Chapter 14:

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~~No One's POV~~

Sidon snuggled his face into Link's shoulder before gently kissing it as he woke up. Link only groaned as the Zora licked his neck teasingly. Sidon could only frown though when that didn't wake the knight, so he did what he knew best.

He took his hylains side's before sliding it down lightly to where ghost touches littered the hylains side. A shiver rolled across the knights skin before he groaned awake, pulling himself up slowly, but ever so surly.

Sidon followed him up nuzzling his knights head. His whole world was about to expand and he just couldn't wait anymore. He pressed a kiss to the sleepy eyed knight gaining a small groan from the hylain. Slowly his small hands found Sidons warm cheeks as they shared the heavenly moment together, their lips connecting them gently. When both pulled apart they found each other beat red and slightly aroused. Sidon's pupils began to dilate when he remembered the goal.

He looked away and pinched the bridge of his nose before shaking his thoughts away. Link did the same and both pulled each other out of bed. After a hearty breakfast of Link's omlettes and gathering stuff together both got on their respective horses.

"So do you have an idea of where you want to go?" Link asked as both rode out of the village making sure no kids were following them.

"Well I was thinking of seeing Death Mountain. Get the most dangerous of the areas out of the way." Sidon stated.

"I don't think that's wise. No offense, but that area is suicide for you. Your a fish and want to go to the hottest, driest, and most dangerous place?" Link tried to reason with him." Why not go south to Farron Woods instead?"

"Link, I know your thinking of my safety, but wouldn't it be nicer to see the deadliest areas of hryule first and save the calmer areas for after that?" Sidon argued as both began to pass by the dueling peaks stable.

"Sidon that requires us to go and get fire resistant potions for you. I just don't want you to dry out." Link argued back.

Sidon narrowed his eyes at the hero of his," Oh so now you think I'll dry out huh?"

"Sidon the mountain has the word Death in its name for a reason!" Link huffed out as Sidon did. Sidon looked ahead annoyed with how things were turning out. His plan wasn't going to work if they went to the Faron woods first. Link easily took the lead as he followed his sheikah slate. The prince could only watch his small knight guide him along the paths. He rubbed his neck then blinked surprised as he saw the sign he had been waiting for. The split in the road going north and south made Sidon smile. Death Mountain was North.

He took the reins and flicked them quickly making Majesty, the giant horse neigh and begin to gallop. Link didn't even know what was happening until the zora rushed by and went along the north path. He paled and took Free's reins and flicked them quickly.

"SIDON!" Link yelled as his fastest horse began to gallop." GET BACK HERE!"

The Zora could only look back," No way! We are going this way and that's final!"

Link frowned upon hearing those words before he slapped Free once. On comand, the horse began to sprint like its life deepened on it. The one chased after the other frantically, but was always just a hair behind.

"Sidon please! Stop!" He pleaded.

Sidon looked back and lost his once big smile seeing the tears running down his knights cheeks. Sidon pulled his horse to slow eventually stopping. His eyes softened before he turned to see Link hunched over his horse who was currently stopped.

"Oh Link...." He guided Majesty to turn around then walked to the hylain. Apon arrival, Sidon slid off the majestic and dosile beast and cupped Link's cheeks making the knight look up. Sidon's gold eyes glowed in the noon light making Link blush slightly before he cried some more.

The prince felt his heart constrict before he took his knights shoulders,"Link, pull yourself together!"

The knight found himself slightly dizzy before blinking his tears away and staring into the stern eyes of his superior. His eyes went wide before he sat up and swallowed hard accepting it. They were not a couple right now. They were the knight and the prince.

He bit the inside of his cheek before wiping his tears away. That's right, he isn't acting as his lover, but as a loyal knight who is merely protecting his superior on a journey. His eyes softened before he closed his eyes one last time, then he opened them showing the cold gaze he learned to hide his emotions with.

Sidon stared heartbroken, but he knew that eventually his lovable knight would return to him. He pecked his nose lightly before getting back onto the giant horse. Link only watched before taking the lead toward Death Mountain. A lone tear slid down the knights face, but he took one deep breath as the painful numbness from before slipped into his chest leaving him sad.

One year and a month and a half. In that time span life could only become duller while the hidden spot grew in size on Link's back.

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