Chapter 82:

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~~No One's POV~~

Iblis sat at the edge of the great plato with Yuki, the two demons staring at the horizon as the malice in the air grew more and more.

"It's strange how this journey has taken a turn." Yuki stated.

"Yeah, It's honestly hard to believe." Iblis stated, her long black hair was currwntly in a pixie cut with a shaved design of the demonic fire clan symbol. Yuki hadn't changed very much though as she stood and turned to the forest.

"How long has it been again? Like three years since we were last in the village?" Iblis whispered.

"Yes... hopefully this journey won't be in vain." Yuki stated as she started toward the delapidated temple of time.

Iblis sighed as she stood, her armour hardly covering her stomach as she made her way to the temple too.

As the two traveled through the forest, the red sky disappeared in the strangeness of it all. Yuki blushed with awe as the forest bed bloomed flowers of all types. Iblis smiled as she walked more.

"Come on Yuki. It wont last long. Might as well help in the long run." Iblis stated.

Yuki smiled and nodded as she skipped after Iblis, her icy hair bouncing with her as she traveled.

It took the two roughly ten minutes to reach the ruins. As they walked inside the two smiled seeing Isa meditating at the base of the massive hylia statue. Blue magic bubbles floating about the aged child. Her body had finally aged to the point where she looked to be about sixteen. Her figure not yet fully filled out, but it was only a matter of time.

"Took you two long enough." Isa stated as she opened her eyes.

Yuki smiled, a giggle escaping her lips," Can you blame us? We love taking in the sights."

Isa smiled and looked at them, her hair bouncing as she stood. Her blue streak bouncing in the wind slightly.

"Well. That makes this the last statue." Isa stated as she stretched in her ceremonial Sheikah clothes, a blue and purple cowl/dress ending just at her thighs.

Isa's candy striped leggings made the teenager seem like a child deep down though. She offered her hands to Yuki and Iblis.

"We only have one chance to make this right." Isa stated, her molten gold eyes shining with determination.

Both of the demons took the teens hands before they warped to the ruined hyrule castle. Isa looked up at the black clouds and frowned as she walked forward into the ruined castle.

Yuki's eyes softened as Iblis looked around the area that was covered in Malice. The three made their way to the throne room, Yuki swallowed hard as the remains they passed by. It was either demonic or part of the rebels that they once had to fight their ways out of.

Iblis didnt mind the carnage, but Yuki stopped at the sight she hoped to never see. Many ice demons had one thing special about them. Upon death their bodies would turn to unmeltable ice. Many bodies had lain about frozen in time showing the horror they were experiencing that faithful day.

Iblis wrapped an arm around Yuki's neck and pulled her along. Yuki's lip trembled as she squeezed her eyes shut, her feet following along side Iblis to keep her moving. Her escape with Iblis wasnt for nothing.

Isa stepped toward the delapidated doors of the throne room. Malice pulsing as Isa swallowed a hard lump in her throat. Her palms began to itch in a usual way whenever she entered a heavily corrupted area. She looked at the two demons she came to enjoy.

"Ready?" She whispered.

The two looked, then nodded simultaneously.

Isa looked at the doors her hand reaching out and taking a handle. With a pull the heavy doors groaned out until the one side released its heave and slowly slid open. The stench of death hit Isa instantly. She narrowed her eyes before squeezing through the gap she made. As she entered, her heart stopped.

Nine bodies, were in full veiw, but the main one she was focused on as Yuki and Iblis squeezed in was the one she cared about.

The monster Yuki and Iblis had narrowly escaped was trapped in amber along with poor Sidon speared through the heart. His sad smile upon the beast made Isa realize the situation she had to stop.

The other bodies were merely bones, but she knew something had to have happened for her papa to be the one imprisoned with a beast made of malice and hatred.

Isa took a deep breath balling her firat as she began to walk toward the source of corruption. Her stomach becoming more and more upset as she got closer. Her cheeks began to turn green as she walked about the amber. The monster so far was absolutely monsterous.

It towered above Sidon by two feet, black goo was pouring down its face from its glowing red eyes. The red mop of hair forming was tangled and messy, but as Isa walked out him his heart stopped. Link's bright blue hair tie was holding a part of the beasts hair together telling everything Isa had to know.

"Hylia, why do this to my daddy...? Wasn't he the hero...?" Isa whispered as she slammed her hand on the hardened amber.

Yuki swallowed hard as she knelt next to Ghirahim's remains," My lord..."

Iblis frowned before sighing," Isa. Let's not waist anymore time."

Isa stared at the floor before nodding. As she turned to the two the sound of cracking caught her ears. She slowly turned to the amber with wide eyes as a small bit of amber was beginning to crack.

"Ok, times up!" Iblis roared grabbing the scruff of Isa's ceremonial garb. Both demons grabbed a hold of Isa and ran quickly to the door.

As they pulled the door open, Isa's eyes grew wide with horor as the monster broke free. Its roar riquected through the air, but her father laid suspended in the air encased in amber still. She reached, the tears flying from her eyes as she was yanked through the doors.

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