Chapter 86:

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~~No One's POV~~

"So you want to replace Hylia?" Zelda asked dumb founded.

"Yes, for the 10th time." Lyric snapped annoyed.

Zelda stared at the demon sitting in her throne. Her mind trying to comprehend what be was asking.

"Listen we don't have much time! Do you want to put everything right or not?!" Lyric hissed.

Everyone looked at Zelda her mind racing," W-Well of course I do. I'm just not sure how I would help."

Rohell stood to the side, his mind on halt every time her looked at the mysterious hooded figure in the back. It wasnt Lia, and so far Lyric was very advocate about her being ignored for the time being.

Rohell though looked to Dialen, then to Sidon then back to Lyric. Nothing... was making sense anymore. Everything felt off, like this wasn't supposed to happen. It was like fate was being rewritten.

Lyric glanced toward Isa seeing that she was still there, watching the sky. She was waiting to stop the inevitable to come. He just hoped he could be quick enough to help.

He looked to everyone, Dialen had gained an excited look of the possibilities. The blue sky, restablizing the demon realm, it all sounded wonderful.

"It's quite simple princess. With the master sword amplifying your purity. You could spread your soul out to the dragons in the world. If they accept you, the world will go back to normal along with the demon realm." Lyric stated.

Zelda stared at him," But what if they dont accept me?"

Lyric closed his eyes, an irritated smile forming as his fingers twitched. He honestly really wanted to kill her right here and right now.

"Well princess that means your not the goddess blood incarnate anymore. Which means you will be useless to me." Lyric stated harshly.

Everyone's eyes went wide with horror except for Yuki's. A small giggle chimmed from her making all of the guests look to her.

"Now Lord Lyric, don't be so harsh. Everyone always has a use." She whispered with sincerity. Isa's eyes softened before she looked up at the raging red sky. It was gonna be weird for her to see the blue sky again.

Zelda stepped forward," Fine then. I'll try at least. Rohell, give me the sword if you'd please."

Rohell looked at her surprised before reaching into his pants and unlatching the master sword from his leg. With a pull, it was soon placed in Zelda's hands before Lyric.

His brows had furrowed with confusion and as he reached for the blade he stopped. Something was wrong.

"Why don't I sense its purity?" Lyric whispered.

Yuki looked at the princess and activated her aura sense, she too felt nothing from the princess and the sword.

Lyric ground his teeth together," Why don't I sense an ounce of anything from you or that sword?!"

Zelda stared with confusion before looking at the hooded figure. She honestly didn't know what to say.

"I-I..." Zelda stared, but Lyric snatched the blade from her hands with disgust.

"You're useless after all." Lyric hissed before turning to Yuki and Dialen." Yuki, Dialen, remove her from the area."

Yuki nodded with understanding and Dialen looked at Zelda with sadness. The princess was in shock like everyone else. Sidon was staring at Lyric, Rohell was staring at the hooded figure, and Riju was sharing a look of concern with Yonubo. Dialen grabbed Zelda's elbow gently pulling her away to the door where Yuki stood waiting.

"Once she's comfortable grab Ghirahim for me too." Lyric stated.

"Yes my Lord." Yuki stated as the large doors closed.

Lyric then looked at Isa, she was still staring out into the world as he held it out to her.

Everyone's eyes widened as she lifted her hands up and pulled her hood back. Long curlly blue hair had everyone's attention as she turned to them. Her eyes first locking with Rohell's then her father's before Lyric's.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked to Lyric taking the sword in her hands. She studied the sword for a moment before feeling Lyric's hands cup her neck.

"You really are the spitting image of her." Lyric whispered.

Isa smiled, her memories slowly coming back to the old days. Sure she had Fi's old memories of when her and Lyric first traveled together, but she technically wasn't Fi. She was a sub branch, a more Hylian form that Fi would have been confused about. In a way she was a reincarnation, but not.

Isa looked at Sidon first, his eyes wide before her stomped over and took her shoulders. He wasn't as tall like the last time she saw him.

"Isa?" He whispered confused.

Isa smiled with tears in her eyes," Hi papa."

Tears formed in his and he hugged her tightly," How are you here? Why do you look older?"

Isa chuckled," It's a long story papa, but I'm afraid I don't have the time to explain anymore."

Rohell stared at her with awe, she had grown so much. Her face had lost the baby fat, her body had it's womanly curves, and the way she held herself like she had a job to do made him realize this was indeed Isa.

He walked over and as he neared he realized just how tall she was. He took her shoulder, captivated by her beauty as everyone else was. She looked at him, her molten gold eyes swimming with emotions before she smiled sadly.

"Hi Ro." She whispered.

His eyes went wide as she took her shoulder away and backed away from everyone. It was her turn to fix things.

"I have to fix things so everyone can go home." She whispered.

"Isa what are you talking about, how are you here, why are you older?" Rohell asked.

She smiled sadly," I come from a future no one would want, so get out of here so none of you get hurt."

Rohell stared with confusion as she turned to the throne. As she unsheathed the blade the once quiet blade began to glow a heavenly blue like in the past. She readied it in front of her her hair flowing on the breeze once she closed her eyes.

Sidon grabbed Rohell's arm pulling him back as everyone backed away. Water formed at her feet pouring down the elegant steps to the floor where the others stood. Her mind was sharp as she began to pray to the dragons of old.

Her soul began to be pulled in the three directions, sweat began to form at her brow as the sensation became stronger. She knew this was going to be difficult, but she never imagined it was going to be like this.

As the swords glow brightened her will began to fade causing her to collapse to one knee. Sidon went to go to her, but Lyric stopped him.

"She has to do this on her own." Lyric whispered.

Sidon looked to his daughter, worry etched into his face as the pressure in the room began to increase. Isa panted as she pushed herself back onto her feet. The triforce of power began to glow bright on her hand, a surge of energy and power flowing through her in a invigorating way.

Her eyes flared to life as she snapped them open. She began to grind her teeth together in pain as she felt it. Her soul devoured three times all at once. The colored drained from her face as the rest of her soul came back.

The whiplash of the sensation brought her to her hands and knees, but she didn't mind though as her world expanded. The sword began to glow as she slowly pushed herself up. Her hair glowing blue as she turned to everyone.

She smiled big causing everyone to smile back until horror filled their faces. She turned to look behind her to see the blood moon's glow fill the sky. Isa turned and lunged at Lyric.

His eyes began to glow red as Ghirahim teleported infront of her and blocked the attack. Her determined eyes and his angry one clashed before he hit her away with ease.

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