Chapter 26:

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~~No One's POV~~

Link panted as he dodged the swing from his opponent. The moblin was killed only to be replaced with 5 different colored Bokoblins. The white one in the group stood back observing him. The knights nerves were going off telling him that something wasn't right.

He summoned one of his blue bombs and threw it into the group before making it explode with the click of a button. His weapon though was replaced with an electric spear. Stupid Moblin made him break his sword.

He grabbed the spear and pulled it off his back with ease. He squared his shoulders and relaxed before he lunged forward. The tip of the spear was rammed into a red Bokoblins shoulder allowing the electric aspect of the weapon to invade the monsters senses, electrocuting it.

Link took his weapon back and ran around the monster as it screamed with pain. His head began to pound as the monster collapsed to the ground dead. He lunged to another Bokoblin, stabbing it right in the chest seeing the electricity take the monster too. He spun around jabbing the spear at another and then another. He stopped and began panting as the three collapsed into a messy heap. The white Bokoblin though stood five feet away staring at Link expectantly.

Link gripped his spear and poised his weapon at his shoulder to throw.

Skychild, remember what I told you about this?

Link's eyes went wide as the scene before his disappeared turning back into the one he didn't recognize.

Of course, when I go to throw anything I need to have a clear mind.

Link turned confused seeing the blurry figure and the more clear one standing in front of a Bokoblin, just like the one he was in front of. The strange look alike in green picked up a weapon and gripped the handle tightly as he got ready to throw the weapon. His eyes were locked onto the enemy before him. His shoulders were relaxed, his feet in the right position. He threw the sword without an issue watching it crash blade first into the Bokoblins chest. He smiled then looked up to the blurry one.

Like that?

The blurry figure nodded once before they hugged. Link stared confused at the scene as they began to walk away.

Why am I seeing these? He thought before the tall pine trees of the Zora Domain came back. The Bokoblin was gone making him click his tongue as he stabbed the spear into the ground.

His anger began to boil at the thought of a Bokoblin running around. He sighed though and began to head back toward Sidon with his weapon in hand. He just wanted peace and quiet with his daughter and lover.

He placed the spear back on his back and began to jog back to the path. Knowing Sidon he would have kept moving. Link thought as he made it to the path seeing his lover and daughter no where to be found. He began to jog along the path for 10 minutes and when he didn't see them, he began to sprint.

He ran and ran and ran until he came upon the first rest area where he saw Sidon resting against the rock overhang with Isa in his arms and a fire going. Link sighed and smiled as he slowly came up and threw everything on his back to the side.

Sidon smiled as the light from the fire framed Link's gentle features as he walked over and curled into his loves side. Sidon smiled and kissed Link's head as he felt Link's nimble fingers brush his stomach and back.

Link smiled closing his eyes as he felt Sidon's other arm wrap around him. He took a peek at Isa, seeing that she was fast asleep. He snuggled against Sidon with ease with Sidon not far behind in doing the same.

The three were finally walking across the bridge to the domain. Link was carrying their bags while Sidon kept Isa happy by any means necessary. Link was still angry about one of his methods too.  Let's just say Isa was inspecting Sidon's teeth closely when he had to sneeze.

Link was more nervous than anything until the familiar glow of the domain made the two lovers look at one another with joy. The two hurried their pase as the guards waved to them before calling out to the rest of the kingdom. Their prince had finally come home.

Sidon smiled as he handed Isa to Link, but took the bags his favorite knight was carrying. He immediately turned to a guard.

"Do you think you could take these to my room?" Sidon asked.

"Of course your highness!" They replied taking all the bags in the process before running off.

Link chuckled as many of the female Zora's came to see the tiny hylain in his arms. All were super happy to meet her. The two eventually went through the greeting party before they finally went to see Dorephan.

Sidon took Link's free hand smiling as they headed up the stairs. Both were nervous to tell the giant king that he was now a grandpa to this small hylain. Link blinked though as Ida squirmed in his arms and reached for Sidon. Sidon smiled and happily took her before they walked into the room.

Dorephan was laughing away as Muzu and Maya stood by awkwardly as their king laughed at a not so funny joke. His attention though snapped to them as they came into the throne room.

"My son! Link! Welcome back!" His voice boomed surprising Isa. Her eyes went wide with shock and curiosity as she looked at Dorephan. Her eyes were practically buldging out of her head. Link smiled and took Isa from Sidon wrapping her up in her purple blanket to give her that comfortable feeling.

"And may I ask what is going on here?" Dorephan asked as he leaned down, a little quieter this time.

"Well on our way to meet with the Gerudo cheiften we found this hylain baby and decided to keep her." Sidon explained to his father.

Dorephan raised a brow before he smiled kindly at the bundle of purple. Her molten gold eyes were gorgeous to look upon and her white hair with the blue stripe seemed to glow in the light.

"She's beautiful. What's her name?" Dorephan asked.

"Isa." Link responded.

Dorephan smiled and sat back up before shooing at his son," A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Now you two go get settled in. I'll see if anyone has any toys for her to play with."

The couple bowed before they hurried off to their room. The halls were still the same, but when they finally reached the door and went in they sighed in relief at the comfort. The fire was fresh and everything had been dusted off nicely.

Link turned to Sidon smiling before they shared a quick kiss. When they broke apart Isa cooed up at them which made Sidon take her smiling.

"I'll watch her, you try to find more baby stuff." Sidon stated as he rubbed his nose on hers causing her yo giggle.

Link smiled and rolled his eyes as he opened his shekiah slate. He smiled seeing the one message he wanted to see. Bolson had a crib and it was ready.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go get the crib." Link stated.

Sidon nodded and waved as Link disappeared in a streak of blue lines. Isa stared at the spot her father was in, but looked back up to Sidon squealed as he nuzzled her.

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