Chapter 10:

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A warm tingle rushed up my back as I felt Sidon's hand press against my bare back. All I want is him, his sweet and loving personality, his strong and lean body, his supporting life style. I want him. Only him. I snuggle against his chest before hearing a soft knock at the door.

"Come in..." I groan out with my eyes closed. The door squeaked open before the soft pitter patters of Ako's feet against the wood floor joined us on the bed.

"Mister Link, will you be giving a tour of the village to my cousin today?" I heard then pried my left eye open and nodded once.

"Okay. Do you know what time you will be done?" She whispered.

I shrugged then stretched slightly as she sat besides me, her vibrant eyes never dared to look away from my blue ones. I sighed and looked at Sidon who was still sleeping like a rock. His grip around me never left even as I rolled to where my back was against his stomach.

"I would say maybe noon if he gets up anytime soon."

Ako sat there then nodded and jumped off the bed without a seconds delay. I sat there confused until I deadpanned. She came back with a frying pan and jumped high into the air.

"WAKE UP YOU DINGUS." She yelled then the pang of the frying pan crashing against Sidon's head made a chill go up my spine.

Sidon instantly grabbed Ako by her tail and growled as he sat up rubbing the crest of his head," THAT HURT YOU LITTLE DEMON." He went to shake her, but she slipped from his grip and flipped onto the floor.

"HAHA! NOW YOUR UP!" She ran to the kitchen dragging the heavy frying pan with her.

I only snickered as Sidon rubbed his head where a welt formed. He was grumbling when I hugged his free arm and when he looked I smiled lovingly. He smiled back and smoothed my messy hair down slightly.

" Good morning Sharkbait." He whispered. I smiled then pressed a kiss to his cheek before looking at the welt on his head. I kissed the top of it before he could question my actions which made him blush. With a smirk, I jumped out of bed quickly into the cool morning air.

I pulled on my champions tunic with pride then made my way to the kitchen where I found Ako sitting in front of a cabinet looking at my cooking supplies. I sweat dropped as I made my way to her then crouched besides her and stared with her. I glanced at her then snickered as she jumped three feet in the air once she noticed me.

"Mister Link!" She blushed then blew her cheeks up. She threw the frying pan at my face, but I caught the handle without even blinking. Her jaw dropped to the floor in shock before running to me smiling.

"You're really strong aren't you!" She exclaimed as I noticed Sidon's large frame appear in my peripheral.

I nodded once then dodged the huge zora as he went to tackle me," So, strong that I could pick your cousin up." I bragged.

She gasped then laughed at the bewildered look on Sidon's face, probably from shock. I began to laugh as well then felt a tickle on the back of my neck. My hair stood on its ends as I take a glance seeing nothing. I relax a little then look back at Sidon seeing him push himself up from the floor.

"Hey Link, what's for breakfast?" Ako asked catching my attention.

I smiled at her then roll my shoulders with ease. I had the perfect idea and nothing was gonna stand in my way. Not even the neighbors that seem to stay outside my house all the time. I rolled my sleeves up then gather my hair into a pony tail.

"How does an omelette sound to you?" I asked Sidon with ease.

He smiled and nodded allowing me to begin the magic of taking eggs, some rock salt, a big hearty truffle, slices of some gourmet meat, and a hearty duran. After serveral minutes, I placed the plates in front of Sidon and Ako who sat patiently at the table.

They sniffed the air enjoying the scent of egg and other lovable things with it. I on the other hand watched with a smile as I began to make my omelette. They seemed to enjoy my cooking as they dug in. I sigh relieved then push my hand through my hair. I looked down at my skillet watching the contents sizzle before suddenly loosing my appetite.

Sidon will be hungry even after his plate. It won't go to waste, I told myself then looked back at Sidon seeing him licking his plate clean. My sweat dropped as his tail wagged in joy. He had so much energy considering he only got so little sleep with such a rude awakening. My chest constricted with jealousy. I miss being able to do that.

I took his plate irritated before serving him what was suppose to be my breakfast. I watched him snatch it away with joy, he was obviously more worried about his own stomach than my own. I don't blame him though. He is like two times taller than me. I began to clean my pan when I felt Ako pull on my pant leg.

"Link. Why are you not eating?" She whispered.

I knelt down to her and cup her cheek smiling sadly," sometimes warriors don't have an appetite. I just happen to almost never have one." I whisper back. Her eyes went wide with shock. I don't blame her.

A little while afterwards I finally took Sidon on his tour of the farming village I grew to love and cherish. It took a total of 20 minutes then pointing to the very top of the hill to show where I go every once in a while to get diagnostics done on my sheikah slate.

When we finally got back to the house, Ako begged me to help her decided to help her sword play. I stood with her in the field, Sidon sat by watching with slight interest.

Almost instantly I could tell she needed true training. Her mussles were to loose, her shoulders weren't squared, and her legs were not shoulder width apart. Honestly I just want to cry at the sight.

I motioned her to come at me. She took a deep breath before posing the blade in my direction. Her breathing that was deep and well thought about easily lost that tempo. She swallowed hard before dashing at me from the other side of the yard.

Ako jumped before driving her blade toward my eye, but I dropped my sword to grab her blade with my bare, unguarded hand. She gasped shocked, then gritted her teeth. She yanked the sword free from me once she landed, but when she went to attack again I stopped almost on command.

"No more!" Sidon yelled. She stopped too. We both looked at him curious, but his eyes showed his clear and obvious irritation targeted at my blood covered hand. I swallowed hard and put it behind my back only to fail in hiding it. He stomped up to me and yanked my hand out from behind me.

He studied it for a minute before sighing and dragging me away to the house," Ako go clean that sword off!"

He pulled me in the kitchen and sat me down on a stool before washing it off with a clean rag. The warm water stung which caused me to hiss. Sidon chuckled then cleaned it carefully and quickly while blush crept along his cheeks. I could only blush through my pain. Of course he found this amusing. I watched his eyes gleam with determination as he bandaged my hand. It stung only a little, but I won't tell that to him. Instead I enjoyed the silence of the house while it lasted.

He looked me in the eyes before pressing a kiss onto my forehead. I smiled snuggling against the zora prince falling asleep.

~~No one's pov~~

Sidon wrapped his arms around Link before laying his head down on his pillow. His heart was still beating hard in his chest as he squeezed the hylian in his arms. As he drifted away in his oblivion filled dreams, he smiled and nuzzled Link's cheek before gently biting his bottom lip.

"Why must I always worry sharkbait?" Sidon whispered in a daze before succumbing into his dreams.

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