Chapter 5:

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Guys I saw this picture and went, "awwwwwwww! I LOVE IT!" Then proceeded to scream that as I ran around my friends. What is wrong with me? Lol anyways enjoy this chapter!


Goddess, please let him feel the same! I thought as I watched Link dry himself off from my peripheral. After a hour of relaxing and a few hours of swimming I found that it was becoming quite late and suggested we start heading back. Now that he was, he was both breath taking and also breath making. My deepest, darkest, buried feelings were slowly clawing themselves out into the open.

I smiled as he finished pulling on his clothes then pulled myself out of the water. I could feel each individual drop run down my body as water pooled at my feet. I smirked at Link as he turned to me," SO, Sidon, what are you-"

He started to sign, but his eyes locked with mine and I swallowed hard. He dropped his bag as his cheeks flushed brightly."S-Sidon. I need to ask. Why do you hang out with me?" He gestured.

I smiled," Isn't it obvious? I like you. Your the bestest friend I have ever had!"

I knelt by the Hylian and hugged him tightly, before feeling the smaller ones arms wrap around me in return. I blushed then smile and nestle my face into Link's shoulder. He was so warm and when I took a small inhale all I could smell was his faint cedar tree scent. It was beyond relaxing.

I began to doze when I felt Link's body leave mine and I fell to the ground hard. I groaned then looked toward Link seeing him laughing hysterically. I blushed at the sight then smiled as I pushed myself up. I want to see this side to him more and more everyday. I thought as I stood. I helped Link up and we both headed back to the castle that sparkled in the sun and glowed through the night. I only smiled at Link before picking him up as he wobbled down the steps.

"You must be tired. Rest a little." I whispered.

"Y-Yeah okay." He signed before resting himself against my chest. I smile and stopped my decent on the stairs before looking at the castle. Zelda was more than likely gone by now, but I still felt nervous. I looked back to sharkbait then carefully went down the steps. He was tired along with myself included. It's a struggle really.

I made it to the square and contemplated what to do when Link groaned awake and stretched slightly. I smiled as he looked at me sleepily.

"Hello sleepy. Have a nice nap?" I asked.

He shook his head then snuggled against me which made me sigh as I walked to the inn. When I made it to his room I found myself in awe at how fancy it was considering the price of it.

I sat him on his bed and opened his medicine for him, watching the small nimble fingers pop one capsule into his mouth. Once he swallowed i passed him his bag and watched him dig through his stuff till he pulled out loose clothes meant for sleep. I smiled as he stumbled about the room trying to get his clothes off, but I just stopped him and helped. Link only grunted as he accepted my assisstance.

"Hey Link, could I ask you something?" I questioned before looking him in the eye.

He nodded, I took his hands and bit my lip as he sat down," Do you think.... that I'll be a good king one day?"

He gripped my hands and I looked at him curious before following along with his hand gestures." Of course you will be. Your the nicest guy I know. That'll carry with you even after you become king. You'll be a good king one day Sidon."

I immediately hugged him once more before getting up smiling. I needed that, I thought as I went to leave, but Link gripped my hands stopping me.

"I don't want you to leave." Link signed out desperately.

I smiled and patted his head a few times before rubbing it. He groaned and blushed as I brushed my thumb behind his ear, but I wasn't to fazed by the overbearing cuteness. I knelt by him and slowly brought him into a warm embrace," You get some sleep then tomorrow we'll hang out some more."

He nodded and plopped back onto his bed which made me smile. He would enjoy my bed a whole lot more considering that I was two times his size. I thought about it for a minute, but when I went to ask him he was already snoring away. I chuckled and brought the blanket up to his chin then watched him curl up into a tiny ball.

"Cute.~" I whispered then blew his candle out and headed to my room.

When I arrived though I found myself in front of my secretary. The purple zora waited patiently as I walked up, she had a dazed look as she looked at the floor." Maya?"

She looked up to me and squeaked before jumping out of the door way," H-Hi sir! U-Um, I bring a letter from your father." She stuttered.

I only groaned before taking the envelope rather harshly. I ripped it open, but then balled it up as I entered my warm room. I threw it in the fire place and watched it burn away, my golden irises reflecting the light the fire produced. Golden ashes flew up dancing with the orange colored flames. I didn't need to read it to know what the contents said.

"Maya, tell my father I will need more time. Just another month." I whispered after loosing my boiling anger. She inhaled sharply before she shuffled out the room. My door clicked shut and I gritted my teeth before pulling at my face. Goddess, I'm running out of time. I scratched at the back of my head before sitting down on my bed. I pulled out a picture of Mipha, me, and Link, my baby fat and joy seemed perfect when I was a child as Mipha and Link smiled with me. I miss those days. I placed the picture back where I hid it then pulled my blankets over me as I laid against the slightly heated water bed. Within minutes I fell asleep, lulled by the distant sound of the roars of waterfalls.


I woke up to the sound of a small rapture at my door. I pushed myself up with a grunt then looked out the window seeing the specks of dawn beginning to rise over the crevice tops. I huffed then went to the door after I pushed myself up.

When I opened my door though Sidon stood there blushing hard and embarrassed. I blink surprised before he came in and closed the door. I began to sign," Sidon? What are you-"

He knelt down and pressed his forehead to mine which made me stop, the blood rushing to my cheeks."S-Sidon?" I stared into his golden irises before he pressed his nose against mine.

"Link.... I have to get this off my chest." He whispered, his warm breath enveloped mine. I closed my eyes bashful as he cupped my cheek." Link, please, oh please. Say you love me too." He half begged half whispered.

My heart skipped a beat at those words and I pried my eyes open slightly as I snaked my arms around his neck," Of course I do you big dumby."

His eyes went wide before he hugged me even tighter. I smile and pressed a kiss to his lips lightly. When I looked at him though I blushed cause he was licking the edges of his lips.

"Did I have something on my face?" He asked.

I slapped my hand to my face feeling completely stupid. Of course, he's Zora. He wouldn't know our way of showing affection.

"Sidon, there isn't anything on your face. That was my way of showing affection." I explained as best as possible.

His cheeks flushed from embarrassment then he slapped his face before snickering and barking out a heavenly laugh. My heart swelled before I laughed along with him. When we finally stopped he cupped my cheeks.

"Well, let's retry that." He whispered huskily.

He crashed his lips to mine. I groaned softly as I felt the suffocating feeling in my chest disappear, my whole body felt amazing in fact. It felt like fireworks were going off everywhere. As I tilted my head to deepen the kiss, my zora prince began to run his hand up the back of my head to keep me close.

A minute went by before my lungs began to burn, begging for the sweet relief of air. I pressed my hands to Sidon's broad chest before breaking and gasping for air. My legs gave out on me, but Sidon caught me and scooped me up smiling. My blush never faded as he sat in front of the small fireplace placing me in his lap before wrapping his big, strong arms around me.

"Goodnight, Sharkbait." He whispered into my ear. I smiled then snuggled into him before falling back asleep.

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