Chapter 73:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was a cold brisk morning in the world of the Great Deku tree. That didnt mean everyone was sleeping though. Sidon, Zelda, the Korok leader, Rohell, a rito named Mian, and Dialen sat at a wood table, everyone's eyes weary, but alert.

Dialen sat back, her hair pulled into its massive and fluffy pony tail. Her purple eyes bore into Rohell's, until Zelda cleared her throat killing the awkward staring contest.

"Okay. Let us set some rules before we begin this meeting. No yelling. It's way to early and the last thing we need is everyone waking up from a fight." Zelda looked at everyone." Agreed?"

Everyone nodded letting Zelda relax," Good."

Sidon stood placing his hand on the table as he looked at Dialen," Miss Dialen, please tell us what you know of the outside world."

Dialen looked at the floor in thought before looking back at Zelda," This entire happening of events were planned out for many, many years by the demon lord. His goal was to resurrect a force much stronger than any of us so that his grip on this realm was guaranteed."

Sidon sat down and everyone listened with worry and intent.

Dialen swallowed hard," The only thing that he is worried about is the sword that seals the darkness."

"Why?" Rohell asked curious." It's not like its an instant death for him."

"You're correct, but he's not worried about himself." Dialen looked to Sidon," He's worried about the blade undoing everything he has done so far."

Sidon rose an eye ridge, she was side stepping something," What do you mean?"

Dialen looked at him with sad eyes," This worlds balance rests on the one who can weild the sword that seals the darkness... He has corrupted Link into a weapon of mass destruction."

Everyone grew silent and horrified, the color fading from everyone.

Rohell slammed his hand down on the table," You mean to tell me that this world is going to shit because of that?"

Dialen nodded," Yes. The only issue is that reversing it won't be easy."

"It never is." Zelda chimed." If we are to take back my kingdom then what do we need to do?"

Dialen looked at them all before sighing," To start with, there are corruption enhancing wards, five exactly in total. We would have to destroy them simultaneously if we are to take them by surprise."

Dialen threw a map onto the table of Hyrule, the five locations marked with a red X," There is one at the summit of Death mountain by the hotspings, in Kakariko Village, in the Rito Village, in the Guerdo village, and one inside Hyrule castle."

Everyone swallowed hard at the locations, all of them were treacherous.

"So how would we even get these things down? It's not like we can just waltz in and say lead me to the ward." Rohell hissed, these missions were near impossible for any normal individual.

"Actually, thats all you need to do. They aren't very well guarded because most of the races are cooperating with the demon lord." Dialen whispered.

Zelda stood with horror on her face," Wait... what?"

Dialen looked to her," Yes, almost every village and race succumbed to the demon lords will. Granted it was no easy task and they all put up a good fight at first."

"What about the Guerdo village of women? Surely you jest about them falling to the will of a man." Zelda whispered in disbelief.

Dialen looked to the floor," From what I remember, they were the last to succumb."

Zelda sat with surprise," How?"

Dialen closed her eyes," It was a set up ambush. Lord Ghirahim sent his most trusted individual to deal with them in whatever way she felt."

Dialen looked at Zelda," It was a massacre... in a single night she kidnapped all the children in the village. From there she waited at an oasis in the desert after leaving a ransom. Not even a day had passed and they played into her hands. Fifty percent of all the female warriors fell to her and the village cheiftess couldnt even land an attack. She surrendered instantly knowing she couldn't save her people by herself."

Zelda stared at the floor with horror as Rohell sat forward with curiosity," Who did he send?"

"His sister..." Dialen whispered.

Rohell looked at the floor and ground his teeth," Shit. I was hoping you wouldn't say that..."

Dialen sighed but looked at Sidon who was lost in thought. It was strange to say the least, but he didnt look angry, or sad, he was merely thinking. She turned her attention to Zelda who had her head in her hands.

"I know it seems like an impossible task, but if you want your world back to normal, then we must act and decide who will go where." Dialen stated as she stood.

Rohell tapped his finger on the table," Sorry, but im not buying it."

Everyone looked at him confused which made him stood towering over everything," I don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but this is way too risky. Splitting up like some cheesy cartoon. Ya, no thank you. There are demons everywhere, getting to these places is a nightmare by itself."

Zelda looked at Dialen," He has a point."

Dialen looked at them before sighing," Fine. The only other way would be to hit them one by one, and increase the defenses after each one we hit."

"That sounds three times better than going alone." Mian, the rito stated.

"Agreed." Everyone but Sidon stated.

Dialen looked at Sidon, curious now at this point," Your highness?"

Sidon looked up before nodding," Yes, sorry."

Dialen sighed then tapped on the locations for Death Mountain and Rito Village," Well sense we've agreed to do one at a time, where should we start?"

Rohell tapped his fingers on the map before stopping on Death Mountain," If we're smart, the best choice would be to start here at Death mountain. Fire demons are a hassle to begin with, so the less bodies to fight. The better we'll be."

"I will like to say this." The Korok leader stated." If you do go through with this, you'll have to be quick. If the master sword lets one of you take it, this area will slowly be corrupted."

Everyone froze and looked at him.

"What do you mean elder?" Zelda asked.

"The sword has been purifying the corruption around this area ever sense it began. I'm afraid that if any of you take the sword to Link, then this area will be corrupted over a matter of a week." The korok Elder stated making the weight of this situation much much heavier.

They only had one shot to turn the tides.

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