Chapter 13:

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~~no one's POV~~

"Wait, what do you want to do?" Link reasked as he took his seat at the table.

Sidon was at the other end swallowing nervously every so often. He took a deep breath," I said I want to travel all of Hyrule. I want to experience more things before I take my fathers position as King of the Zora's."

Link pinched the bridge of his nose. This was a bad idea, a very bad idea. Yet he knew deep down that the giant of a zora was completely and utterly serious. He took a glance at the red fish-man then pointed at him," If you want that I won't argue. But all I'm truly worried about is Ako. She is just so small." Link whispered to the zora.

Sidon nodded understanding," She will be fine, she is one of the best zora knights. She wants to explore the country as well." Link swallowed hard before rubbing his forehead irritated. The fool was serious, he wanted to travel all of hyrule.

Link sighed then rubbed the back of his neck. By horse back it would take at least a week, but when it comes to the by foot sections it would take two. Plus he would want to enjoy the areas. He huffed, who knows how long that will take. He rolled his shoulder. He would have to go out hunting for more food too. He looked at the giant seeing his eyes wide with a gleam in them, his bottom lip poked out cutely. Link died slightly from the cuteness.

"Alright fine! I will guide you on one trip around hyrule on one condition." Link stated holding up his pointer finger." The day we get back to either here or the Zora domain, you treat me with the most romantic evening of my life. Got it?"

Sidon nodded eagerly, considering that he was more than capable of doing that. The hero smiled then scratched the back of his head. He would have to go hunting, Hylia he didn't want to go hunting. He took a deep breath then looked at Sidon.

"Ok, well. I will need to get supplies for the trip. It may take a day or two."

"That's fine! Go ahead and prepare everything you need!" Sidon stated, eyes gleaming with joy. Link sweat dropped before sighing and looking away. The true decision was where to go first. The feiry land of the gorons? The calm land of the ritos? Maybe even the harsh desert sands of the geurdo. He honestly didn't know.

He took his chin in thought as he walked to his living room leaving Sidon alone. The zora smiled till he found Ako climbing into his lap like a child would.

"Cousin, what are you doing?" Sidon questioned before finding his face being squished by her small hands.

"You're gonna do the thing aren't you?!" She whispered excitedly.

Sidon smiled and patted her head." I might. I might not. You'll have to wait and see." Sidon smirked teasing her easily.

She blew her cheeks up then took his hand," Sidon. Traveling with three is dangerous now. I know you think you're not capable of protecting him by yourself, but I think otherwise. I can't go on this trip with you two. I will be heading back home to tell Dorephan what you are doing." She whispered then released his hand making the giant of a Zora blink surprised.

"But I thought that you wanted to see the world." Sidon said confused.

"I do don't get me wrong, but I think that it would be better if I do it once I master my swordsmanship.................. with less monsters around." She smiled at Sidon and stretched before going up to her bed.

The red Zora only sighed before realizing she was right. The monsters were back, which meant that Link would be shedding blood in order to protect him. He closed his eyes, he was going to have to get over that fact.

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