Chapter 8:

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~~no ones pov~~

Link had fallen asleep to the crackling of the fire place and the soft sounds of Sidon writing away. Sidon on the other hand was wide awake filling out paper work and other nonsense that really made no sense to him. He began to remove his medals and decor when he finally thought of who to bring on the journey. He smiled then looked to Link before writing the summoning letter.

One hour went by before Sidon finally heard a rapture at his door. He stood quietly before making his way to the luminous stone infused mahogany that blocked the world from seeing him. With a click he swung the door open seeing a black zora guard and the one he requested to see. She was tiny and only the size of a child, but that never stopped her from much. Sidon smiled.

"Cousin, come in."

She nodded then walked in without a delay before looking to her guard," You may stay outside in the hall."

With a nod from the guard, Sidon closed the door and motioned for her to remain as quiet as possible. She sighed then went over to the fire taking a seat. Unlike many of the zora she had bright vibrant pink scales and was almost a exact look alike to Mipha. Of course Mipha grew while their cousin didn't.

"Why did you summon me? You know good and well that I hate being interrupted when I'm training." She mumbled.

Sidon sighed then sat in front of her," I have been tasked with guiding the hero of hyrule home and protecting him until we are given the all clear to come back. He can't make it by himself and I can't do it by myself. I would like your help in protecting him. I know you take tasks given to you seriously. So will you help me?" Sidon asked.

The pink zora contemplated for a moment before looking back to the sleeping hero," I'm assuming we leave in a few days?"

Sidon nodded once she looked back at him so she stood and nodded," I will accompany the two of you, but on one condition." Sidon stared at her intently." You will help me convince the hero to help me master my sword play." She stated.

Sidon froze, but only nodded. It would be a miracle for him to agree to that. Sidon rubbed his neck before standing and showing his cousin to the door. She happily left without a second thought before she could change her mind. Her purple eyes gleamed as she looked toward the sleeping hero once more then smiled and skipped away with her guard following obediently.

Sidon closed the door with a relieved sigh then looked to Link. He was sleeping peacefully, but he could feel Sidon's warm gaze on him. With a sigh and a stir, he pried his eyes open then smiled as Sidon came over. The zora scooped the hylian up before pulling the covers back and slipping into bed. He laid Link down beside him then pulled the blanket over the them.

"Sidon? I thought I heard another voice." Link whispered as the zora wrapped his arms around him. Sidon sighed out as he smelled Link's natural cedar scent.

"Don't worry about it love." Sidon whispered gently. Link only sighed before laying his head against the pillow under his head. He rolled onto his side as he felt Sidon's chest expand slowly only to deflate the same way. Link smiled at how fast his lover passed out. He looked back at him then curled up against his warm chest and stomach. The second Link closed his eyes though he swore he heard faint whispers as he fell into a deep sleep.


Sidon was half way off the bed snoring when he heard the knocking at his door. Both undoubtibly had a good night's sleep and were not willing to wake just yet.


Link jolted up right with wide eyes as the knocks turned to bangs. Link only rolled his eyes before falling back against the bed. Sidon on the other hand groaned as he opened his eyes to the bangs on his door. Maybe he was willing ro wake up after all. He was so comfortable that it was making him sick. He pushed himself up to even out his blood flow before stumbling out of bed to the door.

"Coming...." He yawned and opened the door to see the oldest, wrinkliest, and disturbing advisor he was forced to grow up with. He immediately regretted his decision on opening the door. He huffed," Ah. Muzu. It's....wonderful to see you." He lied.

The green zora snorted then tried to look around the massive prince only to fail," Sire, I have heard you will be escorting the hero back to his home back in Hateno village."

Sidon gritted his teeth slightly," What you heard is true."

"Good riddance." Muzu mumbled before hobbling away. Sidon shut the door before silently screaming and imagining that he was strangling the old excuse of a zora. How was he even alive for this long? He had to have been as old at the dirt on top of Hebra mountain. When Link finally noticed Sidon's presence missing from behind him, he sat up rubbing his eyes.


The prince stopped his silent anger then looked to his love. He smiled and relaxed before going back joining him in bed. He wrapped his lover in his big arms before kissing his shoulder," I'm here Sharkbait."

Link smiled and leaned back against Sidon half asleep already," Yaaaay~."

Sidon chuckled then kissed his cheek gently. Link blushed and looked at him surprised. Sidon smiled blushing before rubbing his nose against Link's.

"Link, I love you with all of my heart." Sidon whispered then pressed a loving kiss to Link's lips. Link's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he kissed back. Sidon pressed his free hand against the bed while his other pulled Link in closer. Sidon easily felt Link wrap his arms around his neck before he added his tongue.

The blood rushed to both of their cheeks almost instantly at the newer, but still foreign feeling. Sidon couldn't help himself as he tasted Link. He wanted more, much more. He broke the kiss then swiftly kissed Link's neck over and over. Link's once steady breathing became rugged and short as he began to loose his train of thought.

"S-Sidon!" He half whispered as the prince bit his neck slightly. Not enough to draw a lot of blood, but enough to tame his cravings. For the time being that is.

Sidon released his bite and licked the bite clean slightly then whispered his sorries as he held the trembling Hylian close. Tears were building up as he felt so vulnerable, but he knew that tears wouldn't make the situation better. He shook his tears away before hiding his face in his zora's neck. Sidon only smiled and rubbed Link's back knowing that the moment was ruined now.

Several minutes went by before Link finally climbed down from Sidon's hold. The prince smiled as he watched the hylian change into his grey longsleeve and tan pants. Then he realized why, the long sleeve covered the swelling bite mark perfectly. Sidon rubbed the back of his neck then took the hylian's elbow bringing him onto the bed.

"Link, I need to tell you this, so please don't freak out." Sidon whispered. Link only nodded as his nerves built themselves up.

"Father has ordered that you return home till we catch the attacker." Sidon watched his lover's face fall." But I will be accompanying you on the way home with one other guard. Mostly to make sure that you don't get hurt anymore." Link's smile returned as they hugged.

"When do we leave?" Link asked curious.

"In a few days." Sidon responded.

Link thought for a moment then realized that his bed would NOT fit both of them. He pulled out his sheikah slate and sent magic mail to Bolson to upgrade his house a bit. It would take them at least a few days to finish them all. He then put the slate away before kissing Sidon once more.

"Alright, and next time you bite me you better ask first." Link stated with narrowed eyes. Sidon only nodded before giving a kiss back in return.

A few days flew by in a flash though and before anyone knew it, Link, Sidon, and Sidon's cousin Ako were traveling on foot through the mountain trail to get to the closest stable where Link pulled out his fastest horse, Free; and his giant horse, Majesty. Of course Link helped Sidon and his cousin get settled on Majesty then settled himself on Free. Then they were finally on their way to Hateno Village.

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