Chapter 17:

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~~No One's POV~~

Link smiled as he remembered this feeling. The feeling of being in total control of any situation. He honestly forgot what I felt like until they arrived at Rito Village four days after they left Death Mountains dangerous terrain.

"Sidon remember what I said?" Link asked feeling his eye brow twitch.

"Yes, be super careful while in the area. Do not leave your sight and don't dangle most of my body over a railing." Sidon stated as they began to travel across the first bridge into Rito Village.

"As long as you know." Link stated as they passed by the salmon pond. 

Sidon smiled as their knuckles brushed against one another. Instinctively the Zora reached a finger out hooking his pointer finger around Link's own. Both chuckled as they entwined their fingers together. A dust of pink graced Link's cheeks as his smile became bigger.

On the way here Link was always laughing it seemed which was far better than the knight being mute. Sidon was finding small ways to make the hero laugh and even now he was fighting the urge to laugh. It seemed nearly impossible though.

"So I'm guessing that after a few days here you'll want to go to see the guerdo's?" Link asked curious.

"Yes, I was hoping to." Sidon whispered.

Both looked at each other then shared a smile, this was going to be different. Sidon tightened his hold on Link's hand making the smaller one blush. Both easily walked along the bridges hand in hand smiling like the goof balls they were, swinging them back and forth slightly.

"So do you have a plan for our date you promised me?" Link asked out of the blue.

"Of course I do! I'm not gonna tell you about it though." Sidon mused making Link pout.

"Im curious though." Link muttered softly.

Sidon smiled," Well you'll find out soon. That I promise."

Both had the warmest smile on their faces that they could muster once again. The Rito guards that were watching the two come closer to the village were smiling at their cutely entwined fingers. They were happy to see a smile on the champion's normally stone cold expression.

"It's mister Link!" Several voices chimed as the two stepped onto the main land mass that the village wrapped around. Both looked up seeing seven Rito children flying down to greet them, many of them mostly crowded Link.

Sidon watched with a peeked curiosity, the hero who looked so strong and almost unmoving was soft and gentle with the children. A kind atmosphere enveloped him that Sidon only got a glimpse on the rare occasion. So this is what he's like with kids. Sidon thought as the children finally turned their attention toward him.

"Woah! He's so tall!" They gasped as they crowded around him.

"Indeed I am." Sidon stated.

"Kids, this is Prince Sidon of the Zora's." Link introduced making the kids stare with awe.

"You're a prince?!" They yelled shocked making the two chuckle.

"Yes, I am." Sidon repeated as he offered a clawed hand to them." It's nice to meet you all."

They all offered a wing and shook his hand giggling making Link smile even more that his cheeks were beginning to hurt. Sidon looked to Link as all of the kids began to fly off to play.

"I didn't know you could be so soft toward children." Sidon whispered as they began to walk up the stairs.

"I try to be in times like these." He replied.

"What do you mean?" Sidon asked as they stopped half way up a set of stairs.

"Before I started to train to become a knight, my mother and father taught me to be kind to animals and other kids." Link stated as he watched the world around him." I guess it never left even after all these years."

Sidon stood still as he absorbed the new information before catching the hylain off guard," Have you ever wanted to be a father Link?"

Link could only smile after he blinked his surprise away," Of course silly."

Sidon smiled and looked at the sky," Would you rather conceive one or adopt?"

Link blushed and rubbed his neck," Well... I'd be fine with either really."

The knight looked ahead placing his hands behind his back blushing. Why is he asking such embarrassing questions? Sidon smiled as Link twiddled with his thumbs.

"Well maybe if you'd like to become a father with me I would be happy to help once we settle back down." Sidon stated.

Link's heart stopped and he looked up with big innocent eyes at his lover," Do you mean that?"

Sidon looked down with the warmest smile that went with kind and gentle eyes," Of course Sharkbait."

Link's heart swelled with joy as he squeezed Sidon's hand. A family, it was only a dream to him. He always thought that he would die in battle before he ever got to start one. His eyes began to sting when he felt his throat begin to close up. He leaned against Sidon smiling happily as he held back his tears.

"Sidon. Thank you." Link whispered as they walked up the stairs once more.

"You're welcome Sharkbait." Sidon whispered back as they walked up the many flights of stairs to the elder's hut.

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