Chapter 54:

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"What do you mean it was the beginning of the end?" Sidon asked Sereala confused as he began pouring her a glass of water again.

"That shard I had found was never supposed to be unearthed." She whispered solemnly.

"Why?" Sidon asked.

"The next morning, the shard was gone and the hand along with the owner who was mumified were gone." Sereala whispered.

"What do you mean its gone?" Marcio asked.

"Its not here. It's like it vanished." Sereala whispered with fear as they both stood in their tent.

"Then let's go back up there and see if anything else has changed." Marcio whispered.

Sereala looked at him then nodded. After a trek back up the mountain both froze. Instead of the hand a hole the size of a person lead deep into the earth leaving a chill up Sereala's spine. She grabbed Marcio's sleeve as he pulled out a lamp and lighting it. Purple bubbling masses coated the walls.

"We have to go in there... dont we?" Sereala whispered.

Marcio nodded and grabbed the hilt of a sword on his back. He unsheathed his sword and began head into the cave carefully with Sereala following closely and carefully behind.

Ten minutes went by until they stumbled upon a shrine, and it immediately made Sereala nauseous. The smell of death reeked and the stench caused her to run to a corner to vomit.

"Honey...... I know it's gonna be hard, but theres ancient shekiah writings on the walls." Marcio whispered taking her shoulder as she coughed.

She swallowed hard and pushed herself to stand, before turning back to the piles of rotting corpses and sacrifice tables. She snuggled into Marcio's arms as he guided her closer lifting the lantern up toward the strange letters she learned to read.

"Beware... the shard from the heavens is not to be trusted... those whose eyes are not prepared, will..... will...?" She read aloud before covering her mouth.

"Will what?" Marcio asked.

"Will awaken the calamity sealed away~."

Both turned to see a half mumified body sitting carefully on the steps of the shrine. One black and red eye stared at them, purple malace seeping onto objects around him. The purple shard glowed brightly half embedded in the mummies chest.

"I must thank you hylian fools. If you hadn't freed this core, then I wouldnt have been able to revive."

"What are you talking about?" Marcio asked.

The mummy referred to the shard poking out of its chest," This is the star of Mara. Back when you hylian's came back to the ground a star had shattered and plummeted to the ground, the demons and monsters back then made an attempt to resurrect Demise, but what they got was not what they wished. Instead they got me, Calamity. After a while though I infected Ganon and became Calamity Ganon or Ganondorf to legends. Everyrtime, someone of light is foolish enough to free the star fragment once more and free me to wreck havock."

"So, what your telling me is that you're Calamity Ganon?" Marcio hissed.

"Yes you filthy mortal." The mummy hissed.

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