Chapter 53:

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~~No Ones POV~~

Months had gone by in a blink of an eye yet all of the Zora seemed content. Sidon of course missed Link, but Isa made sure that the time alone with her was wondrous as it was confusing.

"Isa honey. Sweetie, look at daddy." Sidon cooed.

Isa though was chewing on her doll as she floated in a magic bubble paying no mind to her current guardian. Her bright gold eyes were glowing along with her as she managed to recently discover she had mind boggling abilities(which as her father discovered, were waterbased). Ako was paging through a ancient book her uncle had found deep in the resevore in the royal zora library.

So far she realized just how off the world was compared to then and now.

"Ako, what do I do? She isnt listening." Sidon whispered as he went to poke at the bubble.

"Do something she enjoys. Your her father so you should know." Ako muttered as she moved to the next page in the ancient scripts.

"I already tried." Sidon hissed before taking his hand back confused as the bubble didnt pop on his claws.

"Well try figuring something out." Ako stated as she began to read over the three ancient dragons.

Sidon stared at Isa with thought as he watched her chew on the doll she recieved from the Gerudo cheiftan. It all felt like time was going by way to fast, yet at the same time little Isa hadn't aged a second. She was still as tiny as ever, but one difference was that the blue stripe in her hair had a tendency to poke out from the rest of her hair whenever she did something like this.

Sidon sighed as he looked at Isa, all of these episodes started a week after Link had left.

"Isa, I miss him too you know."

Isa's eyes darted to Sidon before she stopped chewing on her doll. Her bottom lip trembled before she looked at her doll, tears brimming her eyes.

Sidon smiled as she floated closer to him then eventually the bubble popped and she was in his arms. Isa snuggled Sidon's chest in hope's to hide her tears, but the wetness told Sidon everything. Unlike others Isa was a quiet cryer. She didnt scream or wail, she sat with silence and would only rarely whimper. Today was like the others though in that aspect.

Sidon combed his fingers through her hair slightly, feeling the silk like hair that made him smile. Isa would be a strong girl, he just knew it. He cupped the back of her head and place his crest against her forehead.

"When you are older, I hope you're as wise as you will be strong." Sidon whispered.

Isa smiled up at her other father with a look that Sidon couldn't quiet place, yet at the same time Rohell barged in the room panting causing both to look at him. He was a wreck. His clothes torn, his purple eyes wild, and his hair a mess.

"Rohell, what happened?" Sidon asked worriedly.

"It was that woman again! She wont leave me alone." Rohell gasped, sliding to the floor and taking his face." I dont even like the old bat, yet for some reason she thinks I'm head over heels for her."

Isa squished her doll curious at the words he used. Sure she couldn't talk yet, but that takes time. Sidon on the other hand was confused.

"Now that I think about it, where have you been?" Sidon questioned, his eyes narrowing in the process. He hadn't seen the immigrant ever since Link had left.

"I was exploring the mountains, and then right as I'm making my way back I find this little old woman. At first I thought nothing of it, she needed help. I helped her, and now she keeps following me."

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