Chapter 40:

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~~No Ones POV~~

Ako ran up the resevore stairs smiling slightly as the crisp morning air. A bag hung from her side filled with all the different types of scrolls that she was told to take to her cousin.

Her small feet tapped against the marble, but as she neared the top she could only blink surprised. She knew that the three could be adorable, but not this adorable.

Link, his arm above his head, was laying comfortably in Sidon's arms just under his chin. The blanket that they were using came up to Sidon's knees. Link's hair was messy and bright in the gentle light while Sidon's scales glistened and shined making them seem godly. Both had the most peaceful expressions. Isa was nestled against Link's chest though sleeping away without a care in the world as Links arm wrapped around her form.

 Isa was nestled against Link's chest though sleeping away without a care in the world as Links arm wrapped around her form

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Ako cooed and placed the bag full of scrolls down before climbing up onto the bed they shared. She tapped Link's arm curious only to see his arm on his little daughter lift slightly from his soft breathing. She frowned then looked at the sun as it rose above the mountain slightly.

She sighed and looked at her cousin then got down and placed the satchel by Link's bag, attaching a note to it before leaving.

By the time the three finally started to stir the sun was high in the sky. Link groaned and shielded his eyes from the blinding light. He could feel Isa's small weight on his chest and Sidon's warm breath flow through his hair before he slowly pushed himself up and rubbing his neck.

The motion caused Sidon to groggily open his eyes and look at his lover only to shield his eyes hissing. Link looked then snickered as he felt the hand on his waist tighten its grip. The zora only huffed irritated.

"Why must the sun be so damn bright?" Sidon asked.

"Wow, now we're swearing around our child?" Link asked sarcastically.

"Har. Har. Very funny Sharkbait." He slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position then looked down at the duo.

Both lovers stared into each other's eyes before sharing a gentle kiss. Sidon purred delighted before nuzzling Link's head. The knight only laughed before hugging him.

"Good morning big guy." Link stated.

"Good morning Sharkbait." Sidon stated back before kissing his forehead.

Link smiled and cupped Sidon's cheek gently with a warm smile gracing his lips. Sidon's hand gently covered Link's as he purred at the contact. Link smiled pressing a kiss to his cheek which made Sidon's tail wag in joy.

"Link. No matter what happens. I will protect you and Isa from harm along with my people. Can you promise me the same?" Sidon whispered as his cheeks grew red.

"Of course silly." Link smiled and cupped both of his cheeks as he sat on his lap." Forever and always."

Sidon smiled then hugged Link tightly causing the knight to yelp from surprise. The noon air was warm making Link gain a perfect idea as he slipped from the huge Zora's grasp setting Isa down gently and ran to the dock edge making the Zora smirk as he watched the hero's clothes fly away from their owners body.

Sidon slowly snuck up behind him then gently lifted him up before settling themselves in the water. Link blushed as he sat there in his lovers arms soaking in the sun's rays.

He just seemed so outclassed for the prince that it was hard to believe that they were now planning on getting married.

A wave of butterflies went through him along with a sudden nausea. Oh Hylia, I'm going to get married, he thought as his chest began to constrict. He looked up at Sidon seeing that the Zora had a peace filled expression making the others nerves disappear.

He leaned up cupping the zora prince's face, but stopped as his mind was pulled at. A head splitting ache formed and he quickly found himself cringing and gritting his teeth. His mind honestly felt like it was splitting in two.

Sidon looked down at his eyes went wide with shock as he stopped his decant into the water. Millions of questions were flying through his head as a bluepee sat atop of Link's chest staring into his wide eyes.

Sidon went to hit the horrid thing away, but stopped as he saw the symbols that were along The Lord of the Mountains body appear on his lover in light colors.

The bluepee then turned and hopped off the knights chest disappearing in a cloud of blue sparkles.

Link groaned and his eyes fluttered rapidly before focusing on the one above him. The first thing he noticed was the markings all over his hand and arm. He then looked at his chest and pressed a hand to it.

"Wh-what?" Link questioned before suddenly being pulled far from his body to Satori Mountain where the Lord stood. Link stared surprised before the strange beast walked up to him.

'Are you finally awake?'

The words bounced around in the air and Link's mind before he took it confused.

"How did I get here?" He asked aloud, but when he looked to the Lord he stared face to face with a version of him that had four eyes, the olive branch antlers, and the markings all over his body. He still had the same color to him though which told Link that this creature was more than capable of anything.

"What the hell?!" He jumped back shocked making the Lord pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Listen. This is the only easy way to warn you." The voice the Lord used chimed and echoed slightly like his aura did." So just listen closely alright?"

Link nodded and focused on the look alike before him.

"This land needs you once more chosen hero that can slay any evil. A new threat is festering and growing inside Hyrule castle and if it gets to be mature then we may as well kiss this land and people goodbye forever." The Lord began." Kill the source while you are able too."

The Lord cupped Link's face gently before smiling and pressing a kiss to his forehead. A bright light washed over the two before Link gasped awake in Sidon's arms once more. He clutched the Zora prince's arm like it was his only anchor on the world.

"You're okay!" Sidon yelled relieved.

Link panted, drenched from head to toe in a cold sweat. He grunted before his grip loosened and he rolled onto his side on the bed they shared the night before.

"Wake me up in an hour Okay? My head still hurts." He whispered making the Zora nod. Eventually Sidon climbed into bed with him making the knight sleep much easier than ever before.

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