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I just want to thank you guys so much for reading this book! Like I'm honestly surprised that you all like it this much to where it has over a thousand reads! 😢 like dudes I love you all

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I just want to thank you guys so much for reading this book! Like I'm honestly surprised that you all like it this much to where it has over a thousand reads! 😢 like dudes I love you all. And that says allot considering I hate everyone equally. 😂

So to celebrate this great day I am starting a little contest of sorts.

Here are the rules:
●no looking at others posts.
●no copying others posts
●be as creative as possible
●don't be a baby

The challenge for you all is:

You have to guess what happens next. If you want extra points you can also guess whose POV it will be in.
The one who is most aquerate in guessing what will happen next gets to design a character that will star in their very own chapter in my story!

For those who participate, but don't win I will give shout outs and thank you's for participating!

Input your guesses here!

Ok guys have fun and be respectful of others guesses! If you don't you will be disqualified from the entire thing! You have been warned!

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