Chapter 69:

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~~No One's POV~~

Dialen had been admitted into the medical area for a little more than six hours now, and the only thing the doctor named Kori was able to do was stop her bleeding. Nothing was working to bring her color back to her face. Her kimono was changed out for a white robe, which let the doctor see the true extent of her wounds.

Scars littered her hips and lower back, her feet had a severe form of frost bite, her upper back on the let side had burn marks, and the base of her skull had a fracture. Including her wounds from her fight which explained her gaping holes in her sides, well she was rough.

Demons were known to have impeccable healing, typically to the point where scars dont form. That wasnt the case for her though...

As the doctor tried her hand at healing this demon, Sidon and Isa stood by watching closely. Isa sat in her father's lap, curiously watching the korok doctor weave, wrap, and tighten bandages. It was sad to see a demon in such a state, even if the race was taking over the world. It was so strange to see a demon hooked up to monitors and IV drips, only to know that it's only prolonging the inevitable.

Sidon watched with concern as the doctor tried everything she could, only to come out of the area with concern. Isa happily hoped out his lap and walked over to the entrance way curious at the demon lying in agony.

Sidon though looked to Kori," What's the issue...?"

"I'm afraid to say that Dialen won't make it..." Kori whispered." The forest spirit did a number on her, she's lost to much blood to regenerate the flesh she lost and keep her alive in the process."

Sidon took his chin with thought," Have you tried health potions?"

"I'm afraid so your majesty." Kori, stated."I've even tried fairy affected health potions... The damage... it is too severe."

Sidon looked to Dialen, feeling pity as he watched Isa shuffle over to the crippled body. Her curiosity overlooked everything, sometimes it was a good thing, others times it was bad, but so far it was made her unique.

As Sidon and Kori walked and talked about what to do for Dialen, Isa took the edge of the bed watching the demon curiously. Of course this didn't go unnoticed, Dialen knew her chance of survival was slim and was trying to take her mind off of that mind numbing fact through Isa.

Isa's curiousity shined in her eyes along with awe. So far, the thing that captivated her mind the most was the puff ball of Dialen's hair that seemed way to big. Yet, even though Dialen could barely move, she felt curiousity in her own heart as she watch the child observe her.

Nothing was said between the two at first, until Isa noticed the pale green feet Dialen owned.

"Miss, why are your feet green?" Isa whispered.

Dialen chuckled as she closed her eyes," Why thats easy to explain. I'm one with nature, and because of that the lower half of my body was turned green."

Isa's eyes glowed with awe, she had never met someone like her and she was thrilled with the knowledge. She crawled up onto the cot, keeping enough distance between her and the injured Dialen.

"Miss are you thirsty?" Isa asked.

Dialen smiled," Yes sweetie, very thirsty."

Isa smiled and looked at her hands, the blue stripe in her hair began to glow as pure water bubbles formed above her hands. Dialen watched with awe as the water bubbles floated around her, so far she was now intrigued about who this girl was.

Dialen took a bubble into her hand slowly and brought it to her lips before swallowing the trickling water bit by bit. As the last of the bubble disappeared down her throat, she began to feel happier. Never in her life time had she drank water that pure. She placed a hand ontop of Isa's head and ruffled her hair.

"Thank you sweet heart." Dialen whispered.

"Your welcome ma'am." Isa whispered.

The two happily chatted until Dialen look at the doorway. Rohell leaned in the doorway with a menacing glare directed to her, but as Isa turned to see what she was looking at the look disappeared.

"Ro!" Isa jumped off the bed and ran to him.

She happily hugged his leg and he patted her head with a sweet smile, taking his antlers off and placing them on her head.

"Go be a deer sweet heart. I want to talk with her alone." Rohell whispered.

"Okay!" Isa cheered running off to go play with Rohell's antlers.

Dialen swallosed hard as his dead eyes came back," Do not talk to her anymore."

Dialen narrowed her eyes back," I can't help when a child like her is curious about the new things around her."

Rohell sneered," She does not need to gain knowledge about demons."

"Oh, but she needs to know about your people?" Dialen retorted.

Rohell growled at her slightly," No, she will never learn."

Dialen raised an eye brow," How long are you going to tell yourself that?"

Rohell fell silent, his eyes casting to the floor before he recomposed himself," As long as I can. My people are savages and don't deserve to be learned about."

Dialen looked at him," I think you mean our people boy."

Rohell sneered," I am no demon and i will never consider myself one."

Rohell turned and stormed out the room, his demonic purple eyes glowing with rage as he disappeared in the winding halls. Yes, he had demon blood coursing through his veins, but it was only enough to make him partial, and he hated every bit of it.

Dialen sighed, looking at her lap as she relaxed a bit. She closed her eyes for only a moment before returning up to the sky above her head. It's blue radiance made her smile, oh how she missed that goregeous blue sky.

Hopefully, she could live long enough to see the red sky turn blue again...

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