Chapter 71:

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~~No One's POV~~

It was a bright sunny morning as Isa woke up. Her eyes were slightly crusted, but other than that she was well rested. She rubbed her eyes curious as she felt the cold bed sheet she was on. She lifted her head confused seeing the medical room, the space beside her was empty.

Horror filled her heart as she sat up, Dialen was gone. She balled her hands up, a pained expression forming on her face as her heart became heavy.

No...She thought. She couldn't have...

Isa covered her face trying to stop her tears from forming. All her hopes were crushed until she felt a pat on her head.

"Whats got you down kid?" Dialen giggled a happy smile on her face.

Isa turned around with surprise to see Dialen had made a health recovery. She wasn't pale anymore, she had a healthy tan and her pale green feet were rich and vibrant in color. She still had her bandages, but other than that she looked happy and healthy.

"Miss Dialen!" Isa cheered, a smile forming and a sparkle returning to her eyes.

Isa launched up from the bed and latched onto Dialen with a hug. A oof slipped out of Dialen's lips but she smiled and hugged the child back. As the two hughed Sidon walked in and blinked surprised, his mouth falling open in disbelief.

"You're okay?" Sidon whispered, expecting to see a empty bed with ashes this morning as well.

Dialen turned to the zora prince, a graceful smile charming her features," Why yes, it has seemed your worlds heavenly Hylia has blessed me with a second chance."

Isa's eyes began to sparkle, was it possible that Hylia listened to her plee? Was it possible that this heavenly being who left this plane still listened to her people's prayers?

She shook her head throwing the thought away, that didn't matter. She was just thankful that Dialen could live to see the blue sky again.

Sidon smiled and took Isa away from Dialen to let her rest. Sidon patted her head gently before looking to Dialen. His expression grew into a puzzled.

"Dialen, i know your only healing, but there is a question I must ask, when you first arrived you said you knew the Demon Lord's weakness. I would like you to join my meeting with Zelda and a few others to speak about this."

Dialen nodded," Of course, I will happily tell you everything you need to know."

Sidon smiled placing Isa down onto her feet," Sweetheart, will you go get the thing you were working on for Miss Dialen?"

Isa's cheeks turned a small shade of pink as the tips of her ears grew red," S-Sure."

Isa happily ran off, her hair bouncing after her as she disappeared from the area. Sidon turned to Dialen," I'm honestly surprised that Isa has taken a shine to you. She's quite shy when it comes to meeting new people."

"I'm not." Dialen stated making Sidon raise an eye brow.

"What makes you say that?" He replied.

Dialen smiled," She wants everyone to be healthy and happy. She has the heart of a healer."

Sidon smiled sadly," I had a feeling she did."

Dialen looked at him, knowing full and well the dangers of a soul like that. She crossed her arms over her chest as she observed the prince. He had grown a few feet and his muscles had buldged a little more as time passed. He was a little leaner, but that was from the swimming.

"So, your highness, will you tell me what happened on the night everything happened?" Dialen asked as she sat on her bed.

Sidon's eyes softened," Demons... they happened... my fathers newest and most trusted advisor Maya was a spy to the demon king. She turned half of my soldiers in a single night in an attempt to recapture Zelda... She died for it though."

Dialen sighed a breathe of relief," Thank heavens she died then. I didn't like her from the start."

Sidon smiled at her comment, but closed his eyes," I just wish to know what happened to my Sharkbait..."

Dialen looked at him with sad, but understanding eyes," Your highness... about that-"

"I'M BACK!" Isa cheered bounding into the room with a medium sized box that was neatly wrapped.

Sidon and Dialen turned to her surprised at the outburst. Sidon chuckled taking the gift box with ease," Thank you for stating sweetheart."

Dialen smiled, shaking her head as she shook her thoughts away. She would wait for a better time. Sidon turned to Dialen passing over the gift," Sorry, but what were you saying Dialen?"

She shook her head," Oh nothing to worry about currently."

She looked at the gift though and began to open it, tearing at the paper surrounding the box. Dialen remembered this odd way of gift giving. Demons didn't really have a tradition for gift giving so it was nice to do something like this.

She lifted the box lid and her eyes went wide with shock. Her fingers tracing the traditional fabric styled like her original homeland. Tears welled in her eyes as she lifted the silk and satin combo kimono. The bright blue fabric mimiced a cloud filled sky, but on the bottom of the hems were perfect mimics of a field of silent princess'.

She looked to Sidon, but he smiled and shook his head. Her eyes then widened and her focus turned back to Isa. The child was blushing, digging the tip of her shoe into the dirt as she looked at the floor.

"Isa, how did you do this?" Dialen asked.

Isa looked up and blushed even more," When the doctors took your dress to burn it, i stole it to learn the style. When i was comfortable i learned the stitching and then had a sheikah woman teach me to dye the fabric."

Dialen reached out making Isa look curious only to see Dialen reaching out for a hug, tears streaming down her face. Isa happily jumped into her arms smiling as Dialen hugged her as tight as she could.

"You are a miracle child." Dialen whispered.

Sidon smiled as the two hugged, but as he turned he blinked surprised to see Zelda at the door way," Princess?"

Zelda shuffled over and whispered to him some information since Isa was in the room. Sidon paled and looked at her," Are you sure?"

Zelda nodded before Sidon rubbed his neck," Alright, I'll head there in a moment."

Isa looked at the two as her attention shifted to her father and aunt. The two had grown close over the time of Zelda's recovery. When ever he needed a pick up he decided to go to Zelda and ironically, the hatred between one another melted away. Isa knew they would never admit that they hated one another nor their reasons why.

Yet, Isa knew that whatever it was, was no longer a thing to make them hate one another. She looked back at Dialen smiling," Try it on Miss Dialen!"

Dialen chuckled as the other two adults left, she placed Isa on the bed," Alright, alright. No peaking though."

Isa happily closed her eyes and as the rustling of fabric made Isa giddy, the anticipation of seeing the finished product in use was better. She shut her eyes as hard as she could until she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She opened her eyes and smiled with glee. It was a perfect fit.

Dialen's figure worked well with Isa's design, and to make it even better Isa felt her heart like it was soaring. She was happy to see the joy come back in Dialen's face.

"Thank you sweetie, I love it." Dialen whispered before tightening the sash around her waist.

Isa's smile grew that day, before she hopped off the bed and took Dialen's hand," Come on, I want to show you around!"

Dialen smiled and as the two began leaving the area, the air began to feel warmer and warmer with every passing second.

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