Chapter 57:

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~~No One's POV~~

Maya turned toward the sound, her dull non glowing eyes confirming the strangeness about her. Her silver eyes narrowed as she faced the maze. Sidon was smart, she didnt know these halls quite as well as he did, but that also didnt help the fact that the other half of the guards who hadn't turned were shaking with nervousness. Their gloaing eye colors made her envious.

They belonged in this world... she didnt, her teeth sharpened as her small form grew. The demon blood coursing through her veins making her transformation less painful than what it looked. Her height slowly rivaled Sidon's own and her muscles buldged as her purple scales turned pitch black. Her claws growing in length as her body did. Now all she had to do was recapture the princess before she gained any of her goddess blood back.

She launched to the crowd, the screams as she drove through them with ease died away in her ears as she sniffed the air. She couldn't smell anything especially now with her new blood bath behind her. She stalked forward yet as she went deeper in, she began to feel more and more massive vibrations in seconized times.

It then clicked. It was her demons that had followed her orders. They were falling left and right. She ground her teeth together as she turned to the way she came. That damn foreigner, she should have taken him out when she had the chance. Something about him made her skin crawl, and that never happened often.

She began her search for the hiding prince. Her large footsteps rumbling against the floor in a way that made anything nearby shake slightly.

About five halls away a cup vibrated off a table spilling water all over the marble floor. Sidon, with Zelda on his back, and the head Zora doctor behind him, made their way through the halls. Zelda was unconscious still, and Sidon was doing everything he could to keep her far from danger. Not knowing it was only five halls away he stood for a second to look at the doctor. One of her eyes had stopped glowing and a horrid reaction was forming in her hand. Her claws were growing and her flesh was beginning to look more and more like pink fat. The pain she was feeling was all over her face.

I need to do something! Sidon thought as he looked around. The farther they got to the last remaining hall, meant the harder it would be to get out without a fight. He closed his eyes, disgusted as he remembered the screams of his men tearing each other apart. He shook his head and looked at the doctor. She was gonna turn into one of them, and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

He lowered his eyes to the ground," Doctor..."

The doctor looked up and froze.

"I'm sorry..."

Blood splattered across the wall before the doctors lifeless body fell to the floor. Her throat slashed by his sharp claws. He closed his eyes and began to move on silently. The red tinted to everything made him wonder what was going on outside in the world he loved, but he didnt have time to worry about that. He had to do something. He made it to the final hall and swallowed hard. There was one singular window, a single large bed, and several chairs.

Panic was settling in as the vibrations of items were happening more and more. He shuffled over to the window and looked out seeing that the waterfalls he loved flying up into the sky instead of crashing down into the emptying lake below them.

Ț͓̼̰̉̎̈́̂̇̂̐̎̕͢͢ȟ͖͉̪̹͚̏̽̈͊͊͐e̶̹̟͕̥̘̩̻̪͋̓͗̓́ͅŗ̨̢̛͙̳͉̣̼̾̿͛̍̊̂̃̕e̶̢̮̞͓̦͉̓̄̍͊̽̌̚̕ i̷̢̯͍̞̬̳͐͆͂̉̿̚͞ͅś̢̮̦͍̪͓̣̙̟͒̾̀̆̆̈́̔̚͢ n̢͚̱̭͖̦̊͋͋̊̅ͅo̸͔̠͉̦̞͔͗͊͋̀̌̂̑ ẃ̵̡̥̪͖̰͉̘̳̞̄̈̀̄̆̚̕͜ḩ̵̟͔̠̼̫̖̪̻̰̌̋̏͞͡e͖̤͓̥̣̪̎̇̒͋̆̍͋͢͟͡ŗ̧̛̲̤̩̺̖͇͇̅̀́̆̃̈́̓ͅe̶͈̗͍̖̖̣̻̹͙̒̋͛̀͝ͅ t̢̛̛͓͚̖̤̗̣̟̭̖͋̈͞ǫ̘̗̞̬̺̑̍̿̑̍̀̒͘͞ ẖ͖̮̼̣̤̙̍̽̈́͐̇̂̕͢ǐ̸̤͚̬̼̝͌̐͑̾̃̕͝d̞͈͕̼͚̣͍̱̂̑̐̂̇̋é̹̻̻͖̞̫̎̑͋̽̊̕͝͝ y̴̢̼̘̠̘̦̪͔̬̘͆̉̂͛͝͡ö̪̘͎̩̤́̀̈̐͑͌̑͢͡u̝̭̯̲̙̼͖̽̂͐̍̑͑̓̚̕͟r̴̛̤̪̙̯̠͇̭̳̞̲̀̑̏̒͑̎́ ḫ̶̡̛͚̞̼͎̩̯̒́͛̌̅ị̯̺͈̜͓̌͂̀̎̀̍͋̒͘g̶͚̝̻͖̼̦͍̳̺͌͊̀͋́͆͑̈́̾͢͝h̸̛͔̲̺̜̬͙̲͉̺̣̔̅̒͋͂̃̔̓n͈̭̲̯̼̠͊̓̏̒͐́̉̉͟e̶͚̗̥̝̱͋̈́̾͋̌̊͟͞s̡̤͎͈̪͙̰̙̃̎͑̓̄̾̉͞s͚͙͇̞͙͖͒̍̔̾̉͊͐̑̀̚.̵̛͎͈͙̞͍̖̾͛͛̇̐͟

