Chapter 39:

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~~No Ones POV~~

"GOD DAMMIT SIDON LET ME GO." Link roared as Sidon held him against his chest." I HAVE TO GO FIND HER. SHE'S MY RESPONSIBILTY. I GOT TO FIND HER. LET ME GO!"

"Love you aren't thinking straight! You need to calm down!" Sidon argued as he tried to reason with the distressed hylain.

Once Link woke up he had been fighting constantly. It didn't matter where or when, he would suddenly just snap and lash out as he attempted to get away to go find her. When he woke up he had discovered that they had taken everything. He had no weapons, no shields, no healing items, and no sheikah slate.

"Sidon please! I have to find her! I can't let everyone down again!" He sobbed out as his brash and sporadic movements became weaker.

Sidon's eyes only softened as his love, his hero, his world, crumbled before him. He scooped the hylain up and held him to his chest as he walked to the bed. He sat gently and eventually laid back as Link sobbed.

"Love, calm down. Listen to me." He whispered as he played with Link's pony tail.

The hero sniffed and wrapped his arms around his lovers neck. The Zora smiled before nuzzling his head.

"You've never let me down much less anyone else. You will find her, just not right now." Sidon whispered.

Link hiccuped as he finally calmed down. His encouraging and gentle words were enough to get him to come down from his adrenaline rush. He wiped his tears away before hugging his fíance more. Sidon only smiled as he rubbed the small back he loved.

"Think happy thoughts love." He whispered as he tightened his hug on the hylain.

Link hummed at the warmth before sighing out completely relaxed," Okay......"

A small smile played at both of their lips before they shared a light kiss. Sidon rolled Link onto his back and began to kiss his neck over and over. A hot flash rolled through them both before they shared a hot and passionate kiss. The room seemed to become 20 degrees hotter as they broke apart with their shared saliva connecting them together. Sidon slowly began to lift Link's shirt up when he stopped and gained a devious gleam in his eyes.

Link noticed so he raised an eye brow before busting into a fit of laughter as Sidon began to ruthlessly tickle his sides.

"S-Sidon! N-no more!" He squealed making the Zora continue his relentless attack.

In attempts to free himself, Link squirmed to his hearts content till he couldn't. Sidon only smirked as he pressed a kiss to the side of Link's head as he finally stopped his attack.

Link panted smiling with rosy cheeks from embarrassment before he pushed the Zora away as he blew his cheeks up. The Zora had the warmest smile as he petted his hero's head. Both could only feel relaxed.

"How about we finally get something to eat and get Isa from Ako?" Sidon asked.

Link nodded happily before he was pulled up to his feet. Sidon easily entwined their fingers together as he took the smaller ones hand. The butterfly feeling finally came back as Sidon pulled Link to the doors. A ghost of a smile formed on both of their lips as they walked through the palace finally getting to the general store where Link bought several pounds of rice and fish to cook.

After heading up to the resevore with Isa in tow, the two started a fire and began to cook up some meals as the day began to settle into night. Both snuggled against each other after their stomachs were filled smiling as they watched Isa play with some toys by the nearby bed on a blanket.

Link smiled as he sat against Sidon, the stars began to shimmer and glow brightly. His eyes wandered in those stars till a gentle glow brought his eyes to Sidon. Parts of his scales were glowing like some of the stars high in the sky. Link's eyes went wide with awe as his jaw dropped a little.

"Woah!" He squeaked out then smiled as he snuggled against the one he wanted to be near

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"Woah!" He squeaked out then smiled as he snuggled against the one he wanted to be near. His eyes glowed as his heart went pitter patter. Link had the biggest smile as Sidon scooped him up and played with his hair.

"I love you, Link." He whispered.

"I love you too, Sidon." Link whispered back.

Sidon smiled then stood and walked to the bed that was nearby laying them both down. Link happily curled up against his lover after Sidon gently put a tired Isa in Link's arms. The hero smiled at the warmth his lover brought him. Both closed their eyes and fell asleep to the sounds of each other's breathing and the soft laps of the lake licking at the blue marble dock.

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