Chapter 62:

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~~No One's POV~~

The cold winter days seemed to be endless. The snow was piling, the food was running out, and the desert was a public safe haven for every mortal body. For those who got through to the korok village, it was a secret haven where everyone who entered stayed.

Another eighty years went by in a flash and nearly every demon from the demon realm now inhabited hyrule. The gorons on death mountain were in chains, under a strict rule of a demon general. The Rito's lost their village to sky demons and to top it all off what was left of Karahiko Village was over run with bandit demons. The shekiah who couldn't escape were trapped with very little chances to get out.

Sadly the center of it all was hyrule castle. Lord Ghirahim had become very violent over the last eighty years. His sister barely able to control his explosive temper. Nothing could stop him until he settled down.

Like right now.

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Ghirahim roared with anger, his hair a fiery red and orange as his black skin began to show itself. Several lower demons ran out the throne room in fear of their lives, but surprisingly Lia never left his side. In fact she held her hands behind her back and would wait patiently until he would address her. Most of the time though that took hours.

Ghirahim glared at the throne doors till they closed. His fists balled and his teeth grinding until he took a deep breath in and stood. His grey skin turning back to its usual porcelain and his hair turning back to white. His eyes though went from molten gold to brown.

He huffed and turned to Lia," Please. Give me good news."

"Well, the Harpies have finally settled in the Rito Village." Lia whispered.

Ghirahim sighed rubbing his neck in the attempts to have it pop. He took a deep breath then groaned as he stretched his aching muscles. Nothing was going right anymore.

He took a seat back in his throne, staring up at the ceiling with boredom. His eyes glossing with longing for the boredom to end. He closed his eyes and for a moment before a small ring of a bell caught his attention. He pried his chocolate orbs open and stood.

Lia looked at him confused till she became awed. Hope had flared into her brother's eyes like never before. He warped away with a cloud of rhombus' and she followed suite.

The distant sound of chimming bells only got louder with every warp. Eventually though as Ghirahim was ready to warp again, he noticed that the bells didnt chime. He looked to the massive doors before him and swallowed hard. Lia appeared beside him confused.

"Brother, why did you come here?" She whispered.

Ghirahim reached out to the doors, the life in his eyes not registering what his little sister had said. She looked to the door right as a rhombus left his fingers. The small rhombus floated and spun then drifted into a lock. With a click and several massive creaks, the massive doors drifted open into the room. Ghirahim walked in and his heart stopped.

A giant floating crystal, as red as the blood moon was shattered all over the ground. Ghirahim looked around till he felt a sword's tip get pressed to the back of his neck. Ghirahim held up his hands showing he was weaponless.

"Where.... Where am I?" He heard.

"You're in Hyrule Castles underbelly." The demon lord replied.

It was silent between the two, Ghirahim lowered his hands curious.

"Turn around.... slowly."

Ghirahim slowly began to turn. His vision being filled with the now black hair and ruby eyes. Pale skin and confusion filled those ruby eyes of the reincarnated past Link. Joy filled Ghirahim's eyes as he reached out to the face he had been searching for.

"Linkle.... do you remember....?"

Link stared at the demon lord, tears welling up in his eyes the longer he stared.

"I-Idiot!" He yelled out pushing into his chest crying." Your such an idiot!"

Ghirahim smiled, tears streaming down his own face as he hugged his Link into his chest," Would you believe me if I said I simply wanted one more hug?"

Link wailed into Ghirahim's chest, his memories intact after so many many dormant years. The past seemed like a dream, but in all honesty Ghirahim here and now made him realize just how long it had been.

Ghirahim held onto Link like he would disappear in a heart beat. His own tears drying now as he finally had what he wanted. His angry side disappearing after a hundred years of slight impatience and hope.

Lia simply smiled and turned away from the sight and teleported away to give the two some space. Sure she was excited to meet the man who stole her brother's heart for so many years, but she wasn't gonna force it. She would wait for her time.

Ghirahim gently petted Link's head as they stood there. Slowly the wails turned into soft hiccups which he adored.

"Dont worry, you're safe." Ghirahim stated as he began to guide his long lost lover out of the room." Would you like anything specific for dinner love?"

Demon Link hiccuped as he rubbed his eyes dry," Are there any star fruits?"

Ghirahim smiled and nodded," I made sure to have a full orchard planted when I first got here."

Link smiled a little, before shuffling along with the Demon Lord. His mind felt numb, but he knew something... or someone was waiting patiently. He decided not to ask his lover. He knew Ghirahim would go to any extent to get what he wanted. He was selfish that way. He could only imagine the poor individual that he ruined to get him back.

He sighed silently as he half listened to Ghirahim talk about the current place they were in. He didnt care about that, but he did care about one thing. The warmth in his chest felt good to have again.

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