A chill went up Sidon's spine as Maya creaked the door open. The deepness of her voice told him not to turn around, but he ground his teeth and braved his fear. Just like my hylian!

He turned facing the massive demon. Her eyes were pitch black, black slime pooled around her, and her sharp jagged teeth terrified him. 

He ground his teeth together and snarled," Your no Zora."

A deep chuckle escaped her throat," Well ya. I havent been a Zora for years your highness. I was tempted to offer you this power too, but now that I see where your loyalty lies, I'm afraid I'll have to rethink."

Sidon narrowed his eyes at her squaring his shoulders to protect Zelda more. The demon chuckled and stretched her hand out to him.

"If you give me the girl, I'll spare this region and the people in it."

Sidon frowned," I'll have to decline."

Maya's hand dropped to her side before her shoulders slumpped. A bored expression found her demonic features," Typical answer... I guess I'll have to...

D̴͚̥͔̠͓̱͕͛͂͂̀͆͜͡Ì̸̧̻̞͈͇̄̓͋̿̉̃͜S̶͈̮͎̟̦̯̘͉̍̽̉́̾̕͟P̵̨̝͕̬̙̣̤̙̑̄̎̎̊̑O̸̢̡̥̙̼̰͎͙͎͚͊̾͂̽͘̚S̴̻̝̯̫̄͛͒͑͗͢͢Ę̸̢̢̛̯̲̜̝̉̓̎͒̇́͜͜͡ O̧̩͉̠̿͐͗͋̆̄̋͗͘ͅF̴̧͉̫͔̖̰̲̀͗̀̒̄̈̅͌͘ Ẏ̧̗̩̜͚͉͎̙̣̅͊͑̈́͑ͅO̻̲̣͚̪̓͑̽̿͋̐̊̽̇͢͞U̴̧̥̬̗̺̩͌̂͆̒̀̔̀̚͜͢͠ͅ

Sidon swallowed hard as she roared, her claws sharpening for a attack. The chill of death clawed up his throat itching at his life as she launched. His mind began to race, as his impending doom neared closer and closer by the second.

Do what he would do! Do what he would do! Sidon thought. His mind going back to a simpler time when Link was teaching him how to dodge attacks when they had first met. When Link hardly spoke and simply smiled and nodded when he did a dodge correctly. Tears began to brim his eyes and threatened to flow. He could still remember the screams of the guards who were shredded to bits by those very claws.

His body froze. He didnt know what to do... he closed his eyes bracing for a attack, but he leapt, almost naturally as if he were being guided. He opened his eyes confused as he landed away from a deadly swipe to his throat.

A furious growl escaping the lips of his opponent. Her eyes narrowed and she launched again, the same thing happened. He leapt just perfectly seeing everything slow, like Link had described it once. The moment to see every opening in that moment where he could attack. He swallowed hard and threw his leg out quickly hitting her square in the chest and sending her flying into the wall.

The imprint she left was impressive and he smiled as he felt a relief flow into him. Guide me Link. Sidon thought. Almost immediately he felt a warmth envelope him, like a hug.

Always big guy.

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