forward slightly before dropping everything and crashing against the Zora. Sidon scooped him up and held him against his chest feeling the hylain nuzzle against his neck. The giant played with the smaller ones hair sighing in relief.

"I'm here love. Just relax." He whispered playing with the golden straight locks.

Link whimpered curling up against the zora who could only feel guilty as he held his half naked lover. Sidon closed his eyes as he sucked in a breath then made his way back to his room, taking the letter as he left.

Sidon gently laid the smaller one down before pressing a kiss to the side of his head. The blonde sighed out feeling relaxed, calm, and only slightly confused. Sidon noticed then petted his lover gently before laying down next to him and wrapping him up in a protective layer of flesh. Both sighed in content before dozing off into a dreamless sleep.

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