Chapter 66:

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~~No One's POV~~

"SOMEONE FIND THAT TRAITOR!" A female pitch black demon roared. Her long charcoal black hair had one red horn protruding out of it and her feiry red eyes gave herself away as a fire demon. Her anger though didnt stop her from entering into the snowy tundra landscape for the heat she emitted had begun to melt the snow away.

The demons following her orders were weary and worn. The demon they were chasing was known for their speed and intellect. The worst part, no one suspected them of treason.

Gentle puffs of air flew into the air as the demon in question ran through the snow with ease. Her wild purple eyes scanned the area as she ran for her life.

Shit! She thought as her lungs filled with the icy air once more. I knew I couldn't trust that bastard!

She exhaled heavily as she stopped for a moment, her white hair was pulled up into a tight pony tail only for it to puff out in a massive white cloud of hair. Her pale skin was more hylian than the other demons, yet her lower half of her body was more green like the forest leaves. She frowned as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She bolted immediately, dodging a fire ball from behind.

"Dammit. I knew you would pull something like this, Dialen!" The fiery demon general roared.

Dialen slid to a stop in the snow, her brown kimono catching fire slightly as her amethyst eyes began to glow. A smile slipped onto her face," Oh come on General Iblis. How could you not see it coming!?"

Dialen dodged a fire ball to her face, smiling with joy and amusement as she lowered herself into a crouch. Her fingers barely brushing the ground.

Iblis snarled," Why did you do this? Why work for our Lord for so long only to betray him?"

Dialen looked at the ground, the red grass peeking through the pearl white snow. She didnt want to say why, if she did it would make it worse for herself. She looked at Iblis with determination.

"I simply dont agree with Ghirahim's ways anymore." Dialen whispered.

Iblis grew furious, such a simple answer wouldnt suffice anymore. She was tired of her counter parts laid back ways and goofy nature.

"Liar!" Iblis roared, summoning a massive fire ball in her hands." If I dont kill you then no one will!"

Dialen paled and squeaked as the size of the fire ball grew more and more. Maybe I should have told you instead, she thought sadly. You probably would have understood the most.

Dialen swallowed hard and squared her shoulders as she prepared for the inevitable. She had to time this right, or else she was done for. Their eyes locked right before Iblis threw it at Dialen. The fireball filled her pupils then her whole eye, before the flames swallowed her whole.

Iblis smiled with victory before sniffing the air only to realize she wasnt smelling charing flesh. She ground her teeth together as she looked about the area. There was no way she could have dodged and be no where to be seen.

Iblis scanned the area desperate to find any sign of her opponent. Iblis growled as her fury began to take a hold. She could loose her like this.

"General Iblis!" A female demon yelled as she ran up to her.

"What?!" Iblis snapped to her growling.

"A group of demons south of here said they saw Dialen limping toward the Hebra mountain range!" The poor innocent demon squeaked.

Iblis clicked her tongue before looking at the range of her attack, before brushing past her minion," They better have or else we're all dead."

The two demons dashed away from the scene and the farther they got the more they were fooled. Dialen gasped as she fell to the side of the fire balls blast radius. Her invisibility falling off as she laid in the snow by herself. She wasnt great at her recent skill yet, but she was glad her illusion magic was perfected.

She raised a fist into the air and smiled, now she just had to make it to them, to tell the building resistance of her past Lord's plans and weakness. She had to for everyone's sake.

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