Chapter 60:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was a cold and dark snowy winter for the land of hyrule. After Lord Ghirahim took the throne to the changing world, all the races leaders(except for the missing Zora king) swore their loyalty to him to protect their people. Ghirahim was mean and powerful and with his little sister at his side constantly, he was untouchable. The demon realm that was teetering on the verge of collapse had its residence flee into the newly changed realm...

Chaos was everywhere...

The Hebra's icy mountain ranges were now occupied with ice demons of all types, Death Mountain had rock and fire demons living along the feiry mountain, forest demons took up the jungle, and last but not least the Zora Domain had been over run with water demons. The only places that had no demon occupants was the desert and the rocky terrain of the Rito Village.

One hundred and eighty years went by and the snow never stopped in the lush green areas. Many of the last surviving hylians moved to the gerudo desert for warmth and food, but not all did. For those who could get through the lost forest, found a haven from the demon lord with Sidon and Rohell.

How much time has come and gone...? Sidon thought as he watched a small group of villagers from Karahiko stumble through the misty entrance. Many of them looked warn down and even malnourished. Most of them wore heavy jackets, but were quickly discarding it as they felt the extreme warmth in the area.

Unlike the outside, in the korok village the grass was as green as green could be and the sun rays along with leaves were everywhere even with the bluest skies. Sidon turned to the group and bowed.

"Welcome, please make yourself at home here." Sidon whispered.

"What on earth? But it was just a blizzard a minute ago." A village woman stated. She looked up and her eyes lit up at the sight of the great Deku tree." I-It's real. It's truly real."

Tears spilled down her cheeks making the Zora prince blink shocked. All of the villagers hugged one another in joy. Sidon smiled and rubbed his neck a bit as he ushered them in more.

"Come on you all, let's get you in a place to call your own." Sidon stated as he hurried them further into the area.

They complied of course, taking in the sights of korok's, as well as the flowers in eternal bloom. After a quick arrangement, the small group had been provided a small home in one of the plentiful root systems. Sidon took in the sights. The area had become a heaven for those who could get through the confusing maze of trees. From what he understood, many didnt know there was a way to get through the area, but as time passed, he realized people were pouring in more and more every few weeks.

Yet when he looked at the area, he realized the great Deku tree was changing the terrain to match everyone's needs. There was at least a small group of every race here currently. A deep and plentiful lake had been added for the Zora, the higher parts of the tree systems of the great Deku were occupied by a Rito group that had helped a group of hylians get here, a few Gorons were given a cavern under the Great Deku, and to make it all complete, the hylians were given make shift homes throughout the area. Yet no one dared to even glance at the master sword except for Sidon.

Every time he looked upon the holy blade all of his memories with Link brought his mood down. He knew a lot of time had been passing which worried the poor Zora Prince, he just never knew how much.

He sat in front of the triforce platform but never dared to get closer. He could hear the humming of the blade from where he sat. Even the silent princesses were leaning away from the blade. Almost like they were giving it space.

Ako watched her cousin from afar curious to why he always sat in front of that blade. No matter what from noon to four in the afternoon, Sidon would sit there like a statue. She worried for her cousin, it was almost unlike him. She sighed as Rohell walked up beside her. She looked to him with worry.

"You have to tell him....." She whispered.

Rohell looked at Sidon with dread, a knot was growing in his side at the thought of his reaction. He swallowed hard and nodded for a bit before slowly walking into the sunlight. His amythest eyes glowed ever so softly like everyone else's, but as he neared Sidon, he noticed that his eyes weren't glowing quite as much.

Rohell balled his fist as he neared the Zora prince, over the years they grew together as close friends... but he had a feeling in his stomach.

"Sidon." Rohell stated as he stopped a few feet away.

"Yes?" Sidon glanced back at him with his sorrow filled eyes.

"Let talk big guy." Rohell stated.

Sidon glanced back toward the master sword, hearing the angelic hum it gave off. He didnt want to move from his spot, but he knew Rohell always meant well. He slowly stood and looked at the foreigner he called friend.

The two walked away from the swords untouched place and headed toward the Zora's accommodations. Rohell stared at the ground as the Zora prince lowered himself into the pristine waters.

"Give it to me straight Rohell..." Sidon swallowed hard.

"...It's about Link..." Rohell whispered.

Sidon sighed, his fins lowering with sadness, a little part of him was hoping to hear good news... he knew better though.

"Sidon, Link has been assumed dead..." Rohell stated.

Tears flowed down the prince's features, he knew better than to hope that the love of his life to be alive... it had been a long time since he felt his lovers shared emotions. He just didnt want to believe it. He rubbed the tears clean from his eyes and sighed before looking at Rohell.

"Do you know how she is doing?" Sidon asked.

Rohell sighed and smiled," The Korok doctor has been working wonders. She may wake up today."

Sidon sighed and looked to Rohell," Let's go see her then." 

Hi everyone!

If you dont follow me i made a post earlier about a request for you all. Im in an artsy mood and need help on what to draw.

Should i draw a baby Isa for you all or a child Isa?

Comment on which one you guys would love to see! I will start drawing her in about a week so comment now while you can! The picture will be included with the next chapter!! 

Thanks in advance!


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