Chapter 84:

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~~No One's POV~~

Isa bit her lip, her mind finally making up what she had to do. Yuki had left the room finally and Isa had to figure something out. She needed to do something to make herself whole so she could be heard.

She stared at the orb, its heavenly glow pronounced more than before then she looked at Rohell. Her mind then went to how tall he was and it made her think. They were originally coming to purify her father which meant the only person that had the means to hide the sword on them was Rohell...

She sighed and placed her hand on the surface before fazing through it to his pant leg. Her blush thickened as she fazed through his baggy pant leg just barely touching the master sword. She smiled and pulled her hand back before looking about the room. She needed to do something.

Then it hit her, a brilliant and dangerous idea. She swallowed hard and put her hands in front of her. Her mind praying that this would work. She slowly formed a water bubble. Her eyes on Lyric as his attention was grabbed by the sudden water bubble in the room.

"What in tarnation?" Lyric whispered.

The orb lit up in response to Isa causing her to smile. She had to act fast now more than ever.

She made an icy wall and began to write out a message to Lyric. It wasn't going to be perfect, but she knew what had to be done. As Lyric watched the ice make a message the orb began to grow hot. He placed his hand on to its surface just slightly causing one of his eyes to turn gold slowly being able to see the invisible girl.

"Who are you child?" Lyric asked.

Isa stopped and turned to look at him with shock," Y-You can see me?!"

Lyric smiled," It seems so."

Isa sighed in relief," That makes this so much easier now!"

She destroyed the icy wall and turned to him," My name is Isa. I'm the adopted daughter of Link and Prince Sidon. I come from a future that should never happen."

Lyric stared with curiousity, she looked familiar some how. He stood with the orb and walked to her, walking around her with interest before stopping before her.

"How did you come here? The time gate no longer exists from my knowledge." Lyric asked.

Isa smiled," It's a long story that I really dont want to explain, but in short I was granted access by the dragons from my time to make one so I could come here and change the events that lead to the future."

Lyric hummed before nodding," That would make sense as to why you don't have a physical form. Since you have a body already in this time line you can't have your current one."

Isa nodded," I came to that conclusion."

Lyric sighed and rubbed his forehead," Great... now I have this to work around too."

He walked back to the throne and sat with a huff, his mind wandering on the poor girl till he got an idea. He stared at her before offering his hand." Come here for a moment."

Isa happily walked to him and hovered her hand over his. A spark of electricity formed and Lyric smiled. She slowly took his hand and smiled as her body began to turn to a physical state.

"I grant thee 45 minutes to change thy future." Lyric whispered.

A gold light flooded the room as Isa fully formed. Her bright gold eyes and blue stripe in her white hair made Lyric smile with nostalgia. He knew he recognized her, but he never thought he would see Fi's living reincarnation.

"You need the master sword yes?" Lyric asked.

Isa smiled and ran to Rohell's side," Yup and then from there we need to prep for the beast."

Lyric rose a brow," Beast? What beast?"

Isa looked at him," The one you turn into."

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